twenty seven

*couple months later*

wroetoshaw has added to their story

eloramartin has added to their story

tobjizzle has added to their story

calfreezy has added to their story

it's been a bit since we've last talked, it's nearing the charity match day which has me gassed. it's gonna be so good this year just with the teams alone.

all of my friends and i are having a much needed night out at a club. Harry's mum and siblings came into town and is watching Ivy at the house, so super thankful for them.

"can you believe you're playing on their speakers right now?" Sharky shouts since it's extremely loud in here.

i laugh "i'm more shocked that it's on Vik's DJ set more than anything"

JJ drunkly walks over to me and takes my hand dragging me to the dance floor.

"our song we gotta dance" he slurs which makes me laugh as we dance around.


"we genuinely have to make another song together El please i'm begging at this point- i would do ANYTHING" JJ looks at me.

i laugh "i've told you many times that we can, we just gotta work out a studio date"

he screams with excitement and hugs me while jumping up and down "tomorrow!"

"tomorrow it is" i laugh jumping with him.

we dance for bit more until i walk away to get another drink at the bar.

"are you sure you're of age to be drinking?" the bartender smirks at me.

i laugh "110% sure"

"this ones on me" he laughs while handing it to me.

"why thank you" i smile and grab it before walking off to the others.

"whatcha got there?" Freezy looks at me.

"not sure but i got it free" i shrug.

"for free? hell yeah can i get a sip?" he asks.

i hand him my drink and watch his facial expressions change from happy to acting as if he's had a sour candy.

"holy fuck El that's a strong ass drink" he laughs and hands it back.

i laugh "is it? i don't think it's that bad"

"that's because you're used to drinking straight hard liquor, you never mix it with anything" he shakes his head laughing.

"fair enough" i laugh and walk over to check on Tobi.

"how ya doing brother?" i ask wrapping my free arm around his waist.

he wraps his arm around my shoulders "i'm good el, how are you doing? how many drinks have you demolished?"

i laugh "i'm happy that you're good because i'm also good and probably 6 so far-"

"6?! you're not driving home right?" he looks at me concerned.

i shake my head "Harry and i are getting an uber home"

he nods "aye never mind that, i'll take you lot home because i wanna see the baby"

"that's fine thank you so much" i give him a side hug before walking off to go back towards the dance floor.

next thing i know, i hear people shouting my name but i didn't know where it was coming from so i'm looking like a deer in headlights tryna find who it is.

a group of guys and girls walk over to me still shouting my name "ELORA"

"i'm here yes? hi hi hi" i smile at them.

"i can't believe you're actually here right now! same time as me!" a girl says.

"i love you so much" another girl says.

"awe i love you, you guys look so good" i look at them.

"stoppppp i'm putting that you said that on my resume! mate you look so fucking good right now, i can't believe it" she smiles at me.

"can i smell you? i just know you smell good-" a guy asks.

"erm- no please" i nervously laugh.

"just a sniff- it's harmless" he says going in for it but the girls stop him.

i back up a bit "i gotta go you lot i'm sorry- byeee"

i speed walk somewhere far from them and end up finding Harry "baby you would not believe what i've just been asked-"

"ohhhhh it's Eloraaa" Harry's face lights up and hugs me.

"wait what were you asked?" Talia asks.

i hug him back "someone asked if they could sniff me-"

"what the fuck" Talia wheezes.

"happiest i've seen Harry all night to be fair" Simon nods.

"yeah honestly" Ethan agrees.

i laugh and stay in the hug because he hasn't tried to break it yet "are you okay?"

"i'm happier now" he picks me up and starts spinning.

i start dying laughing but also trying to protect my drink from spilling everywhere.

"oh he's playing Jeremih! let me down let me down" i say wiggling.

he sets me down and starts pulling my dress down since he made it rise up by spinning me.

i start singing and dancing around with Talia and Faith.


"it should be forbidden for them to be out the house together" Ethan jokes.

"nah for real it's so unpredictable" Simon laughs.

