Pokemon Arc trailer

It started off calm, the screen black and only the gentle sounds of crackling fire, debri and falling stones echo in the background. 3 seconds later the screen revealed a heavily panting iris with a very injured Excadrill and archeops.

Iris: come on.... you can do this guys.

Her wheeping bounced off the walls as the fire grew larger, the torrent of the flames getting hotter by the second as smoke further accumulated above.

Her voice fades to black once more as the music began to pick up. (22)

The scene changes to the forests of unova, glowing purple eyes reveneon getting closer to David and the other. They rode atop of entei, raikou and suicune.

David: Faster, they're gaining on us!!!

David turned around as kirlia readied her blade, a golden hue prominently glowed brightly in her eyes.

Kirlia: NOT FOR LONG HAAAA Souryuu Zankouken!!!

With the swing of her blade the scene changes to a figured character with crimson hair and crazed eyes. The characters grin in a psychotic fashion.

She laughed demonically as the music picked up to (1:00)


The scene changes again as David led kirlia and iris by the hands dodging and weaving across debri and burning fire. The floor crumbled beneath them revealing a crimson fire awaiting beneath.

The floors crumbling separated David and iris.

Iris: DAVID!!!

the boy turned around after seeing the distance between them, easily 15 feet. The two extended a hand towards one another as the scene faded to another.

Then the echoes of Gary shouting as the opaque sight of over 70,000 tactically dressed and trained trainers  standing at attention whilst 150,000 pokemon stood ready for battle.


Gary turned around and pointed to the distance his eyes furiously narrowed.

Several echos of rocket fire and detonations litter around the silhouettes and figures of David, alder, iris and their pokemon. Kirlia's body glowed into her hyperesonant form as two leaf blades manifested.

She shouts violently before sending out a large slash of pure fairy energy into the assault helicopters above. They detonate and crash in a burning inferno.

The scene changes to iris. She lifted her head and looked at the viewers she smiles warmly.

Iris: you can do it David~

Then the scene changed to jenna and lily and equal smile of love and happiness.

Jenna: you always have ya know.

Lily: you're powerful and kind.

It changed once more to the champions standing before a torri gate as an ethereal light glowed behind them.

Steven: fight on,

Diantha: live on.

Cynthia: love on.

Lance: continue on.

Alder kneels down before a broken and lethally injured David, his eyes closed as blood soaked through his clothing.

Alder: don't let this be you're end.... rise and fight for others...

David, says alder

David, says jenna and lily.

David, says anita.

David, says seung kim and deuk cha.

The scene changes to the final scene as standing before David, kirlia, braixen, lucario, galvantula and a grotle.

Braixen, lucario, Kirlia, galvantula transformed in their hyperesonant forms, their eyes glowing prominently as their energy leaked off their bodies like steam.

David: this is it!!! Let's go!!!

Let us fight!!!!
