Rose ~ Chapter 3

I was A bit shocked at the phone call let alone Beth wanting to meet me. I sent her a text once I had arrived but then saw her emerge from her car. She looked beautiful.

Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing a pair of blue ripped mom jeans with a white t-shirt which had some sort of pattern on. She wore a black pair of vans that made her smaller than what she was wearing last night. She looked perfect.

I opted to wear a pastel purple plain t-shirt that was slightly baggy and ripped black jeans with my white Nike air maxes. I wore a black hat on top of my straight blonde locks.

As she walked over I was unsure whether to greet her with a hug but decided it would be ok. She didn't seem surprised by the hug and reciprocated it immediately.

"Hey" I whispered just so she could hear me "are you ok?"

" I am now" she smiled and we walked into the coffee shop.

It was nearing 6 pm so coffee was unfortunately out of the question so I bought a hot chocolate for Beth and I went for a smoothie. Beth insisted she paid so I let her to make her happy. We went and sat down in the corner on the sofa.

Once we sat down we both spoke at the same time asking different questions. "You first" I smiled as I turned to listen.

"Thank you for coming I had a rough day and I thought seeing you would cheer me up" she turned to face me and smiled.

"Have I cheered you up?" I asked grinning.

"Yes but you have also made me hella confused you know that right?" She spoke carefully.

"Oh don't worry I feel the same but may I ask why you're confused?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Well basically I met this girl last night who I can't stop thinking about but I don't know if she feels the same way" she spoke shyly.

"Well, why don't you ask this girl you might be surprised to learn that she feels the same as you" I smiled.

"You say that like it's easy"

"It is" I grinned.

Beth laughed and hit me on the shoulder but I caught her arm and turned her body towards me.

"Look I dunno if we're on about the same girl here but I know that that girl thinks your stunning and would love to get to know you better," I said feeling Beth lean in a bit closer.

"I would like to get to know her better but it's not that easy" Beth sighed softly as her eyes locked onto mine.

"Why?" I asked leaning in a bit further. Until I heard Beth sob. I looked at her confused.

"I have a boyfriend"

I was shocked but then again it wasn't hard to believe that a stunning girl like Beth already had a boyfriend. "Oh um" was all I could say.

Beth leaned back and looked to the floor embarrassed and ashamed. I could see a tear fall from her eye. I turned to face her properly and lifted her chin up with my fingers. "Hey don't cry," I said softly.

"I'm sorry" was all she managed to say.

"So when you going to tell this girl" I joked and received a laugh.

"Oh shut up" she smiled when she knew I was joking and that I knew who this girl was.

"Come here," I said opening my arms and enveloping her into a hug. "Tell you what let's have some fun"

She looked at me surprised. "I got an idea follow me" I got up and offered my hand to help her up, to my surprise she didn't let go and we left the coffee shop hand in hand.

We got into my car and started driving. "What about my car?"  Beth asked worryingly.

"Don't worry I'll drop you back here" I smiled at her concern.

We drove in a comfortable silence as my hand rested on hers when I wasn't using it to drive. I looked at her from time to time wondering what would have happened if she didn't have a boyfriend. I knew she wasn't only confused by the fact she wasn't single, I knew she had never been with a girl so I didn't want to force her to do anything as much as I wanted to kiss her.

When we got to the arcades I saw Beth's face lit up. I remembered from our dinner just yesterday that she said it was one of her favourite places. "Oh my god you remembered" she squealed.

"It was only yesterday you said it" I laughed and she lightly punched me on the arm.

As we walked in I saw Beth race to the 10p machines. I sighed as it was like being with a two-year-old. "You should have told me we were coming here I could have stopped home and got some money" I laughed at her eagerness.

I walked over the cash point and got out £20 and changed it to pound coins. "You didn't have to do that!"  She looked annoyed but also excited.

"I know but I wanted to and also what else are you going to put in the machines". I laughed

£10 down later I was lent against one of the machines watching Beth get annoyed that she hadn't won anything yet. It was very amusing but also worrying that she was 18 and still acted like a little kid. "Come on let's play air hockey, Oh and try not to cry if u lose!" I teased.

"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself"

"Hmm we will see" I laughed

7-5 was the score with me getting the win and Beth looking slightly annoyed.

"Oh, babe don't sulk" I laughed then realised what I called her. I saw her pick up on what I said but I tried to play it cool by walking on to the next machine.

I was just about to start shooting some hoops with a basketball when suddenly I felt two hands around my waist. I finished playing the machine then turned around to see a grinning Beth. "You got a new high score" I smiled at how happy she seemed.

It was so hard to not kiss her then and there. I wanted to so bad but wanted her to make the first move.

Her hands were still on my waist as she spoke. "You know I think I know what I want now," she said shyly.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked unsure as to what was about to happen. I felt her get a little closer until I heard someone behind us.

"Oh hey, babe!" It was a boys voice and Beth immediately let go of me. "Who's this your with?" She went and stood by his side.

"This is my friend Rose, Rose this is my boyfriend, Will".

The boyfriend. Great. I saw that Beth looked scared I was going to say something or react. Instead, I just stuck out my hand and greeted him. "Nice to meet you"

"What are you doing here," Beth asked Will.

"After our little argument earlier I knew I would find you here and I wanted to come say sorry" will replied.

I was still stood there awkwardly I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. "Umm I'll leave you to it I guess"

I quickly walked of wanting to get out of the situation.

"Rose wait" I heard Beth call but I was already out the door.