"i don't know lads i'm quite enjoying this" Harry laughs not taking his eyes off of me.

"after party at my house for sure" Talia tells us.

Faith and i cheer "lets gooo i'm down to go there now"

"yeah me too" i agree.

"you lot just gotta bring alcohol because i don't have enough" she informs us.

"that's fine i'll have Tobi stop on the way" i nod.

after a few minutes of finding everyone we all walk out the club and head outside.

everyone goes their separate ways, Harry and i get into Tobi's car "would you mind a pit stop at the liquor store?"

"nah that's fine i'll go there" he puts one on the gps before starting the drive.

we were in the back seat because Harry apparently 'needed' me beside him, his words exactly.

"would you mind?" i smirk at Harry as i take my heels off and put my feet on his lap.

"not at all" he laughs and starts massaging my feet.

i let out a soft moan because that shit felt good as hell "yep right there"

"fucking hell- making noises like that might get you more than a foot massage" he says.

"aye you lot do that at their house not in my car please" Tobi laughs.

"sorry mate" i laugh.

Harry doesn't say anything and is just focused on me.

we stopped at the store and i bought three bags full of alcohol.


once we get there and walk inside, music was already blasting and people were all over the place.

i put the alcohol on the kitchen counter and make myself and Harry a drink.

"WE SHOULD PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE" JJ shouts and everyone cheers.

"wait wait! i have music for this" Talia says completely switching the vibe of the music from high energy to seductive.

"i haven't played spin the bottle in ages oh my gosh i'm so excited!" Faith says.

Ethan looks at her concerned about who she could possibly land on and have to kiss.

Harry drunkenly walks over to me "are you playing?"

"if you let me yeah" i look up at him.

"if i let you? what are you some dog? of course you can play, you're grown baby do what you want to" he laughs.

i laugh "then yeah i guess i'm playing"

some of them start sitting on the floor in a circle including myself and Harry but some of the others are sitting out.

"who's first?" JJ asks.

"you because it was your game idea" Simon nods.

JJ spins it and funny enough it lands on Simon which makes everyone laugh.

everyone starts chanting "KSIMON" until the give each other a tiny peck and laugh.

"fuck you all" JJ laughs.

Simon spins the bottle and it lands on Talia "how lucky am i?"

they kiss and just keep going until someone shouts for them to stop.

Talia spins the bottle and it lands on me making both of us smile "stay right there pretty girl i'm coming"

she walks over and we share a long kiss which makes everyone clap.

"you two enjoyed that way too much" Simon laughs shaking his head.

i spin the bottle and it lands on... Sharky.

everyone looks at me unsure if i was actually going to go through with it but of course i was because Harry said i could play the game so i'm going to play the damn game.

"i don't wanna give you the wrong impressionnnn i need love and affection and i hope i'm not sounding to desperate- i need love and affection, LOVEEEE" JJ sings along to the song playing.

i get up and walk over to Sharky who stands up, i could tell he was nervous.

"you don't have to be nervous" i smile at him.

"how can i not be? look at you" he laughs not breaking the eye contact.

i laugh and gently grab his face pulling him in closer before kissing him.

our lips move in sync for a while but i guess it went on longer than i thought because i heard people shouting to stop and a door slammed.

i look around to see who left and it was Harry which confused me.

"Harry's pissed" Ethan tells me before walking out the door following his friend.

"what the fuck" i mumble under my breath before walking outside.

i see Harry walking down the street with Ethan, Josh, and Freezy.

"what's the issue?" i shout from the end of the driveway.

they turn around and look at me before walking towards me.

"nothing he's just drunk and needs to rest" Freezy tells me trying to avoid an argument.

"i mean- that's sort of the case. he does need to go lay down though" Ethan adds.

"well somethings clearly wrong if doors are being slammed and y'all are down the fucking street so just tell me" i state.

"you're the issue." Harry looks at me.

"me? how am i the issue? because i kissed Sharky? you know that's how spin the bottle works right?" i look at him lowkey pissed off.

