ch52 some good rest

The arrival at Erebor wasn't much longer since the prior chapter. In the rear of Erebor lies a massive airstrip where airships stood armed to the teeth and being refueled to be deployed to the west.

The fortress cities surrounding Erebor was buzzing with activity. Children played in the parks of the cities and ran through the busy shopping districts while others had pokemon battles of wonderful proportions.

In the air above them stood the Iowa battleship, holding the infiltration unit. The champions, the resistance fighters and many survivors from unova but also 3 special guests that came with.

The 3 legendary pokemon dialga, palkia and giratina. They flew in unison with the airship as it began to descend to the airstrip below. Seung kim and the champions begun to organize the exit of everyone along with the refugee and relocation of the survivors. David however along with his pokemon and iris were to be escorted to the fortresses medical facilities for further monitoring of David's health.

Despite being ok on the good side, his body was still very injured and damaged. Many organs lie in rough shape and are in need of repair and healing. The medical bay onboard the Iowa did all it could but a more thorough investigation of his body was required and a more extensive heal was needed.

Which now leads us to now.

The airship Iowa had landed, it's massive superstructure lies on the airstrip with a ramp extended to the ground. People and pokemon from unova leave off of it and towards the relocation center while David was being wheeled off in a wheelchair and hospital gown.

Kirlia sat on his lap while lucario pushed it, braixen walked beside him whilst the others remained in their pokeballs. The great view of the mountain brought awe to everyone as they walked towards it.

David: oh thank you for the katana kim, I appreciate it.

Kim smiles.

Kim: it's alright kid, I already know that you need to take a break, so if you ever desire to train I'll be more than happy to help out.

David appreciated the kind gesture, he lowered his head in respect before gently pulling his left leg toward his chest, kirlia leaned onto it and cuddled close to him.

David: thank you Kim, I shall let you know when we begin our training. We just need a vacation for the time being.

David smiles warmly as a cool breeze picked up. The cool wind was perfect for everyone after the long trip back to kalos. Kirlia hummed before softly nuzzling her head into the crook of David's neck, it tickled lightly making him chuckle.

Kirlia: I can't wait for our vacation, we beyond need it.

Lucario and braixen agreed immediately. They smile a bit as the shape of the city entrance came into view, and it truly was the most beautiful place ever.

Two large statues of humanoid origin stood. Pokemon, a Gallade and a blaziken. The two pokemon statues were carved directly from the mountain wall, every aspect, feature down to the inch was impeccably created.

Trainers, civilians and pokemon alike were coming to and from the mountain city happy as all can be and the trainers with the motivation to train.

Everyone walked through the city gate, the quick transition from outside to inside brought awe to David and his pokemon as they layed their eyes on the inside. 4 large tapestries hung on the sides of the inside marking 3 different halls to traverse to and the fourth/ final marking the entrance and exit.

David's eyes glinted with awe, the great detail in the tapestry was very pretty. But their sightseeing could only last for so long, a minute of walking and they entered into a large room that spanned hundreds of meters, with bridges made from stone to and from other areas of the city. By the name city under the mountain was truly in the literal sense.

David: this place is incredible. No wonder it took so long to build.

Jenna giggles lightly.

Jenna: this place has an entire forge on the lowest levels of the city that provides heating to the hot springs up on top. Entire shopping centers and research facilities exist along with pokemon contest stadiums and pokemon battlefields.

Iris: really?! Amazing!!

David and kirlia were already very interested in the pokemon battlefields. His eyes wondered to the great void below where bridges connected the entire city together. But what really caught David and his parties attention was distant rumbling of battle below them and any talk of vacation was temporarily thrown out the window as many different ideas for combined moves arose from their minds.

David: with erebor being a city I take it there are libraries present?

Lily answered the question with a sneaky suspicion thinking why David would ask.

Lily: there are, they are on the upper levels of the city. Why?

David smiles

David: well, you know us. Since I'm not capable of battle at the moment that doesn't mean me and my pokemon arent capable of brainstorming ideas for the future.

Jenna, lily, iris and alder collectively rolled their eyes but David's pokemon actually agreed with him on the idea.

Later they finally arrived at the medical center, David was signed in and placed in a hospital bed. His pokemon remained by his side with iris. Jenna and lily had to leave so once again they were left alone.


A few hours pass and David's bandages needed to be replaced, but with his inability to walk thanks to having a literal hole torn through his body, walking was going to be very difficult for him.

It was only when David tried to stand when both braixen and kirlia ran over to help him.

Kirlia: David, take it easy we can help.

David smiles warmly and gladly took the help. With braixen having David lean on her and Kirlia on the other side trying her best. They slowly got to the restroom.

They open the door and David started to remove the hospital gown and bandages before beginning to hesitate.

David: you know... now that I think about it this is the first time I've seen my wound since the battle, I wonder how painful it will be to clean.

He sweatdrops at his own statement before he removed his bandages. A dark red gash stood in place underneath that spanned almost a foot in length from the front of his torso to the left side on his backside.

The jaws of braixen and kirlia drop lightly as Lucario walked in. His eyes narrowed and grimaced, worry was very evident and David could sense it.

Lucario walked over and helped him into the shower, he grabbed a towel and tossed it to David.

Lucario: I'll get the nurse to give us some bandages, kirlia, braixen, make sure David does do anything unnecessary.

With a swift movement Lucario leaves the room to find a nurse while Braixen and kirlia helped David lower to the floor.

David POV

Once on the ground a quick wave pain washed over my body and almost instinctively tried to put pressure on my wound. I took a pained breath and leaned my head against the bathroom wall.

