twenty six


liked by notelora and others
sidemenupdates: screenshots from @wroetoshaw 's newest tiktok. how cute are they? #eloramartin #wroetoshaw
user: the fact that they have been together for so long and still love each other so much gives me hope for my own love life
-> sidemenupdates: me as well
-> sidemenupdates: ^^ !!
user: the way they bring the inner child out of each other makes me want to sob 24/7
-> sidemenupdates: it's the sweetest thing to watch when they're in sidemen vids together omg
-> sidemenupdates: ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
user: okay but their backyard looks so cool holy fuck is that a swing? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ”ฅ
-> sidemenupdates: they have so much from what i've seen in photos like a pool, swing, outdoor kitchen, so much mate
-> sidemenupdates: what they said !! ^^

"hi chat i missed you guys so much" i smile at the messages coming in.

*what are we doing tonight?*

"well i can't be on too long tonight but i'm probably just gonna go on reddit because i haven't done that in forever" i nod.

*where's ivy and harry?!*

"Ivy is asleep currently but i don't know how long that'll last. i have a baby monitor beside me just in case she wakes up"

"and Harry is not home at the moment, he went out with his mates to film" i explain.

*how do you look so good after having a baby? mine made me ugly and fat. why can't i just look like you?*

"oh honey.. you're not ugly nor fat i promise you that 110% and thank you but i don't look like this all time. i have on makeup and a very fast metabolism so it's just genetics on that part"

"it makes me so sad knowing that people out there think so many negative things about themselves and i'm the reason why. i was just telling Harry this the other night, how i wish people could see me on the day to day because i promise you with everything in me that i do not always look good and that i'm a mess. i just chose to not show most of it online because i get so much hate already"

"i should start posting more about it though regardless of what anyone says because maybe it'll help one you guys out there who feel like she does you know? should i?"

a bunch of yes's fill the chat and i nod "got it i will definitely start, thank you"

"and on that note, lets get into reddit"

1st photo: a screenshot of my instagram post announcing Ivy was born with the comments being filled with love.

"these are so sweet oh my"

2nd video: me covering a song on tiktok live

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"the way you lot screen recorded this when i said not to in case i fuck it up is mental" i laugh.

3rd video: it's a video someone made of me titled 'elora martin best of/funny moments'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"tattoo slay? i'm sound so fucking dumb sometimes it's unbelievable" i laugh.

4th video: an edit of harry and i

"that was sweet omg how do i save this"

5th video: was JJ recording harry and i dancing together in the road while we were filming for more sidemen.

"nah that shoot was so much fun for no reason" i laugh.

6th video: was another edit of harry and i.

funny timing because i hear harry call out my name from downstairs.

"yes?" i shout.

"where are you?" he shouts with a slight slur.

"the office, follow my voice" i laugh.

*harry making a guest appearance?*

"yeah he's coming slowly but surely" i laugh.

a few seconds later, he was walks into the office with nothing but boxers on which makes me confused.

"baby where is your clothes?" i ask while turning my camera off so they can only hear us.

"i took em off it got hot" he slurs, walking over to me.

i stand up so he can have my seat but he just hugs me instead.

"the smell of alcohol coming off of you right now is mental" i laugh hugging back.

"come shower with me" he begs.

"one thing always leads to another in the shower and you know i can't do that right now" i explain.

"please baby i'll be good in there i promise nothing will happen" he says.

"i doubt that" i laugh.

"fine you don't have to but stay with me"

"i'm not going anywhere" i reassure.

we exchange a kiss and right when i think it's over he goes back in for more.

i pull away remembering i'm on stream and whisper it in his ear so he knows.

"wait can they see me?" he asks.

"no they can only hear us, i turned the camera off when you walked in"

he breaks away from the hug and sits in my chair, pulling me on top of his lap so i'm sitting on him "turn the camera back on i wanna say hi"

i lean forward and turn the camera back on as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"hello everyone" he slurs making me laugh.

*hi harry!!*
*bog tryna fuck๐Ÿ˜ญ*
*if you don't go shower with him i will*
*awe how can you say no to that handsome man? i could never*

"you lot are mental" i shake my head laughing at what i've just read.

he waves at the stream then lays his head on my back and whispers asking me to end it.

"alright you lot, goodnight i hope you all have beautiful dreams and sleep well" i say before ending the stream.

he gets up while holding me in his arms which catches me by surprise and he goes to our bathroom.

"why are we in here honey?" i ask while sitting on the counter.

"because i need to shower and since you won't get in with me i just want your company so keep talking to me please" he says turning the shower water on.

"okay i'll stay here and talk with you" i laugh.

"you're the best" he says kissing me before he takes his boxers off and gets in the shower.

"you have a nice ass" i nod.

"why thank you i quite like yours as well"

haven't given y'all a harry and elora alone chapter in a bit so here you go ๐Ÿซถ
