fourty one

*months later*

notelora has added to their story


liked by miniminter and others
eloramartin: we officially have a 1 year old. watching you take your first steps, hearing you say your first word, lifting yourself up for the first time, learning how to roll over and how to crawl.. a whole year of first's and it's bittersweet to be moving onto what's in store for your seconds. i could go on and on for ages about what a treasure you are but i owe it all to you for making me a mother and making us a family. here's to your next chapter. my darling Ivy, i love you.
tobjizzle: so beautifully said. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELY NIECE ❤️
-> eloramartin: ❤️
taliamar: i'm sobbing i love her
-> eloramartin: she loves you
wroetoshaw: i can't believe she's one
-> eloramartin: me neither :(
-> eloramartin: woot woot
calfreezy: absolutely spoiling her with gifts today, my pockets are about to hurt
-> eloramartin: you don't have to but thank you bc ik you will no matter what i say 😭


liked by traciemartin and others
wroetoshaw: keeping this short, sweet, and too the point otherwise i'll be rambling but ever since i found out that we were expecting you, i couldn't wrap my head around it but now that you're here and it's been a whole year i couldn't be more grateful. you've made me into a better person and i never knew i could love someone this much. you make me so proud and always manage to have a smile on your face. i love you so much Ivy, cheers to celebrating you today.
behzingagram: wish you were my daddy x
-> wroetoshaw: oh ethan mate 😭
eloramartin: best year of my life
-> wroetoshaw: 100% me as well
chunkz: happy birthday Ivy!!!! ❤️
user: stop she looks like elora im obsessed
-> user: well i mean that is her mum 😭

it's the evening and everybody has come over to Harry and i's house for Ivy's 1st birthday party.

i can't believe she's one already, it feels like time is just flying by.

we went with a fairy theme since her name is Ivy. it just felt very fitting to us.

"i used to call your mummy pookie bookie but now that's what i call you" JJ says talking to Ivy in a baby voice while holding her.

"nah fam she just smiled at me i'm gonna cry" he looks at me.

i laugh "self control mate, if you cry so will she"

"i actually need to grab a tissue oh my god" he says handing me her.

Talia and Simon walk over to and they've got the biggest smiles on their faces "her favorite aunt and uncle are here"

i laugh and hand her to Simon since he reached out to hold her.

"i have such bad baby fever right now it's mental" Talia looks at me.

"sounds like you better get to work Minter" i joke.

"rahhhhh no babies yet" he shakes his head.

"do you wanna see what Ivy learned?" i look at them.

"yeah" they both say.

i walk over to Ivy and point at Simon "who is that?"

Ivy smiles as she's looking at him "si si" (like sigh sigh)

"good jobbb" i smile at her.

Simon's jaw drops "that's actually the cutest thing i've ever heard"

i laugh and point at Talia "and who's that?"

"lia" Ivy says which makes Talia tear up but she tries her hardest to fight it. (like lee-ya)

"yes! good job darling" i kiss her cheek.

Ivy spots Harry as he's walking towards us and smiles even more "dada!"

Simon puts her down and slowly but surely walks she over to him. Harry reaches down and picks her up "hi beautiful"

i smile while watching them as they come closer.

"when do we sing happy birthday?" Harry looks at me.

i shrug "whenever we want i suppose"

"do you wanna do it now before it gets dark?" he asks.

"yeah we can" i agree and we walk over to her cake.

we gather everybody's attention and sing happy birthday, not long after that everyone starts to cheer for her "LETS GO IVY"

Harry puts her in the highchair as i place the smash cake in front of her.

without hesitation she dives right into it, grabbing chunks of cake and eating it.

i look at her in awe just admiring her until she lifts her arm up towards me so i take a bite of the cake that's in her hand which makes her smile and laugh like crazy.

"aye Ivy can i get some please?" Tobi asks walking over to her.

she lifts her arm up again and he takes a bite. it was very obvious how happy that made the both of them, it made me feel good just by watching them interact so well.

after she seems to get uninterested by the smash cake, Harry and i clean her up with baby wipes before picking her up and letting her down to walk.

i watch as Harry helps her wander around the backyard just exploring everything, he's such a good dad and i seriously can't express enough how lucky and grateful i am.

taliamar has added to their story

lol there's her face reveal, i'm obsessed she is so adorable 🥹
