
Beth's POV:

I woke up with a sleepy Rose next to me. Her arm was draped over my stomach and she looked so peaceful however I couldn't help the feeling of regret after sleeping with her. What even are we? Friends with benefits? Girlfriends? Or nothing? Rose had cheated on me once before what was going to stop her from doing it again. Did she still love Sam? Would she leave me for Sam again?

My mind was filled with unanswered questions and I hated the feeling. Slowly, I got out of bed trying not to wake Rose and got in the shower. Once I was done I put on an oversized shirt and a pair of football shorts that used to be Roses. I made some coffee and started on breakfast when I heard Rose get up. She must of gotten in the shower as I saw the the bathroom light on.

I lent against the counter and drunk my coffee thoughtfully when she walked in. She seemed a little awkward and unsure what to do. I looked up at her and she gave me a bright smile. "I'm pretty sure them shorts were mine, I knew I didn't loose them" Rose laughed a little to try lighten the mood.

"Rose we need to talk" I stated emotionless and I saw her face fall.

"Is this about last night?" Rose asked calmly and I slowly nodded my head. "And you think that it meant nothing to me and that I'm just going to walk out that door like it meant nothing?" Rose stated as she walked a little closer to me. She took the drink out of my and and put it in the side, carefully she grabbed my hands and left a little kiss. "I mean if that's what you want me to do then I will, but that's not what I want"

"What do you want Rose?" I asked quietly avoiding her gaze. Slowly Roses hand lifted up my chin, forcing me to look at her.

"You" rose simply stated and leaned in pressing a light kiss against my lips. Whenever she touched me I felt lost and had no control. No one had ever made me feel the way she did, she was special and it broke me when she left, I'm afraid she will do it again.

"I'm scared" I whispered " do you still love Sam?" I asked not wanting to hear the answer. Rose broke our gaze and looked down at her feet. This caused even more fear as I knew she did I just don't want her to lie to me.

"A part of me always will, but not in the way you think" rose whispered softly like she was ashamed and had ruined whatever was happening between us. "I understand if you don't want to be with me because of that, but I can promise you that I won't go off with her and lie to you, it won't be a repeat of what happened last time"

"you can't promise that, you can't help how you feel, but I trust you, let's just not rush into this like last time" I answered truthfully.

"I agree, but can I still kiss you?" Rose grinned playfully.

"I think we've passed that from what happened last night" I returned the smile but a little shyly.

"That didn't answer my question" Rose laughed. "I'm fully aware of how amazing last night was and-" I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. It was a soft kiss but felt meaningful. "Well I guess that answered my question" Rose laughed and returned to kissing me.

"As much as I want to continue this i need to get ready for work" I sighed and pressed my forehead against Roses.

"Ok i better go anyway i have training later" rose gave me one last kiss before she grabbed her stuff and left.

Rose POV:

I wasn't sure if what I was doing was right; it felt right but I also wasn't sure if I was ready for a relationship yet. I was glad Beth wanted to take it slow I just really didn't want to hurt her again. I wasn't sure if I could face Sam, my plan is to try and avoid her after what happened last night and focus all my attention on Beth.

"Where were you last night?" My dad asked as I walked into the apartment.

"Umm I crashed at Beth's house as we went out with my team for a few drinks" I explained but my dad still had a worried expression. "Don't worry I didn't drink, I've learnt my lesson from last time" I smiled and walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple.

"Is there something going on between you and Beth? I'm not against it I just wanna know" my dad smiled as he walked into the kitchen with me.

"At this point in time I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that I enjoy being with her whether that be on a romantic level or just friends" I answered.

"All I want is for you to be happy and if Beth makes you happy that makes me happy" my dad enveloped me in a hug which I was grateful for.

"Thanks dad that means a lot" I smiled "how's Sofia?" I asked.

"She's good, everything's looking good with the baby so it's just a matter of waiting now" my dad smiled, he looked so happy which I was glad to see.

"Oh I've been wanting to talk to you about apartments as I know with the baby coming you don't want me in the way, I was wondering if you want to come help me find some?" I asked excitedly.

"Rose you know your welcome to stay here as long as possible but I know you want your own space and I would love to help you, we could even go tomorrow if you have time. You should ask Beth to come too it would be good to see her again."

"Sounds good and I might ask Beth but she will probably be at work" I pouted briefly.

"Ah ok do you want me to give you a lift to training in a bit?" My dad asked kindly.

"If you don't mind" I smiled.

A/n : I had this written for a while but wasn't sure whether people were still interested in this story. I know it's short but enjoy.

Ps: if you want me to continue favourite and comment as it encourages me to keep going :)
