
"welcome back to more sidemen, ksi when was the sidemen started?" Simon asks standing beside a screen in front of us.

"oh that's obvious- XIX.. well it's been 10 years so 2013" JJ says and we clap for him.

"aye that stalling was impeccable" Tobi laughs.

"we'll give him a point for that" Simon tells the crew behind the scenes.

"wooo" JJ and i fist bump.

the teams were me and JJ, Harry and Vik, Josh and Tobi.

"this is a memory test, i'm gonna show you a video and then ask you some questions about it" Simon explains.

"oh fuck off" Harry sighs looking at his phone.

"you're good at this though" Vik reassures him.

"oh no Josh-" Tobi laughs.

"Josh is really good at this though, he's like the best here at this" i state.

"i don't even remember what i just said" Tobi laughs.

"my memory sucks-" JJ admits.

"i'm gonna show you a few minute long clip then ask you questions" Simon explains once again.

"could you show us the clip then replay it right after?" i look at Simon.

"no" Simon laughs.

he shows us the first clip and we all watch carefully before laughing at it.

"what was the name of the podcast?"

"does the spelling have to be right?" Tobi asks.

"if its very obvious what you tried to write i'll allow it" Simon confirms.

"what is this-" JJ asks confused as i hand him the board.

"mate i don't remember how to spell it" i laugh.

"alright, everyone written?" Simon asks.

we all agree.

we all end up with the same answer which was Trigonometry.

i ended up spelling it horrendously wrong so we didn't get the point but it's okay because JJ got us a free point beforehand meaning the scores are all 1 point.

"what color was Theo Von's cap?"

"your writing kills me man" i wheeze looking at JJ's handwriting.

"it's like a child bro" Simon joins in laughing.

we all put blue and got a point.

"how many plants are there behind the host?"

"what're you thinking then?" JJ asks erasing the number he put.

i take the board from him and write the number down so i didn't have to say it aloud.

"nah fam you can't do that-" JJ looks at me in disbelief.

"i can do that but which one do you prefer more cause there was way more than what you put i think" i look at him.

"alright we'll go with this then" he agrees.

"i swear to god if it was mine-"

"if the answer is what you put originally than i'll just listen to you the rest of the vid" i say writing the final answer down and showing Simon.

"alright- Elora is listening to JJ the rest of the video, what's your answer?" Simon states.

"fuck we put 4 as well" Harry says.

Tobi and Josh got it right with 3 as the answer.

"shit-" i laugh.

JJ shouts out of frustration "bro i legit saw it!"

a small pointless argument comes out of it so i just hand him the board and carry on listening to Simon.

"what color was the front door of the house?"

"oh shit i didn't see that one-" Tobi admits making me laugh.

Josh and Tobi got it right saying black whilst JJ and i, Harry and Vik wrote white.

"what brand of shoes is the presenter sitting on the right wearing?"

"far right? or-" JJ asks.

"well theres only two on that side-" Simon says.

"you said brand right?" i ask Simon.

"yeah what brand" he nods.

"oh brand! i thought you said- i don't know mate.." JJ repeats as he erases his current answer.

we all wrote different things but Josh and Tobi took the point again.

"these lot are gonna win" i state.

"yeah" JJ agrees.

"can i see- can i see these plants behind them?" Harry asks.

the video plays again and we begin counting and coming to a conclusion before the next video plays.


"that was so much information" Josh says.

"that was A LOT of information, i feel a sensory overload happening" i say while putting a few pieces of wine gums in my mouth.

"i'ma forget everything by the time we get to the second question-" Harry states.

"what color segment of the tube was the sick on?"

JJ and i come to an agreement of a color as i show him what i wrote down.

"that's what i was thinking too" he nods.

we all put yellow and move on.

"for this, you can get a bonus point for the second part. what does it say on Callux's hat?"

"bro i literally just asked you that-" Tobi says conflicted.

"theres two parts so if you get one correct you get a point but if you get the second part that's a bonus point" Simon explains.

JJ and i discuss what it said and he writes it down before revealing it to Simon.

"California ; Los Angeles" we show.

"we put California ; State" Harry says.

