ch32 spectacular evolution

The brutal burning of muscles ran through Davids and his pokemons body. They were running through the alleyways between the buildings of luminose city, avoiding detection from the champions. It had been over an hour since Riolu defeated Alder's Volcorona and he fallen unconscious.

David's eyes shouted pain and solace, his body begging for rest, but he had to keep running. With Riolu still in his arms and Kirlia on his shoulders keeping watch and lastly braixen as vanguard it was the best they could do to defend one another.

Through that past hour both cynthia and diantha would have essentially perform hit and run tactics to lure David and his pokemon into the open and get practically obliterated by cynthia's Garchomp and Diantha'a Gardevoir but nonetheless David and his pokemon continued to run.

The battle David, Braixen and Kirlia were fighting was quite a big one they had to win. The result of the battle this far had created a large amount of steam, smoke and smog, it clouded and fogged the streaks of luminose. It burnt the lungs of kirlia and braixen and it blinded David partially.

As David and Braixen continued to run through the alleyways they make a corner, Braixen trips and falls to the ground making her cough violently.

Braixen: Brai braixen (David we need to rest, we've been running for over an hour now, the smoke and smog is making it harder to breath.)

David turns to Braixen with softened eyes and ran to her aid, he helped her back up and had her lean onto his shoulders.

David: I know, I know.... but we have to keep moving... these champions are really trying their best. This test of theirs is..... brutal.

David POV

Seconds later after feeling the muscles in my body burn even more from.only standing did i agree that rest was probably the best action for to take right now.

I take a knee and allowed my body to relax, i take a seat and lean against the walls of the alleyway. I rested my head and finally relaxed. Kirlia smiles and climbed off of my shoulders and layed down onto my lap. Her muscles visibly relaxed and almost immediately she fell asleep.

I let out a pained sigh and softly began to pet Kirlia. I turned to Briaxen whom was lying against the wall beside me, her breathing heavy and labored...

I closed my eyes and tried to rest, tried to get any semblance of a break. But as my luck would have, I didnt get one.

A sharp exhale turned into a coughing fit followed by violent jerkings in my arms. I look down to see Riolu waking up, I smile a bit and pulled him close to me.

"I'm happy to see you awake Riolu."

The dog pokemon opened its eyes and softly smiled. He takes a breath and blinks a few times before speaking through aura.

Riolu: how long was I out for?

I let out a sigh and softly pet his ears. "A little over an hour, we were able to find cover thanks to the massive amount of steam and smoke braixen and kirlia made. So now were resting and trying to think of a plan to beat 2 champions trying to find us."

Riolu nods his head and rested it against my chest like Kirlai did on my lap. My smile widened from the cuteness overload before looking to the sky, having many thought flow through them.

"How are we to beat them? I guess a hyperesonance is the only way to, but with kirlia the only one to do so on command and braixen the luck of the draw... were at a significant disadvantage."

Braixen and Riolu agreed and remained silent further resting their aching bodies while I made an attempt to make a plan. I let out a sigh of displeasure and pain before feeling a weight on my shoulder. I look to see braixen also sleeping as well, my smile returns as I'm left to my vices.

And just like them exhaustion was quick to take me out as well. My eyes slowly began to close and I fell unconscious beside my pokemon.

3rd POV

Sycamore: you guys really did a number on David didn't you

Iris: I mean you could have done without the whole stalking thing.

The conversation being held at the moment is at professor sycamores lab where as right now all 3 champions are together watching a monitor where David and his heart rate is at.

Iris shrugs after voicing her opinion while sycamore continued to watch the monitors.

Cynthia: we need to push David as far we can so that he can be prepared for the war.

Alder shrugged silently before petting his volcorona that was actively sitting on his lap at the moment, its bug like eyes closed followed by the gentle snoring.

Alder: the kid is already prepared, that Riolu defeated my strongest pokemon 1 on 1, if anything we should be prioritizing the other trainers and train them to be soldiers or warriors.

