
A/n if you don't like the lovey dovey skip everything until the end. If you do skip major plot points will be missed.

It was the night after David and his friends left the battle Chateau. Everyone had fallen alseep in their tents, all except for 2.

David and kirlia despite being sleepy remained awake just to cuddle a bit.
The two had smiles dawned on their faces as they listened to the sound of their heartbeats.

David: so, soft.

Kirlia: hehe kirlia (thank you I can say the same to you.)

Kirlia scooted closer to her trainer before climbing on top of him their eyes meeting and locking.

David: I love you kirlia.

Even if she's heard once, a hundred times or a thousand times. She will always have the same reaction, a light tint of pink that forms on her cheeks.

Kirlia: kir-lia~ (I love you to Darling~)

Now it was David's turn to turn crimson. The petite pokemon let out a giggle before planting her lips to his cheek.

David: cheeky little mmph.

Kirlia: kirlia~ (shhh, quiet just kiss me~)

David could only smile and listen. The two once more connect letting out the occasional moans of pleasure.

David: I love you kirlia, i-i want you.

Kirlia's face flush a darker shade of pink before holding herself close to her trainer.

David's eyes soften before embracing her into a hug.

David: do you want to connect?

Kirlia looked up into David's eyes wondering what he meant but was quick to misunderstand as her face turned crimson.

Kirlia: k-k-kir?! (Y-y-you mean s-sex?!)

David let out a chuckle before shaking his head no. He responded with a kiss to her lips before clarifying.

David: I meant you're transformation. Would you like to see how far youd like to go?

Kirlia calmed a bit before stuttering her answer.

Kirlia: kir-k-kirlia (o-of course. I-i wouldnt have minded e-either)

David's eyes widened and became a stuttering mess.

David: w-what d-do you mean?

Kirlia smiled before holding onto David's cheeks planting her lips onto his own.

Kirlia: k-kirlia kir (i- I wouldn't have minded i-if you wanted to do it.)

David was now throughly speechless. His pupils expanded and didn't move. His mind was going a hundred miles an hour and couldnt comprehend what kirlia had said.

Kirlia: kir? Kirlia (David you ok? Did I break you?)

David managed to move but only to embrace her.

David: I-I'm fine, caught off guard is all. I-i don't mind either but I'm not ready though.

Kirlia understood what he meant, deep down she wasn't ready either.
The two looked at one another before in a manga like scene comical amounts of steam left their heads.

Kirlia pov

He is so easy to tease sometimes. I love him, I'm not opposed to the idea of him taking me. But...

It'd have to be a special day to the both of us if we were to go all the way.

I close my eyes allowing my pshycic energy to gather into my eyes turning them a dim shade of pink.


David: kirlia, u-um

David, you don't have to say anything more. Not today, not tomorrow. When we do make the deed.

David: it would be a day that is significant to the both of us. Such as Christmas, Valentine's day or-

A birthday? Yours is coming up soon ya know. 2 months.

My trainer smiles with a bit of dread in his eyes, tears ever so forming.

David: are we going to go to the southern forest ruins? To visit?

Of course David, the place where you were raised is very important to you. I can sense you're pain. It still bothers you.

David nodded tears threatened to fall once more.

It was team rocket wasnt it. You never really shared about it, but that story you told us. What did that monster look like? Perhaps we can help you, were family.

David's eyes blinked allowing a tear to fall. I could sense his turmoil in his heart detonating, the pain of his past rising to the surface.

I love you David, I love you with all my heart and soul, if the time came I'd even give my life to you.

I look down into my trainers eyes leaning in to kiss.


The kiss was soft and it gave David the push to talk more about his past, it was to help him. To let him know I was here for him. To let him know that I'd be by his side forever.

David: that monster rode a 3 headed dragon into battle, ahnilating everything and anyone in its path. The evil that rode on it's back had crimson hair, psychotic eyes and a strange uniform it- it wasnt team rocket it was something more... more sinister. A-and. Her laugh was... terrifying.

David began to shiver, I could sense his fear rising quickly, his breathing hastened. I wrap my arms around him before gently humming.

David: I'm scared, that monster still roams southern kalos. I can sense them, they wonder the forests, they harm whoever enters and no one escapes.

More tears fell and his heart rate stabilized no longer accelerating. His eyes were getting puffy. A gentle smile forms on my face as I reach for his pokeballs. I open them as braixen and Riolu come out.

David: k-kirlia? What are you?

You need some more love, and were going to give it to you.

I turn my head to the other pokemon as they had tears in their eyes too.

Riolu: ri ri rio (David, were never going to leave you ya know.)

Riolu held onto David's left arm as Braixen held onto his right tears falling from her eyes.