"California ; Athletic" Josh shows.

"it was California est 1850, so you all get a point" Simon nods.

"what brand of kit was Tom Grennan wearing?"

"wait Tom Grennan was there?" JJ asks.

"was he actually in that clip?" i laugh.

"you didn't see him?" Tobi asks.

"no" i wheeze.

we discuss and JJ writes whatever comes into his head down.

i look at Harry "you was there"

"you think i'd remember? i don't even know" he asks.

"nah fuck it" i shrug and keep eating the candy.

"what'd you put?" Simon asks.

we put Nike, Harry and Vik put Nike as well, Josh and Tobi went with Puma.

"you are correct! it was Nike"

"fuck" Tobi laughs.

"go fuck yourselves" JJ jokes.

"wow so angry" Josh laughs.

"it just pisses me off" JJ laughs.

"how many youtuber's can be seen in that video?"

"oh god-" Josh blurts.

"you got it, i'm just gonna leave it up to you" JJ says handing me the board.

Vik throws a piece of candy at Simon and he manages to catch it in his mouth shocking everyone.

"that was awesome" i say chewing on a candy.

"OH! did you get that on camera?!" JJ asks amazed.

"that's a double point!" Vik insinuates.

"alright i need an answer, what'd you put?" Simon asks Josh and Tobi.

us 4 both put 5, Harry and Vik put 7. nobody was correct because the final answer was 8.

"can i.. pee real quick?" JJ asks.

"yeah go for it" Simon nods.

he places the board beside me since i'm busy shoving my face with snacks and walks out of the room.


Simon ends up carrying on without JJ, leaving me on the team by myself temporarily.

we watch the video which was extremely short.

"right..." Harry says.

"that was it?" i ask.


"that's tricky" Harry states.

"there weren't much information there" Vik says.

"oh my goodness.." i think aloud.

"oh god" Josh laughs.

"and playing as a one person, i'm so nervous-" i say making them laugh.

"what three items did Grealish have in his right hand?"

i think then start writing my answer "fuck it i'm just writing like weird shit"

everyone ended up having two items out of three so no one got a point. JJ ends up coming back and sitting beside again, taking in all the info.

"who is walking immediately behind Jack Grealish?"

"oh i might as well do nothing-" JJ admits.

"you left" Simon states.

"but i had to pee.."

"you just said 'can i pee?' you are able" Simon says.

"fucks sake" JJ laughs.

everyone got a point except for Harry and Vik.

"aye go on El" Tobi claps for me.

"thank you thank you" i laugh.

"someone in the video has uniquely colored hair, what color hair was it?"

"if i get the player as well can we get an extra point?" i ask.

"if you get the player right, i'll watch it back and make sure" Simon nods.

"thank you Simon" i say making him laugh.

Tobi starts thinking out loud and i find it funny.

"he's messing about acting like he doesn't who it is or the color" i joke.

"sometimes let me live!" he laughs and throws a pillow which hits JJ.

"El what's your answer?" Simon asks.

"Edison and blue"

Harry goes next "i went blue and Ortega"

"blue and Rodri" Simon reads Josh's board.

"well it was blue and we'll check in a second" he points at me.

"last question, how many people are wearing sunglasses?"

we all talk and write it down.

"what we saying?"

"2" Harry says.

i show my board "3"

"2" Josh reveals.

"it is 3!" Simon says happily.

we watch the clip back to see who the blue haired fella was and i was right.

"it was Edisonnnnn" i say excited.

"wait was it that laggy as well?" JJ looks at me.

"it was clean in the first one" i explain.

"but here you go, you can play now" i add handing him the board.

"fucking hell" he laughs.


"last clip, you ready?" Simon asks moving out the way.

we watch the clip and as soon as it starts i know immediately that i should've kept the board.

"don't ask me the color of anything!" Vik shouts laughing.

"what was the brand on the front of the hat?"

JJ hands me the board back.

"i was tryna read it but the angle kept changing" Tobi says.

"brudda all i saw was bare PERK" JJ leans his head back against the couch.

we all laugh "write your answers"


we go over answers, JJ and i are the only ones who got the point because i spelt it correctly.