Diantha and cynthia turn to alder with their arms crossed. The two agreed with the unovian champion but they also had a rebuttal

Diantha: while that may be true, David is the only known trainer that can recreate a hyperesonance with Kirlia and soon to be Braixen. If we can get Riolu to have a hyperesonance that we'll be more then ready.

The other trainers pitched in several ideas for what's to come in the future while ash and his other regional friends were watching the monitors.
Trip, Ash's unovian rival was actually quite interested in the hyperesonance.

Trip: hmm. Professor, is the hyperesonance a unique or universal anomaly? Can it be recreated?

The question wasnt hard for the professor to answer, it was relatively simple if anything.

Sycamore: neither, a pokemon hyperesonance from what info we can gather is essentially mega evolution without the need of a key or mega stone. This version of mega evolution is a much more raw and pure form, it releases energy almost 10 fold than normal mega evolution.

Sycamore says curiously as he began to stroke his chin and leans back in the chair he was sitting in..

Sycamore: if it can be recreated? I'm not sure, only David has shown competence in recreating them. But David is a special case as a human in general.

Trip: what do you mean?

The professor looked to ash's unovian rival before narrowing his eyes and bouncing it between ash and the tv where David is revealed.

Sycamore: because David has Aura. As does ash.

Everyone turned to Ash with wide eyes but none said a word. When sycamore took a breath he rested his eyes a bit before facing the champions.

Silence filled the room for several minutes until cynthia spoke up with a very wild condition.

Cynthia: if David looses this match against us champions then were taking him to Erebor for training. That way by the time the scarlet knights arrive he and everyone will be ready for war.

Everyone stood in silence much to cynthia's expectation however only 1 didnt fill it. The unovian champion himself alder, he chuckles lightly as the volcorona is returned back to his pokeball.

Alder: then good luck.

Surprised by this diantha questioned the champion.

Diantha: and why's that? Shed some light on why.

Alder smiles and looks to the tv screen to see David continuing to rest. The champion crossed his arms before speaking.

Alder: during my fight with that kid I saw something in both of them. Both David and Riolu... I saw their resolve.

The pressure drops and everyone began to form goosebumps on their backs and arms. Alder continues to share what that kind of resolve that kid has. The utmost respect for it and how far he'll go to protect the ones he love.

Alder: that kid from what we have seen thus far has the resolve to charge forward into the hellfire of battle despite the fear he may be feeling, that is courageous... that is beyond bravery.

Alder stands up to the defense of David he points to the TV screen and raised his voice. Determined to tell the champions that David will not cower under the pressure of battle.

Alder: that kid will not cower, he will not fall until the threat that is attacking he and his loved ones are gone!!! Weve seen the battle of shalour city, he charged headfirst with kirlia, braixen and Riolu: and save!!! Rescue civilians and other survivors. If this doesn't show resolve and what he's capable of then what's the next level?!

Alder points to David Stirring awake and shaking his other pokemon awake. He had a smile on his face and began to talk to his pokemon.

Alder: that kid has shown great ingenuity and ingenious ability and rational thought in the midst of battle. His mere presence and affect on others alone has strengthened the resolve of his friends.

Ash, bonnie, clemont and serena rose to their feet high and proud. They hold their respective pokeballs like true trainers would with a smile on their face.

Alder: David has lived on his own for just under a decade with only kirlia and the pokemon of the forest if that doesn't show strength and the will to live, then what does. And even now that kid has found a way to defeat you.

Diantha and cynthia look at the tv screen to see David holding several gallons of water with braixen forming a large amount of fire in her hands.

Alder: that kid will show you his resolve, his will to win, his will to survive. You know exactly how far he's willing to go and how he'll do it. He's done it once, twice, thrice, and he'll do it again.

The two remaining champions narrow their eyes and ran out the door of the lab and towards David's position while Alder took a breath to calm down. He turns to ash and all his regional friends.

Alder: that kid is an incredibly talented trainer and has beaten my volcorona. Combine his unnatural strength and pure will to push forward I have no doubt in my mind he will come out on top.