Braixen: b-braixen braix (you showed us love and helped us when we were down, let us help you David.)

David choked on his words and was trying to speak but couldnt. I planted my lips upon his letting the soft cries quieten.

David, I promise. We will not leave you're side. We will stay with you all the way.

I look at the other pokemon. Riolu and Braixen agrees.

Riolu: rio ri (David, I can sense you're aura, you're emotions. You dont have to be scared anymore. Were here for you.)

Braixen smiles before nuzzling into his cheek making my own cheeks pink.

Braixen: brai b-braixen (David, shhh, its ok)

I couldnt but hold him tighter allowing my energy to surround not just me and David but all of us.

A pink veil surrounded all of us allowing our emotions to flow from and into each other.

David: R-Riolu, Braixen, K-kirlia. *chokes* everyone... i-...I... I don't want to see you- I'm sorry.

I look down onto my trainer before smiling, pink ribbons sprouting from my back and horns gently wrapping around David, Riolu and braixen.

David, we are all family now, we look after one another. We protect each other.

David's tears stopped and he slowly raises his hand and caressed my cheek, I lean into it with a smile.

David: alright... k-kirlia.

David began to sit up pulling me into an embrace with Riolu and braixen holding him as well.

With a gentle kiss to my trainers lips he pulls all of us close allowing the final bit of tears he had to fall.

I turn to braixen and riolu and nodded to them. The got the message and returned into their pokeballs.

David: k-kirlia?

Let's take a walk.

David nodded and picked me up.
David looked to me and smiled gently, I moved my ribbons around David's wrists in a warming manner.

We left the tent and started our walk, hearing the fletchlings and pidgey fly over and the deerling galloping nearby.

David hadn't let go of me since we left, the way it felt was that of like he would lose me if he let go. It was sad to see David be affected like this. He always had a smile, always put others infront of himself, on more them one occasion he sacrificed himself for the pokemon in our home.

He is such a kind person, and I love him.

A few minutes pass and we reach a clearing off the beaten path. The sky was clear and a light breeze present.

David's eyes were up to the air and pulled me ever so closer into his chest.


David: kirlia, I'm still scared. Scared that the friends I make will be lost, i-im scared that I'll... I'll lose the ones I love. Scared that I'll lose you, riolu, Braixen, ash, serena, clemont, bonnie. E-everyone.

David, I

David: I don't want to see anyone get hurt. Either in battle, training. Whatever pain you feel resounds in me. Physical, emotional and-

Spiritual. I understand David believe me I really do.

I look up to him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck gently planting a kiss.

Gently envelop us in you're aura.

David looked a bit confused but done so nonetheless. A light blue aura surrounded his hands and expanded into around his body before enveloping me as well.

My eyes is response glowed a bright pink as my ribbons from my head dissipated before reforming on my back.

David, repeat after me.

Let our hearts beat as one

David: let our hearts beat as one


Let our souls resonate with one another.

David: let our souls resonate with one another.


Let our emotions synchronize for we are the ones that can see.

David: let our emotions synchronize for we are the ones that can see.


Our breathing was in beat, our heart beated in time and our emotions synchronized.

I could feel my back grow heavy and David's breathing slowed.

David: kirlia. You're back it's-

I let my ribbons gently wrap around David's wrists and his cheeks as his eyes returned to normal.

David, I may not understand how or why this came to be but I'm so happy.

David: kirlia, you're beautiful.

3rd pov

The two slowly separated, kirlia letting go and taking a step back showing her form to him.

The horns on her head have vanished but in turn reformed on her back as a pair of short pink wings and a broche like flower sprouting above her breast line. (think of sailor moon)

Kirlia pov

David, thank you. Thank you so much.

David: k-kirlia, y-you-

You needn't speak David. *sniffle* I can feel, hear, touch, smell, and see what you can. We are connected by a bond that cannot be destroyed. I love you David with all my heart and soul. You don't have to be afraid anymore.

That was the last thing I had to say David's smile returned. His eyes glimmered in the moonlit night before extending a hand to me. With us being alone, I couldn't help but just take it.

David: you are beautiful Kirlia. The most beautiful this world has too offer. I'm so happy that I got to meet you, befriend and even fall in love with you.

My cheeks grew a darker shade of pink I never knew was possible. I gently use my psychic energy to levitate until I reached David's height. I gently hold his other hand and held it tight.

David... I love you so much.

David: and I love you kirlia. It is time we head back to camp. We've had a long day.


I lean forward and planted my lips onto his own once more before feeling a pair of hands lift me bridal style. With my cheeks still red I couldnt help but look onto his eyes. With the moon shining behind him it was the most beautiful thing I had seen...