"we are cookinggg" i look over at JJ before erasing what i wrote.

"COOKIN" JJ shouts.

"what color was the hat JJ?" Tobi asks making JJ stare into space not knowing the answer.

"bro he was staring at her tits, he ain't got a clue" i laugh.

"i wanna eye tracker on that one" Tobi laughs.

"what was she wearing on her bottom half?"

i write it down immediately "i ain't paid no attention to the breasts so i got this for us"

"yeah no bro- i could tell you how many nips she had" JJ laughs.

"how many?" Josh laughs.


we all laugh.

"answers?" Simon asks starting with Harry.

"gray trackies"

us next "gray joggers, white socks, white trainers"

"Josh was just fantasizing bro" Tobi wheezes.

Josh wrote down skirt.

clearly everyone but Josh and Tobi got a point.

"what color flag was on the pin?"

"oh shit- yeah no i didn't get that" i shake my head.

Josh and Tobi wrote blue getting them a point while us 4 wrote red.

we all start joking about how Vik has barely said anything and has just been eating sweets.

"alright now just to let you know this is the last question, you guys are ahead by one point" Simon says talking to JJ and i.

we look at each other in shock "oh my-"

"if you get this right and they don't, it goes into one final clip" Simon tells Josh and Tobi.

"what was on her necklace?"

"well congratulations on your win-" Tobi says.

"well i was tryna look away from that area" JJ tries to defend himself.

"that's a lie because all you did was stare" i laugh.

Harry wrote tiger woods, i put a triangle thing, Josh went the easy way out and put a cross.

"the answer was...... a shark tooth, which means you win!" Simon says pointing towards us.

"YAYYYYY" JJ says with his hand in the air.

we high five as the others clap.

"so wait can we see the clip again- you know for the tooth-" JJ asks making us all laugh.

sure enough they play the clip once again but Simon stops it and looks at Vik.

"wait wait wait- what's happening over there?" Simon asks as we all burst into laughter seeing Vik with his hands under the blanket.

"that's what he's been doing!" Harry jokes.

talking over each other and eventually we end the video.


the cameras were off and everyone was getting ready to leave. Josh and Vik had already left.

"can i touch the bump before you leave?" JJ asks as we get up.

i shrug "go for it"

he rubs my belly bump and looks completely in awe.

"when are you due again?" Tobi asks.

"april-" i say in disbelief when i realize how close that actually is from now.

"NEXT MONTH????!!!!!" Tobi and JJ start jumping around in excitement.

"that's fucking mental, holy shit-" Simon says shocked.

"yeah i know, it still hasn't fully hit me yet" i shake my head.

"wait so- how do you like- shave down there if you can't see-" JJ asks.

we all bust out laughing "that's random as hell"

i don't say anything and just keep laughing before pointing to Harry.

"rah? you be doing it for her?" Simon asks genuinely curious.

Harry nods.

"what an experience that must be bro- maybe i need to get someone pregnant just so i could do that-" JJ nods.

"why would you want to- never mind i don't even wanna know" i laugh.

eventually, Harry and i grab our stuff and walk out to the car holding hands.


liked by ksi and others
notelora: still can't believe he's put a baby in me.. i might just drop the soap in the shower so you give me another one 🫦
tobjizzle: 😨😨😨😨😨😨
-> notelora: 😁
ksi: EXCUSE ME? 😭😭
-> notelora: i didn't stutter mate
faithlouisak: i drop the soap all the time round Ethan and i still only got one :( 💔
-> notelora: poor thing try again then </3
wroetoshaw: would you quit trying to bite me please 😟
-> notelora: you're so yummy looking i just wanna eat u up 🤷‍♀️
-> user: no because biting is my love language too, i knew i liked you
-> notelora: see you understand
traciemartin: oh honey...
user: you're so real for this
-> notelora: :p
user: sorry he's so cute and all smiley around you i might cry
-> notelora: never apologize i'll cry w you
user: flip it and put a baby in HIM 🤯
-> notelora: genius ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼

2000+ words is crazy because this wasn't meant to be that long of a chapter 😭