Back with David, a plan was quickly formed and put into action. He had gone around the immediate area and gathered large gallons of water and gathered them together in a small pyramid. David's plan was to create a large scolding hot vapor cover to conceal he and his pokemon to the luminose city tower and climb it.

For what reason?

To achieve Riolu's Hyperesonance.

--------- Pt 2


On command a large torrent of fire struck the underside of the pyramid of water jugs forcing them to boil and burn rapidly. The flames went from a beautiful orange to a blistering blue hue.

Then an explosion of scalding hot water vapor blinded almost half the city and the helicopter above in a cloud of water vapor. David grabbed everyone by the hand and ran forward to the luminose city tower as the 2 remaining champions ran towards the origin of the explosion.

David: alright everybody get ready, kirlia time to get serious. Let's go.

David picked up kirlia and pulled her into a hug transforming her into her hyperesonance form. Kirlia's beautiful pink psychokinetic wings extended out almost 6 feet in length as Braixena fur glowed a violent red and orange as Riolu's aura flared just as violent.

They used the cover of the vapor to reach the base of the luminose city tower. David turns to kirlia and Riolu.

David: kirlia use you're psychokinetic energy and boost braixen's flare blitz while Riolu you use you're aura to do the same, as for I. I shall join the two of you, I will form aura buffers below us to prevent the burns.

Kirlia's wings outstretched further and glowed beautifully pink, her psychic energy forming around the 4 of them, Riolu placed his hands on Braixen's shoulders as she herself took a knee and allowed the palms of her hands to catch fire, blue flames shot into the ground and growed quickly.

David's eyes narrow and formed a shield of aura around himself and the others just as 4 pillars of flames erupted from the ground. Everyone lowered themselves to the ground as David's aura stopped the flames from coming into contact with them, but because the flames hit his aura the flames propelled them upwards.

David: Kirlia get ready!!!

Kirlia's eyes glowed a fiery pink as strings of magical leaves formed around everyone at the 4 pillars grew higher and higher until they reached the top of the tower, the strands of magical leaves propelled themselves forward and attached themselves to the tower and around the wrists of everyone.

David: now climb!!!

The 4 of them began to climb to the ledge of luminose tower, eager to finish the battle the champions had declared against them. The plan David had in motion was very simple but the way of achieving it was much more difficult.

David, kirlia and braixen were going to instill their aura into Riolu with hopes to achieve his hyperesonance. Was it going to work was anyones guess, but they had to do it in order to win. Without the limitations of rule sets like a normal battle would they had a very likely chance to win.

David and his pokemon had experience in the matter of battles without rules while the champions did not. That was a massive part of the plan they have set in motion. With the rules of war not affecting them they could literally do anything to win.

As they reach the top the climbed over the ledge and finally had a little bit of time to rest before the champions could reach them. Meanwhile back in the professor's lab everyone was on edge, the sight of David performing physic defying stunts with pure ingenuity and creativity alone was something they themselves couldnt see doing.

Sycamore: looks like Alder is right. With how the battle is looking, it seems David might go any length to win.

Alder huffs proudly before speaking up.

Alder: when Riolu used shadow claw and bone rush simultaneously I knew the moment I saw it, he will win against the champions. One way or another.

All the trainers took in Alders words, Bonnie smiles warmly before looking up to the tv where David was being shown. Then an idea popped into her head, Alder spots the change of expression and promptly smiles knowing of the probability of her idea.

Alder: and they are already beginning to understand... there are no rules in war, which means if they all wanted to they all can go and assist David, and it looks like that kid just might.

Upon thinking this, it manifests quickly with the result of deddene climbing onto Bonnie's shoulders nuzzling her cheek before pointing to the doors to the lab.

Bonnie: right, let's go.

Bonnie takes off running much to her brother's surprise. Clemonts eyes widen as Alder began to chuckle, iris, cilan, dawn and Misty turn to the unovian champion with a confused look until bonnie shouted at them giving the answer.


and with that, bonnie takes to the streets outside with a look of determination and confidence. She may be underaged and not a trainer, but she has a pokemon who loves her like family and by God were those two going to help David.