"you could've fucking pecked him or something and not made out with him especially not right in front of me" he shouts.

"you literally gave me the green light to play the game! why would you let me play if you were gonna get this way over it? you always do this shit Harold" i shout back.

"oh no- not the government name and they're yelling—" Josh says as him and the others look at each other scared before going inside to leave us alone.

"how can i not be this way?! i mean fucking look at you compared to me, it's like comparing a diamond to a fucking rock" he states.

"i don't see it that way, me and you are the same in my head so that's why i never understand why you get so jealous and worked up over shit"

"fuck you! i'm not jealous" he says which catches me off guard.

"fuck me? okay.." i nod in disbelief before walking back inside.

"no wai-" is all i hear from him as i close the door.

i make my way into their spare bedroom and lay on the bed to be alone with my thoughts so i don't say anything i'd regret since i'm not exactly sober.

someone knocks "can i come in?"

"please" i say getting up.

"come here" Tobi says holding his arms out.

i walk over and give him the biggest hug. i cannot express how grateful i am for Tobi, he's always there for me when i need him most and is such a comfort to be around.

"do you mind telling me what happened out there?" he asks not letting go of the hug.

i explain everything to him and eventually i end up breaking down into tears because you know i started ranting about other shit that's been bothering me for a while that i've held in and it was just a nonstop cycle.

he pulls away from the hug and grabs my face, using his thumbs to wipe away my tears "here lets sit down"

we sit on the end of the bed and he hands me a tissue that he grabbed before coming in because we've known each other for so long that he probably assumed i was gonna cry.

"i think you both need to sober up and go sit down to talk about this. i promise you, it's not a conversation to have when you're intoxicated because things will be said out of anger that you can't control and someone will end up getting hurt" he starts.

"for now because you lot have drank so much already, it's gonna take you a minute to sober up. i can go grab Harry so he can apologize because he's been asking to see you and you both can go to sleep on good terms"

"you guys have a baby together for fucks sake and such a beautiful relationship that's not worth losing over a silly game. i know he gave you the green light and still acted this way but that's just how Harry is. you lot have gone through this once, you can do it again"

"thank you so much for being there for me Tobi, i don't know what i'd do without you" i say hugging him again.

"of course El, i'm always here you just like you're always there for me. you're my sister always and i love you to the end of time" he hugs back.

"i love you more" i pull away from the hug and he walks out the room to get Harry.

i remain on the end of the bed waiting and he finally walks in, locking the door behind him.

"i'm so sorry baby i didn't mean it like that, i know i was jealous and quite frankly in denial about it. i wanna not be that way so badly and it offended me when you called me out so i just tried defending myself in the worst possible way" Harry says and just by his face alone i could tell it was genuine.

"it breaks my heart that you don't see yourself the way i see you because i think you're the most attractive person ever with such an amazing personality. i hope you know that i'm not going anywhere, i'm yours forever and even if you wanted to get rid of me you couldn't because i'm here to stay" i look at him.

"that's the sweetest thing i've ever been told" he says with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"come here honey" i grab his hand and pull him into me, hugging him tightly.

he hugs back and kisses my forehead "i'm seriously really sorry about saying that to you, it wasn't right and i don't want you mad at me ever"

"it's okay i understand where you were coming from now. i'm just glad we worked this out before going to sleep"

"yeah it was only right we did because i know you hate going to bed angry"

we continue talking for a few minutes before he lays down in the bed "before you get comfy, can i get your shirt?"

he takes it off and tosses it to me, i take my dress off and put his shirt on before i lay down beside him.

"i hope Talia and Simon don't mind us staying over" i say cuddling into him.

"i asked before coming in here and they didn't seem to mind at all" he says slowly lifting my shirt up.

"what are you doing-"

"what i've been wanting to do since the doctor cleared you"

"oh- go on then"

what a long chapter lmfao so much happened in it though, you guys seen a side of the relationship that usually never gets shown. hope you all enjoyed this :)