Heh, thank God it's a walk in shower otherwise I'd have more trouble climbing into a bathtub.

I cringed at my own thought before the gentle sound of water began to flow. Kirlia had turned on the shower head and changed the temperature to a welcoming warmth. I smile in response before I extended a hand to the two of them.

(Cringe wholesome from now to end of chapter)

Kirlia and braixen accept the hand and sat beside me, the warm water washing away the dirt and dust off of our bodies, it was relaxing. Kirlia let out a quiet purr before nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. Braixen does the same almost saying she wants attention.

I reach out to the two of them and lightly scratch behind their ears and underneath their chin. Braixen joined in and purred making me laugh.

"You two are so cute."

Kirlia: hmmm, can't help it. This feels too good to resist.

Braixen didn't need to speak when her lack of resisting spoke loudly. But as a few minutes pass the subtle sound of foot tapping was brought to my attention.

"Iris? Are you still out there?"

As if to answer my question I hear a cry and a crash into the bathroom door followed by iris falling in the doorway with a deep red tint.

She wasn't able to get a word in when she instinctively hid behind the door frame avoiding eye contact at all cost.
The situation was honestly hilarious and with her childish response even more so.

Iris: i-ignore me!?! P-please~

I chuckled a bit as iris peeked out from behind the doorway still red with embarrassment. But my smile soon vanished as a sharp pain ran through my chest, I winced in pain and gasp lightly.

Kirlia: David?

I instinctively applied pressure to my chest as the water flowing down turned a dim red. Kirlia and braixen saw the red flowing water and helped apply the pressure on the reopened wound.

Iris also saw it and forgoes any embarrassment she had and grabbed a towel before running in. I saw her worried expression and helped.

My eyes narrowed a bit as I leaned my head against the wall. "Well this became sucky. S-sorry for this."

Iris: no no, it's ok I'm happy I'm able to help.

I turned my head to look at her, and she was smiling. It was warm to look at. "Heh, thanks."

It wasn't much longer until the small bleeding halted, it still hurt as all hell but I was grateful that the bleeding stopped.

Kirlia and braixen let out an audible sigh of relief before carefully placing the towel on the wound.

Kirlia; this wound is much more difficult to deal with, so you should take some more time to yourself.

Iris: yeah, we will stay by you're side until you're better. Here, turn around I'll help clean y-you.

Midsentence I could sense the realization set in for her, and like before the dark red tint returned. With a pained laugh I turned around.

"Embarrased much?"

Iris: sh-shut up.

Kirlia laughs lightly while braixen lightly yawned before beginning to rub her eyes. I reached out and softly scratched her ears. "Why don't you go and dry yourself off and get some rest. Were going to need as much rest as we can while we're here."

Braixen nods her head and leaves, she dries herself off with another hanging towel.

A few minutes pass and the dirt and dust that stained my body was finally washing away. The sound of the running water was relaxing to me and the others. But as those minutes passed by the tugging sensation of iris' emotions slowly caught my attention.

"Iris? You ok?"

Iris: i-im ok, just... worried I suppose.

Kirlia looked over at her and listened closely. I turned my head to see what might potentially be wrong.

"What are you worried about?

Iris avoided eye contact for a few seconds before she spoke softly. An increase of heart rate and breathing from her. Responding to it I gently held her hand before she spoke.

Iris: the future I suppose... I was with alder, the gym leaders and elite four when the knights invaded. The destruction was much more.... horrifying than I have ever seen, I... saw many people and pokemon perish beside me in battle and... I guess I don't know how to process it.

I lowered my head and turned to face her. I hold onto her hands and rubbed softly. She's trembling.

I thought to myself. There was alot of fear building inside her and it was very evident.

Iris: I watched them die, the fires burning brightly and the flashes of light from explosions... I don't understand. I saw my hometown and birthplace be destroyed in minutes.

She's just like me. She saw her home be destroyed.

Her voice wavered as her breathing started to become ragged I could see some tears slowly begin to form in the corner of her eyes. In mere seconds she pulled herself into a hug, her arms softly wrapping around my body.

I returned the hug, her ragged breathing soon became weeps and her body slowly shivered.

Iris: it's so scary... so many nightmares since then... I cant sleep... all I can hear are the cries of the damned... i-i don't know what to do David.

I could only silently comfort her with physical affection, I know what to do and how to do what she's trying to ask. But right now she's too vulnerable and emotional to face that truth.

I held iris close and helped her cope with the immense amount of stress she was definitely experiencing. I take a breath and gently started to pet and rub her head.

"Tell me, what were the nightmares about."

Iris closed her eyes before speaking, the waving and cracks of her voice was enough to tell me what was I store for me.

Iris: I saw.... fire, bright flashes of light that struck the ocean blue... large warships that sailed the surface whilst another fleet fired from the air. People and pokemon working in tandem with rage filled eyes... I saw the destruction of luminose city and the sacrifice of the Hoenn elite four.

I took a breath and tightened the embrace between us. A few minutes would pass before I spoke up.

"Iris, come we should get out you're still wearing you're clothes and you will catch a cold if you stay in too long... we can talk some more when we dry up."

Struggling to rise to my feet iris agreed and got out of the shower, leaving me momentarily. I humm coldly as I remembered the events the last month and a half, from the beginning of my journey to where we were at now.

My mind wondered to just how inaccurate my initial thoughts were about the scarlet knights and what they were. My eyes close as I got out of the shower to dry off.

This is... hard to do...
