twenty four


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it's been a couple of days since i've given birth and i'm finally back at home. the whole birthing process went very well thankfully, everything went as planned.

i feel so lucky and blessed to have had an experience like i did. also Ivy is such a good and quiet baby, she rarely cries and is the most precious thing ever.

some of our friends are coming over to meet her today and i'm so excited to see their reactions in person. they've been so supportive and helpful during my whole pregnancy and i'm so grateful for them all.

i'm currently laying in bed trying to recover a bit, Harry is beside me holding the baby.

my phone starts ringing and it's Tobi "hello?"

"i'm pulling in right now, just wanted to let you know i was here" he says.

"okay thank you, the door should be unlocked and if it's not then you know where the spare key is hidden. we're upstairs in the room" i state.

"alright see you in a second, love you bye"

"love you more" i say before hanging up.

within a couple minutes, Tobi walks in the bedroom and you can tell he's filled with excitement.

he comes over and hugs me "how are you doing?"

i hug back "i'm doing good just a little sore, how are you?"

"that's good, i'm good man just so excited that she's finally here. seeing you with a baby in your arms is so mental" he looks at Harry who laughs.

"didn't think i'd get this far in life" Harry laughs.

"you wanna hold her?" i look at Tobi.

"can i? please" he face lights up.

"of course you can" i laugh before going to get up.

"no no you stay there, don't be silly the bed is big enough for us all" Harry says.

"nah for real you need to rest el" Tobi adds while sitting down.

i laugh and lay back down. Harry hands Tobi the baby and it was the cutest thing.

"she's so tiny in person oh my gosh" Tobi says in complete awe.

Harry and Tobi talk while my phone rings again, it was JJ asking if he could come over.

i hang up "JJ's on the way"

"having a baby party at our house" Harry jokes.


we were all downstairs now, the guys were on the couch with Ivy. i was in the kitchen grabbing everyone a drink because that's what hosts do.

"i can't believe this came out of you, did it hurt?" JJ asks holding Ivy.

i walk over and place their drinks on the table before sitting down "well i mean it didn't feel good"

"did you watch her come out?" he asks Harry.

"somewhat- i couldn't watch too much or i'd get sick" Harry explains.

"yeah i don't think i could watch my baby coming out, beautiful moment but crazy sight" Tobi adds.

we all laugh and the baby starts crying so JJ's eyes widen and he hands me her.

i try calming her down by rocking her but it doesn't work so i pull my boob out and feed her.

"oh-" JJ says shocked.

"gotta feed her innit" i laugh.

"we're all family here" Tobi shrugs.

"what's so special about breast milk?" Harry asks clearly deep in thought.

"they say it's like liquid gold" JJ explains.

"i've seen someone clear their acne by putting breast milk on it" i add.

"WHAT? that's insane" JJ says.

we laugh "i wanna try it-"

"do you really?" i look at Harry with a slight grin.

"yeah why not" he nods.

i nod "we can do that later"

Tobi and JJ start wheezing. i stop feeding and fix my shirt then start burping her.

we all hang out some more as it soon turns night time, they both head home and we go put Ivy to bed.

i walk out the room with a baby monitor in my hand and head downstairs.

"they found a stadium to use for the charity match" Harry tells me.

i sit beside him on the couch "i can't wait for it this year like knowing all the planning involved makes me so excited"

he wraps his arm around me "it's gonna be good, i hope i score a goal"

i lean into him "i think you will honestly, your hard work will pay off"

wroetoshaw has added to their story

eloramartin tweeted:
have to leave soon to record a music video for a song that comes out soonnnnnn xxx
user: just had a baby & already working on music again? i love you so much 🥲🫶
-> eloramartin: working 24/7 it never stops love you more 🤍🤍
ohnosharky: DROP THE ALBUM PLS
-> eloramartin: SOON SOON
user: meanwhile Harry can't sleep 😭
-> eloramartin: ivy's kept us up since 3am poor man is exhausted but he's asleep now
yungfilly1: ELORA !!!!!!
-> eloramartin: FILLY !!!!
ksi: day 2579 of asking for another song feature
-> eloramartin: ask no further and walk into my studio
-> eloramartin: ME TOO ME TOO
user: i adore you so much elora martin.
-> eloramartin: i adore you so much.
