thirty one


liked by honeymoon and others
eloramartin: 3 DAYS TILL THE ALBUM 🥹
theburntchip: claiming at ur worst because the snippet you posted made me cry..
-> eloramartin: ah chip it's all yours
gkbarry_: absolutely incredible you are i could kiss your face
-> eloramartin: come kiss it then x
yungfilly: el i'll be honest them snippets got me teary eyed bc it's got me so proud of you fr 🫶
-> eloramartin: awe thank you filly <3
wroetoshaw: gorgeous lady and an even more gorgeous photographer
-> eloramartin: don't you have a match to get ready for?
-> wroetoshaw: i'm procrastinating
-> eloramartin: potentially hypothetically maybe yes
user: how do you look that good after having a baby, i want your genetics
-> eloramartin: yes!


liked by traciemartin and others
sidemen: this might be the best day ever.

see you tonight at 2:15pm (BST) 🫡
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it's charity match day! Harry already left since he's actually playing in the game, he had to leave earlier.

i just walked through the doors of the hotel pushing Ivy in a stroller and everyone is in the lobby chatting and meeting the new people who are playing this year.

i walk over to Harry who is talking with Randy "oh you're finally here!"

"the traffic was insanity" i laugh.

Harry picks up Ivy and starts playing with her "i bet, have you seen the line to get in the stadium?"

"yeah i seen it when i was tryna find a place to park, it's mental how many people are already waiting to get in" i say.

"genuinely i've never seen so many people in one place" Randy laughs.

i laugh "yeah there's a lot"

i hear someone scream my name and look around to see Speed running towards me "ELORA! WE'RE REUNITED!"

we exchange a big hug "how've you been? i've missed you"

"you missed me for real?" he smirks at me making me laugh.

"obviously you're such a gem"

he jumps around as we catch up a bit "you know Kai and Duke right?"

"yeah they're always commenting on my stuff but i've never met them in person" i explain.

"cmon let's go meet them!" Speed says eagerly leading the way.

"you don't have anywhere to be at the moment right? like you can be with Ivy?" i double check with Harry because i don't wanna leave her alone by herself.

he confirms that he can stay with her while i meet everyone.

we exchange a kiss before i follow Speed to the others "OH MY GOD YOU'RE REAL!"

"I'M REAL!" i laugh matching Kai's energy.

we exchange a big hug and i do the same with Duke.

"you're a lot taller in person mate holy fuck" i say looking up at Duke.

"thank you 'mate' " he tries to do an accent but ends up laughing.

we all laugh "there's so many people here but i've got to say you're the main one i was most excited to meet in person"

"awe it's nice to meet you as well" i smile at Kai.

we chat a little more "you know xqc is here?"

"I KNOWWW I CANT BELIEVE IT" i say fangirling.

they all laugh "you guys never met?"

i shake my head "nah we've only played a game together but i love him so much"

almost like we've summoned him, he walks over to us.

"Elora! how's it going?" Xqc smiles as we exchange a hug.

"i'm trying so hard not to freak out to be honest, how are you doing?" i look at him.

"not to freak out? at what? me?"

"yes i love your streams, i'm fangirling so hard right now" i say making him laugh.

"i'm fangirling too honestly, you're an icon" he says which makes my jaw drop.

"no wayyyy" i say.

we go our separate ways since it was time for the guys to have their pre-match meal.

i meet back up with Harry to take Ivy, i put her in the stroller and buckle her up before heading back to my car to go to the stadium so i can meet up with the girls.

after a small drive that took longer than expected since there's so many people crossing the streets, i find a parking spot and get Ivy out. since i've gotta go up stairs i've just decided to carry her all day instead of using the stroller.

"hi honey! it's been a while" i smile.

"it seems like it's been forever! i've missed you so much darling" Freya gives me a side hug.

we walk over to the lounge near the locker rooms to hang out and wait for the guys arrival. Faith, Olive, and Talia joined us.

