thirty five


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eloramartin: my sophomore album 'Silence Between Songs' is officially yours at midnight. so many years in the making and i'm finally able to share it with you all.. i am feeling so many emotions and will be an emotional wreck all day x
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it's night time and i've cried at least 20 times throughout the day. this album means so much to me and JJ insisted on throwing me an album release dinner, just like he did with my last one but more tame.

the amount of pride he holds in event throwing is so funny to me but i appreciate it nonetheless.

he rented out a restaurant for everyone to enjoy themselves without being mobbed by fans. he said he has a surprise for me as well which concerns me but i have hope that it could be good.

i'm currently in my car on the way with Harry and my mum is with us, my parents recently moved to the Uk to be closer but i still don't really talk to my dad much even after everything unfolded at Christmas.

we arrive and my goodness is it beautiful outside.. as we walk in i take a bunch of photos of the scenery leading inside. as i go to post on my story, i watch everyone else's story about it.

faithlouisak has added to their story

traciemartin has added to their story

tobjizzle has added to their story

ksi has added to their story

eloramartin has added to their story

i put my phone away before greeting everybody. JJ walks over to me and i give him a big thankful hug.

he hugs back "you ready for your surprise?"

"yes! can i see it please? i've been impatient all day" i pull away.

"yeah just stay there and stay turned around until i say otherwise" he explains.

Faith turns me around to face her.

"okay El, turn around in 3...2...1..." JJ says.

i hesitantly turn around and beside JJ is my nephew Ryder... i run up and hug him tightly while sobbing so insanely much.

he hugs back just as tight and laughsย  "surprise!"

as i express how much i missed him, my mum walks over and hands Ivy to Ryder.

"was it a good surprise?" JJ laughs.

"yes the best one, who all knew?" i question while wiping my tears.

"everyone but you"

"what the fuck" i laugh in disbelief that no one said anything.


everyone was sitting at the dinner table, i fixed up my makeup and got my shit together. i was sitting at one of the ends with Harry to my right and Ivy between us in a baby chair, Faith and Ethan were to my left with Olive.

we eat and talk about everything that came to mind with some music playing in the background "you going to any concerts soon?"

"i am actually, cent gave me 2 vip tickets to his show that's coming up" i nod.

"rahhhh you got central cee giving you vip tickets to his show? who are you bringing with?" Ethan asks.

i laugh "whoever wants to come i suppose, i haven't given it much thought"

Faith looks at me and playfully winks which makes me laugh more "i may know someone who would want to go"

"fucking hell" Ethan and Harry laugh at her.

"do you really want to go?" i ask.


"well it's settled then" i laugh.

she excitedly dances in her seat before feeding Olive some food.

we all laugh and carry on eating with a bit of alcohol on the side, not much though we've already done a bare amount of drinking this month so i don't plan on getting shit faced tonight.

everyone was done eating and most of us were outside while we waited for dessert.

"have you ever thought about starting a podcast on your own?" Deji looks at me.

"nah i don't think i could do it because i just wouldn't be consistent with it" i explain.

he laughs and dap's me up "i respect the honesty"

"so many people have podcast's nowadays though it's mental" he adds.

"i know but people love them so i mean fair play" i shrug.

i suddenly hear a bunch of cheering so i look over and see an obviously drunk Harry and Ethan dancing around to my song 'Sweet Relief'.

"they were just sober a second ago" i laugh shaking my head.

"nah for real what the hell" Deji laughs.

more and more people start dancing with them in a group.

"might as well join them" i shrug and walk over to my mum who was already dancing, grabbing her hand and spinning her around.

"oh honey you're the cutest" she smiles dancing with me.

i laugh as we move to the beat "i'm so happy you moved closer so we can spend more time together"

"have you been drinking?" she laughs.

"a little but not much, why? i can't express my appreciation to you?" i laugh.

"you can dear, i feel the same way trust me" as the song ends, we hug before going our separate ways.

i walk over to Ryder who was holding Ivy while talking to Tobi and Josh.

"gimme my babyyyy" they laugh as i reach out for Ivy and grab her, swaying with her gently to 'Envy The Leaves'

"what an entrance" Tobi laughs.

"what're you lot talking about over here" i question being nosy.

"you" Ryder laughs.

"literally" Josh laughs.

"me? why me?" i raise an eyebrow.

"we were asking if he's heard the song you wrote about him" Tobi explains.

"i haven't and would love to" Ryder nods.

"oh mate i will actually cry-" i say tearing up just at the thought of him hearing it.

i only told him that i was writing it because it's been in the works for a long long time, he hasn't actually heard the song so i already know i'm gonna be so emotional.

"awe you love me that much?" Ryder jokes.

i nod "yes"

"shall i tell them to put it on?" Josh asks.

"yeah! do that please i wanna see this" Tobi agrees.

