

liked by faithlouisak and others
eloramartin: life as of recent xx
wroetoshaw: my lady ❤️
-> eloramartin: honey 🤍
-> eloramartin: the best boy
ksi: ass for dayz
-> eloramartin: jj 😭
taliamar: THE NURSERYYYYY 😁😁😁😁🥹🥹🥹🥹🥲🥲
-> eloramartin: finally finished with it !
miniminter: mini elora is almost here i'm excitedddd !!!!
-> eloramartin: i know !!!!
user: MY PARENTS🫶🫶
user: i've missed u so much elora u dont even know
-> eloramartin: 🤍

"hey everybody, it's Rania Aniftos with billboard news and i'm here with the wonderful singer, songwriter, author.. Elora Martin" Rania intros the interview before looking towards me with a smile.

i smile back "woooo! hey"

"you've had an exciting year. you just announced your album 'silence between songs' and i would love to know the inspiration behind the title because it seems metaphorical"

"yeah it definitely is. to summarize it i think i've- you know i started this when i was really really young and i feel like i've had very busy years in this industry and the moments where i was making music and i was on tour, i thought my busiest was when i was growing" i start.

"as i've gotten older, i've realized it's been the moments where i was able to be alone and tune out the noise and just reflecting on everything, is where i've actually grown the most. so yeah it's just been the silence between songs where the noise is turned down that i feel like i've grown the most" i finish explaining.

"and you've always been very honest.. whether that's on social media, in music- i think if i were in your position and i've been dragged through the mud on the media and had to have these really heavy experiences, i'd kind of just want to give up and go away.. so i guess, where do you find the strength to keep going?" Rania asks.

i nod "definitely everything you've said is accurate and i have had those moments of just being like this is crazy and i'm never going to be understood and like i'm always going to kind of be 'dragged through the mud' quite literally.. i think i'm just at a place now where i feel very sound in who i am as a person"

"i know who i am, i know what i stand for, i know what i wanna say and talk about. i don't know i just don't let people dim my shine anymore in a lot of ways, like i'm very close to giving birth in a couple months and i want to be the best role model for my daughter" i state.

"congratulations by the way! your bump is so beautiful, how's your pregnancy been so far? if you don't mind sharing" Rania smiles at me.

"thank you and i don't mind at all, it's been good.. i'm very happy. the beginning was rough with nausea and whatnot but it's been good recently" i smile.

"it's lovely to hear that, i do want to touch on your album again.. is there a song that you're most looking forward to people reacting to it or how people feel when they listen to it" she questions.

"obviously every song i'm excited to see the response from it but i think that like, i've already spoken about it before so i won't get in too much trouble with my label for it but i have a song i wrote for my boyfriend that is just very sweet" i start.

"it explains our relationship from the start and how he's really such a bright light in my life and he's helped me through so much, so i really hope anyone who has a person like that in their life can resonate with it" i explain.

she nods and smiles "lastly on a more fun note, let's talk about the sidemen.. fans are speculating that you left the group since you haven't been in videos for a few months. any clarification on that?"

i laugh "most of the stuff they do in videos, i can't really do for the sake of the baby so i've been staying back a bit, but most of the time i'm just in the background. sometimes i help film, most times i'm just there to be there"

"so to clear it all up, yes you lot.. i'm still apart of the sidemen, i'll just be in less videos than i used to be and if they do sit down videos like the 20v1's then i'll most definitely be there" i state.

"thank you for that, it's been a wonderful time chatting with you. congratulations on everything, especially you're little one that's on the way! once again, i'm Rania Aniftos.. this is Elora Martin, thank you all for watching and have a wonderful day"

eloramartin has added to their story

wroetoshaw has added to their story

i've had such writers block with every single book i'm working on rn it's unreal 😟