"it was a madness tryna get in here without people following" Talia shakes her head.

we laugh "i know the amount of shouting i've heard was crazy"

after a while, the guys all show up and head into the locker rooms. Faith and i went over to see them before heading to our seats.

"he's gonna walk out with Olive on the pitch? that's adorable mate" i say in awe.

"yeah he really wants to so i mean why not" she nods.

the security guard opens the locker room door for us "thank you"

"this is mad compared to last years" i say in shock of the locker room size.

Harry walks over and gives me a kiss before taking Ivy from my arms.

"YO El, the customization you did on this is mental! it looks so good" JJ says hyped about his outfit.

i laugh "i'm glad you like it"

"i'm really hoping to score this year" Harry says rocking Ivy back and forth.

"honestly i think you will, you've trained for this moment baby. you lot got this, i have faith in you all that you're gonna win" i say nodding.

"words of encouragement by El" Ethan claps making me laugh.

"you have to go out there soon so i gotta go find my seat but i love you and whether you score a goal or not, we're all proud" i say grabbing Ivy.

Harry and i exchange a hug and kiss before i walk out and get directed to my seat.


it was halftime and Aitch is about to perform for everybody. the score is tied 2-2 currently and the only people on our team that has scored so far is Ethan and Simon.

i was stood up feeding Ivy a bottle when my name gets called from behind me, i look back at see a fan waving at me.

"Elora i love you! drop the album already!" he yells.

i laugh "end of this week and it's yours"

"LETS GOOOOO" he shouts.

i place the empty bottle in my bag and while turning back around i spotted Agent and Fanum which took me by surprise, they wave at me and i wave back before burping Ivy.

they tried to motion me over to where they were but i was busy with Ivy so i did the same to them and they ended up walking over.

i exchange side hugs with them both "how's it going? you lot liking the Uk?"

"it's going good, it's nice here" Fanum nods.

"we're here until the end of the year actually we got a house and everything" Agent explains.

"oh really? that's lovely"

"yeah yeah there's a lot we have planned to do while we're here"

"well i'm glad you guys are staying longer, we should definitely all hang out before you leave" i suggest.

"hell yeah! for sure for sure" Agent smiles.


the game is back on and Aitch's performance was really good. i'm glad we went with him for the halftime show.

Speed had a chance to score against JJ with a free shot but he misses and the whole stadium is disappointed because they all really wanted him to score.

Manny and Tobi score, Faith put Olive in the stroller and was holding Ivy so i could have a break.

my eyes stay on Harry as he runs across the field and gets the ball from Vik and next thing i know HE MAKES IT IN.

i get up and start jumping up and down in excitement clapping and cheering. holy hell i might cry? such a proud moment i'm having right now.

the guys all surround him jumping and cheering him on, i grab Ivy and start talking to her saying that her dad just scored a goal.

i feel as if she could feel my proud energy because she let out a little smile which made me want to sob.


the game finishes and the sidemen win 8-5. the amount of money we ended up raising was insane i think it was over £2 million which is absolutely amazing.

the girls and i were on the pitch with everyone else now because they told us we could come down.

"my 77! YOU SCOREDDD" i shout excitedly walking over to Harry.

"I DID IT I DID IT" he smiles.

we share a long hug until Tobi walks over handing Ivy to Harry.

Tobi and i exchange a hug "i'm so insanely proud of you lot like i nearly cried so many times just watching"

"awe thank you, you're so emotional it's adorable" Tobi laughs.

JJ walks over with Josh and Vik to talk about the game.

"aye your goalie skills came in when they were needed, that save you did was incredible" i look at him.

"thank you El i appreciate it" JJ laughs and gives me a hug.

i talk with them a bit more about everything and walked around to check in on everyone else before grabbing Ivy and walking over to the sideline so they could do their celebration.

faithlouisak has added to their story

eloramartin has added to their story

finally got a side+ membership🥲
