twenty one

eloramartin has added to their story

"here it is. finally, a cook-off i'm going to win. are you good at cooking?" Freezy asks looking over at me.

"i'm very good at cooking mate, i hear people tell me not to cook all the time.." i nod.

he wheezes "how good are you at baking?"

"uhm" i think while looking at him.

"do they say let her bake? i've never heard that" he says.

"no but they said look at that cake" i joke, winking at the camera.

he tries not to laugh and continues on talking "right so- what we're doing is, Elora, we are baking a cake here and you gotta put your own design on it"

i look at him "alright"

"this is what we're trying to make" he says looking at the camera while holding his hands up.

i assume they're gonna edit a photo on there.

"we have an hour each to make everything, that's our time limit. use your own recipe, i have my recipe. good luck. but first off let me bring off the vibes" he says putting a birthday hat on.

"does he have the colors to make a giraffe?" i ask the guy behind the camera.

"how to make a good vanilla cake" is all i hear him say as he looks on his phone.

i put on a birthday hat as well.

"chat gpt is gonna help me make my cake" he nods.

he looks over at me "you know what, if you were this height-"

"yeah?" i look at him.

"you know- actually- no never mind" he laughs.

"nah man what?" i laugh.

he changes the subject while laughing "have you ever seen a baker over 6ft?"

"what's Theo? 6'1? maybe" i ask.

"oh my god- oh my god" he laughs in disbelief.

"this is just stuff to make a normal cake? like i couldn't make a chocolate cake if i wanted to could i?" i ask him.

he holds up chocolate chips.

"i can? what with chocolate chips? i know that" i shake my head with a laugh.

"you could put it in it? we got vanilla for a reason, i didn't think either of us had the ability to start adding flavors in"

i sigh and pull out my phone to look up a recipe "this is falling apart already"

"i've been liking carrot cake recently.. you got any carrots around?" i ask the camera man.

"no" he shakes his head.

"where's the margarine?" Freezy asks several times looking around.

"mate i don't think we've got any butter-" i look up at him.

"you were supposed to get the butter" he says looking at the cameraman.

they talk about it for a minute going back and forth until Freezy decides he has to go to the shop quickly.

he walks out with one of the cameramen and i just laugh.

"CalFreezy walking down the street with a party hat on just in broad daylight, what a sight isn't it? lets cut to it now" i point at the camera.

i continue putting the ingredients in the bowl, following the recipe i found.

this is my second time doing a cook-off with him so i'm pretty confident this time round.

"it's Easter Sunday soon so i think he should have a little Easter egg hunt" i laugh holding a carton of eggs, searching for places to hide them in the kitchen.

i place them around "i'm just gonna hide one of the eggs in Cal's erm- icing sugar"

"it's actually quite difficult to hide an egg in here" i say trying to getting in the bag.

"and where could the last one go.." i think before placing it in my birthday hat tryna balance my head so it doesn't fall out.

"how's it going?" i ask Freezy as he walks back in with a bag full.

"why does it look like you've been up to some devious things?" he questions walking over to the counter.

he opens the egg carton and laughs "i knew something was up!"

i laugh still tryna balance my head properly.

"i knew you were gonna do something so i bought myself another thing of eggs" he wheezes showing me the carton.

"noooo- well this was all for no reason-" i lift my hat up and hear the egg crack on the floor.

"wait- wait- oh-" Freezy says watching the egg fall out.

"isn't that mental to think that's just a dead chicken on the floor?" he asks.

"well no- not really. it's like before it was uhm conceived?" i say as we look at the broken egg.

"yeah- alright well, here" he hands me a bag of carrots.

"oh yeah! i actually decided that a carrot cake would be a bit of a stupid idea so uhm-"

"wait- so you're not doing a carrot cake?" he looks at me confused.

"no no- actually just gonna make a normal cake yeah"

i grab the new carton of eggs he bought and throw it down in the sink. it's safe to say that i let my thoughts get the best of me..

he stands there in shock of what i just did to his eggs.

"sorry- but hey now you have to find the eggs" i smile innocently.

he picks up one egg that managed to not crack in the throw "so wait you've hidden eggs?"

"yeah they're not destroyed, just hidden around here" i explain while washing my hands.

"there's still a video to be made?"

"no yeah that's what i'm saying there's still a video to be made" i laugh.

"oh! i'm excited now!" he smiles big while looking around tryna find them.

he spends a bit looking and finds a few before giving up.

"El i just want to make the cake- do you still have your 6 eggs?" he says putting his hands on his hips.

i laugh at his sassy stance "of course i do why would i hide my own eggs?"


he started making his cake and i've already got my ingredients in the bowl besides a few things so i'm just messing about.

i grab some of his eggs which freaks him out so i throw them at him one at a time.

"Elora! Elora!" he panics while catching them.

i just laugh and catch the one he throws back at me.

we end up just throwing them back and forth catching them until i try juggling the eggs- i dropped two of them..


"please i just need one more juggling attempt-" i beg while trying again.

"no no no i need ONE more egg, please-"

i do it and he questions whether that was even a juggle..

"okay you know- you're right" i try again.

i dropped one as he was taking back what he said prior.

he ends up taking one of my eggs thinking be did something which made me laugh "you're messing with your own eggs now"

"there's still two hidden" i laugh and grab a few towels.

"i just know there's gonna be bad hygiene comments so let me cover these-" i say throwing the towels down since my belly prevents me from bending over far enough.

he ends up helping while complaining and eventually we get back to making the cakes.


"imagine you just go into labor right now" he says looking at me while our cakes are in the oven cooking.

i shrug "great views on your part innit"

he high-fives me "great mindset"

he was making his icing and dropped some on his pants and looks at the camera then at me laughing "this looks a little inappropriate"

i laugh "i'd lick it if i could bend over far enough"

he wheezes and starts cleaning his pant leg "Harry's a lucky man"

i laugh even harder then even more when he realized his cake was caving in.

"mate look at how good mine looks" i point out.

"now how have you done that?" he asks shocked.

"i'm secretly a baking legend" i nod.

"yeahhh that's what it is" he shakes his head laughing.

the timer goes off and we both do a little dance in celebration of them being done.

we get our cakes out and get them out of the pan. i flip mine over so the bottom is up since it'd be easier to decorate. he decides to copy my tactic.

we decorate the cakes and finish the video up before i help him clean up everything.

calfreezy has added to their story

i'ma be honest i haven't read this over to check for spelling errors so my apologies for that if there's any. love u all <3