"wait wait i have to give Ivy to mum or she'll start crying because i'll be crying-" i say quickly walking over and handing Ivy to my mum.

i walk back over to the guys and as i do, Josh walks off to tell them to play 'Ryder'.

"are you sure you're ready? because i am not-" i look at him.

"yeah i'm ready, are you kidding? how cool is it to have a song named after me that's DEDICATED TO ME!" Ryder says excited.

Tobi and i laugh as Josh walks back over and the song starts playing.

Ryder starts nodding to the instrumental and his eyes goes wide after the first sentence "i was not expecting this to be a slower song"

Tobi laughs "trust bro, it's really good"

my vision becomes blurry from the tears forming as i watch his reaction. this song means a lot to me so i hope he likes it.

he silently stands there deeply listening to the lyrics, once the chorus plays he looks away for a moment so i don't see the tear falling down his cheek but i already seen it which made me cry even more.

Tobi and Josh look at each other in awe of what they're witnessing.

the song ends and he hugs me tightly "that was the sweetest thing i've ever heard"

i hug back just as tight "i'm so happy you're here, i don't think you understand"

he pulls away from the hug and wipes my tears before laughing "you're makeup is fucked up"

i laugh "rah fuck you"

Tobi and Josh start laughing "you lot can never be serious"

Ryder wheezes "sorry i didn't mean to ruin that, i couldn't help but to laugh- you look like a raccoon"

we laugh until our stomach's hurt and i eventually walk to the bathroom inside to freshen up.

while grabbing a makeup wipe out of my purse, i hear the door open and see Harry who looks at me with widen eyes before laughing "what the hell happened"

i laugh and start to wipe off my running mascara "emotions happened babe"

"lemme help you" he stumbles over and grabs the wipe from me to try and help.

i laugh "how'd you know i was in here?"

"i noticed you walking in here alone so i followed you because i was concerned" he slurs, completely focused on wiping my face.

"concerned about what?" i tilt my head in confusion.

"i was worried something happened because you walked in alone so i wanted to make sure you were good" he gently tilts my head back so he can finish wiping everything.

"awe that's sweet, i'm okay" i smile at him.

"good, it's your night so you deserve to have fun with no worries" he plants a kiss on my lips before throwing away the makeup wipe.

i smile and pull out some products i brought for touch ups, turning towards the mirror and redoing my makeup.

he stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

i absolutely adore these little moments between us so much. i got so so lucky.

once i finish, i put everything back in my purse and turn around wrapping my arms around him.

we stay like that for a while just enjoying each other's presence.


it's been about an hour, we were all back at the dinner table eating dessert just talking with one another.

JJ stands up and gains everyone's attention "i don't do speeches often but i felt it was necessary tonight. i just wanted to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate Elora's new album" he starts and they all clap making me smile.

"we are all so proud of you El, most of us have known you since you started doing covers of you singing on youtube and your growth since has been incredible to witness."

"you are so intelligent and well-spoken, i'm truly honored to be able to call you one of my best friends. you're there for me whenever i need you and vise versa, i trust you with my life and you really are just the best" he finishes his speech making everyone clap and cheer.

"oh mate i've just fixed my makeup too" i laugh while wiping a tear from my cheek.

Tobi stands up "since we're giving speeches, i'll go next. i met El a very very long time ago.. we've laughed together, cried together, went through shit together and yet we're still stronger than ever. i'm super grateful for you Elora and i cannot express that enough"

"i remember the first time you brought up posting covers to me, i encouraged it and i'm so glad you went through with it because you have such a beautiful talent and i'm happy the world gets to hear what the boys and i listened to every time you would bust out into song randomly"

"you are such a bright light in this dark world and genuinely have helped everyone at this table with one thing or another. you have such a pure and empathetic heart and i'm very very happy you gave me a niece, i love you so much El and i'm so proud of you" he finishes and comes over to hug me before sitting back down.

"fucking hell- i was not expecting this to happen" i smile shaking my head feeling so overwhelmed with love as more people give speeches.

"i didn't know everyone had a soft side" Faith jokes making me laugh.


tagged: @eloramartin @rydermartin
liked by sidemen and others
traciemartin: celebrated the release of my babygirl's sophomore album tonight! you make me one proud mama Elora ๐Ÿฅฐ i love you to the moon and stars โœจ๐ŸŒ™ thank you to everyone who made tonight so special with all your love and support. thank you JJ for hosting such an amazing dinner, you really outdid yourself with this one ๐Ÿค i'm so grateful that my baby Ryder was able to come out and spend this magical night with us ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ i'm signing off for the night so goodnight, sweet dreams, and as Elora would say... "you lot are the best" ๐Ÿ’คโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿค
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i love love and i love how in love Harry and Elora are :,)

also my apologies for not updating, i've just been busy with work and school but i decided to write a chapter because my job started playing one of madison beer's old songs and i took it as a sign to upload lol
