Beth ~ Chapter 8

I forgot how much fun I have when I'm with Rose. I was so glad I made it to her football match, I didn't realise how good she was. We had just arrived at a small restaurant near Roses house. It was cute but had only a small selection of meals. Rose was complaining as we didn't let her go home and shower first. Her football kit was all black and she had stuffed her goalkeeper gloves in the waist of her shorts. She looked hot in her football kit, it wasn't tight fitted but it still complimented her body shape. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun-

"I'm just gonna have a salad I think" Rose spoke interrupting my daydream. "What you guys having I'll go order?"

"Hey nope, my treat as I'm not here for your birthday" Rose and her brother both went up to order leaving me with my sister.

"I'm surprised you even looked at the menu as from where I was sitting you were checking out Rose" my sister teased.

"Oh shut up" I glared at her "she does look hot in that kit though" we both laughed and sat in a comfortable silence waiting for other two to come back.

Once we finished dinner we both parted ways as we needed to get ready for tonight. Zak dropped me and Lauren home and Rose drove her own car home as she needed to shower.

I had tried on at least 10 outfits but couldn't find the right one. My sister attempted to help but we just ended up arguing. In the end, I went for a trouser and crop top combo. The trousers were a light beige colour and had a fancy tie around the waist. My top was white and slightly revealing but not too much. I put on my makeup and jewellery and opted to wear a pair of white heels.

"Wow you actually look good" my sister mocked as I walked into the lounge. "Although my outfit would have been better"

"Whatever I'll take that as a compliment" I checked my phone as Roses brother offered to take us so we could both drink and she said she would text me when they were here.

"Dad will be back soon don't let him see you like that otherwise lots of questions will be asked" Lauren laughed.

"It's fine he still thinks I'm with Will" I haven't told my father about Rose yet as I knew he wouldn't approve.

"When you going to tell him?" She asked sincerely.

"I'm not going to yet, my mum knows but I don't think dad would be as accepting," I said truthfully.

"I still think you should talk to him" Lauren pressed.

Rose- Your taxi awaits xx

"Hmm maybe" I spoke as I left the room and out of the door.

Rose POV:

Wow. Beth was drop dead gorgeous. "You got yourself a keeper there" my brother laughed as he saw my reaction.

I got out of the car to greet her. Did I mention she looked stunning? She wore her hair in a middle parting and she had straightened it, it really suited her. I walked up to her speechless.

"You look absolutely stunning" I gently pressed my lips to hers.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I was wearing a collard white t-shirt with black biker jeans. I wore my hair in a messy bun and wore a small amount of makeup.

"Are we going or not" I heard my brother shout. I laced my hand with Beth's and we walked to the car. When we got in I could smell Beth's strong perfume that she wore to the first meal we went to. It smelt amazing.

The party was loud and full of people, most of which I had never met. Beth knew more people than me and I had to keep my hands off of her as most of her friends didn't even know she liked girls. It was hard.

Alfie's house was massive and he had his own mini bar and pool. Beth stuck with me for most of the night. We drank a lot and the more drinks we had the harder it was to not touch each other.

"Come dance with me" I grabbed her hand and pulled her to where the crowd was dancing. I recognised the song playing.

Powerful- Ellie Goulding and major lazer

There's an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It's so powerful
I can feel it
When you hold me
When you touch me
It's so powerful
There's an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It's so powerful
I can feel it
When you hold me
When you touch me
It's so powerful

I pulled Beth close as our body's danced together. Our faces were so close, I hadn't realised before that Beth had a small number of freckles on her nose. Her eyes were focussed on mine. My gaze slipped lower and I couldn't stop thinking how lush her lips looked. "You are so beautiful" her hands moved to my neck. I felt dizzy my pulse fluttering like it was our first proper kiss. I gently moved my hand to her face and moved my lips closer feeling the soft warmth of her lips caress my own.

It only lasted a few seconds when Beth pulled back. "I'm sorry, but not here" She unwrapped her arms and left me on my own.

I went to get another drink which leads to quite a few more. I hadn't seen Beth all night since our last encounter and didn't really want to either. I wish she didn't care about what others thought. Suddenly I heard Alfie jump into the pool so I decided to join him. I kept my clothes on and splashed in.

"How's Maria" I teased. Everyone else started to jump in so Alfie just splashed me instead of answering. I laughed as we both messed around in the pool.

All of a sudden I felt two arms wrap around my waist and turn me around. I turned around and felt a pair of familiar lips clash with mine. It took me a while to kiss her back. Beth's legs wrapped around my waist in the water as she grabbed my face. I could taste the alcohol on her breath but I was too drunk to care. "I'm sorry" she muttered in between breaths.

"Rose this is a public pool" I heard Alfie shout I replied with my middle finger not breaking away from Beth.

Eventually, Beth pulled away and rested her forehead on mine. Her hair was wet from jumping in the water but she still looked stunning. Our eyes were lost in each other's and it took us a while to get back to reality.

"Can I come back to yours tonight my dad will kill me if he sees me this drunk" I laughed and dragged her out the pool.

"Yeh lets call it a night it's nearly 1 am I'll call my brother to pick us up" I wrapped my arm around her waist I'm guessing for stability.

It wasn't long till we were at my house and I was in the bathroom throwing up. "I'm sorry" I whispered as She held my hair back. We both leant against the bathtub, I relaxed into Beth's arms. I regret drinking so much.

Eventually, we made our way to my bed I had taken my top off leaving me in my bra and put on a pair of trackies. Beth wore my brown hoodie and a pair of my football shorts. I got into bed first and almost immediately fell asleep. I felt Beth cuddle into me wrapping her arms around my waist. I felt at home.
