

liked by ksi and others
notelora: who would've thought because i surely didn't
ksi: YO WHAT?!!!???
-> notelora: i'm just as confused if im honest
calfreezy: ??? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
-> notelora: me & u need to talk soon
tobjizzle: TEXT ME WTF
-> notelora: texting rn
taliamar: :OOOOO
-> notelora: :o
behzingagram: at least one of our dads came back, happy for you el ❤️
-> notelora: oh behz 😭 sending virtual hugs to you
-> user: LMFAOO
user: ELORA'S DAD ??!!?
user: he's kinda.....
-> user: LMAO STOPP 💀
user: can't wait to hear ab this 🙇‍♀️

"why are you and mum really getting back together?" i look at him confused.

"because we never really got divorced. she only told you that to justify me not being in your life" Robert explains.

"what the fuck- so why did you go ghost?"

"because i wasn't ready to be a father and it'd be unfair to you if i stuck around" he looks at me.

"you not being IN my life was unfair to me. i needed my father growing up whether you were ready or not"

"do you know how heartbreaking it was to learn that you weren't coming back home? 10 year old me thinking the world of you, just to be left.." i continue.

"i know and i'm so sorry, i'll make it up to you i promise" he says.

"are you actually sorry though? or just saying that because it's what i wanna hear?"

"i'm actually deeply and truly sorry. leaving you was hard for me as well but i had to make sure my mindset was correct before coming back" he explains.

"i'm just so confused about everything" i sigh.

"i'm gonna stick around and make up for everything i've missed out on. lets's just focus on having a whole family christmas again" he smiles.

maybe i'm too forgiving but i believe him, why else would he go out of his way to come back?


"how was your brunch?" Harry asks.

"it was alright. i'll tell you everything later, i just wanna enjoy everyone's company right now" i sigh as he nods.

"i got the baby something today from the mall" Rosie smiles at me, showing me an adorable teddy bear.

"awe thank you so much, can you put it in the nursery for me?" i smile back.

"yeah of course" Rosie says walking upstairs.

"there's a photoshoot for sidemen tomorrow and the guys wanna know if you'll be apart of it or not. apparently the managers really want you to partake in it" Harry looks at me.

"for the SpongeBob collab?" i ask.


"oh- then yeah i can do it, do you know what time the shoot is?" i look at him.

"i don't know the exact time- i just know it's earlier than i want it to be" he complains.

"12pm is early is for you honey.." i laugh.

he laughs "don't expose me"

i was messing around and writing what i think Elora's signature would like and i think i found it🥲
