
David pov

5 hours later

It wasnt long until I finally awoke, the smell of morning dew and the light of the morning sun gently entering the tent was the cause of my stir.

Exhaustion was very much still in my body, a slight headache pounded in my mind as I slowly forced myself awake.

My eyes open to see that Braixen and riolu had already awakened. They yawned before they turned to me with a very happy expression. Riolu leaped up with excitement his ears perking in the process.

Riolu: Riolu!! (David you're awake!!)

The humanoid pokemon leaned in and gave me a hug, braixen followed with a smile evidently on her face. The two pokemon embraced me with such affection that it nearly drove me back onto the futon I slept on.

"Riolu, braixen. I'm glad to see you guys are alright and well rested."

The two nod with Glee as another sound enters my ears. A gentle hum in a tune that sounded weak and coarse.
I turn to the source of the sound to see Kirlia just barely awake, her eyes were just open. Our eyes connect ed for a moment and my worry expanded.

I sit up and gently grasp her hand, my smile fades quickly to that of worry. I squeeze it gently as kirlia attempted to sit up. I place my other hand onto her forehead and guided her back down onto the pillow.

"Kirlia, get some more rest. You need it."

Kirlia hesitated just briefly before lowering her head once more. I let out a hum before rubbing her hand, she smiles and moves my hand to her cheek.

Kirlia: D-David... a-a-are you ok?

I nod in response. Riolu and braixen lean onto my shoulders with a grim expression. Kirlia takes notice and lifted her hands to me, I let out a chuckle before taking a seat next to the fairy type.

Kirlia lifts herself up and places herself onto my lap with her head resting on my chest.

Kirlia: what happened David? What else has happened?

Kirlia had a look of worry plastered on her face, I gently pull kirlia and the other pokemon towards me. I take a deep breath before explaining what had happened.

"There are survivors... my aunt and uncle are apart of them."

The trio's eyes widen at the mention of my Aunt and uncle. Kirlia looked up to me with a look of interest.

"They have been staging a resistance against the knights ever since the destruction of my village."

The thought of a coordinated operation between two forces was that reminiscent of a future war. The very aspect of a war in the time of now was and is unheard of. It terrified me, as well as the others.

I looked to braixen and riolu for support. They gently nodded without saying a word. I turn back to kirlia and held her close.

"For the years weve been traveling, I think it was pure luck that we haven't been targeted nor attacked."

Kirlia slowly nodded before wrapping her arms tighter around me. Kirlia smiles gently before going to mention my aunt and uncle.

Kirlia: David? Are you're aunt and uncle apart of the resistance?

"Yes. I was just as surprised as they were when we found out that they were my aunts and uncles and me as their nephew."

I gently rose to my feet and made my way to the tent entrance with kirlia ever so comfortable in my arms.

Braixen and Riolu exit the tent before I did. The light entered my eyes forcing me to squint for a moment just as I exited the tent.

The sky was a milky grey rather than the blue I was used to. Smoke rose from various places in the distance which further polluted the sky. Without much time to think I kneeled down and picked up kirlia and held her in my arms before making my way to ash's tents to see ash and serena already up.

Serena: oh David, you're awake. I'm so glad you're ok. Ash explained everything to all of us.

Serena had a saddened smile but underneath that sadness was genuine joy that I was alive and breathing. Kirlia lightly giggles as she climbs onto my shoulder. Her eyes lightly link signifying her use of telepathy.

Kirlia: indeed. Yesterday was hard for the two of us. Me, braixen, riolu and David all did our best to cover you're escape. But, it brought back alot of trauma for David.

I flinch slightly at the word but I recover as clemont and bonnie climb out of their respective tents.

Bonnie: David!!!

Not even a moment after she awakes I was borderlined tackled by the blur of light.

"Hey bonnie. How are you doing."

Bonnie: I'm doing amazing, thanks to you we managed to escape unharmed.

My smile returns as I ruffle the hair of the kid. "I'm glad, and since everyone is awake I have some people to introduce you to."

As if the universe had sensed my intentions a voice called out behind us quickly addressing our concerns.

Gary: you don't need to David, I'll handle it.

We all turned to see my Uncle and elderly woman who I correctly assumed was my auntie. Everyone's eyes sparkled at the size of my uncle once again.

Gary: as you know, I was the one that helped you evaluate the forest to the castle. But I never gave you my name. My name is Gary Fuqua, this is Anita Fuqua. We are the survivors of Plainfield, a pleasure to meet you're aquantive.

Anita: it really is nice to see my nephew with such wonderful friends, I too am happy to meet you.

Anita and Gary lightly bow in respect giving the group a quick shock before ash and serena bow back in response.

Ash: thank you but the pleasure is ours to meet the family of David. Weve heard a bit about the Fuqua family.

Gary lightly chuckles. It was light hearted and soft.

Gary: all good things I hope.

Serena smiles before answering.

Serena: we heard about you're exploits during plainfields evacuation and how you two as well as David's parents were the focus to save the people and pokemon.

Gary's smile dims away as memories of the battle comes back to haunt him momentarily.

Gary: thank you for the kind words, we only did what was right on that day.

Kirlia Pov

I sensed Uncle Gary's happiness and saddness within his words but David was silent, much more so then usual.

I look to Braixen and Riolu and they all looked to David as if they too sensed his emotions.

Then before another moment longer a tear forms in the corners of his eyes as his arms began to shake. He turns on his heel and slowly walked away earning the look of everyone.

Bonnie took a step forward and was about to speak but clemont placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her from walking.

Bonnie: but clemont...

Clemont shook his head no before aunt anita spoke in a sorrowful voice.

Anita: leave him be. David.... has probably suffered the most from then. Even more so then us. He's had the horror to watch his best friends and family die right in front of him. He needs time. I'm... unsure how long however.

I jump down and motion braixen and Riolu to follow David. He needs us, now more then ever...

Braixen walks on his left and gently holds his hand while I did the same to his right and to my surprise he squeezed in response. I sensed he was yearning for help, our help, and I wanted to give as much as I could.

David: thank you guys... i-i just need some time alone, some time to think.

David let go of our hands and walked back to his tent leaving us alone. Ok David... please let me know when you're ready.

David turns back to me with a small smile and nods before climbing inside the tent.

I turn to Braixen and Riolu as they to eyed the tent. H-how can we help David? I-i want to he able to see him smile.

Braixen: brai braixen (I do as well. He shouldn't have to go through this struggle on his own. But...)

Without batting an eye Riolu placed his hand on my head with a soft smile.

Riolu: he'll come to us when he's ready, but for now let's take the time to think how we can help him.

Riolu's eyes gently glowed a dark blue signaling his use of aura.

I agree... perhaps we can start by asking Gary and Anita. Maybe they know something.

Everyone nodded as we returned to Ash and the others. Bonnie comes running to us when we got close.

Bonnie: Kirlia, w-where's David?

Riolu beat me to the punch and answered.

Riolu: he said he wanted to be alone, although we were hesitant. We needed to respect his privacy.

Gary: I see...

Gary looked to me, riolu and braixen with narrowed eyes before speaking up.

Gary: that look in you're eyes... you have questions for me?

Braixen nodded and spoke up.

Braixen: brai raixen? (how can we help David through this? I... we want to know.)

Gary hummed sorrowfully as he takes a seat on the ground. He gestures for everyone else to take a seat as well.

Gary: to be completely honest I'm not entirely sure either. But... I can tell you that he was the one that loved affection. Physical affection often brought David out of crying fits and tantrums.

I sense it's harder than that now...

Anita and Gary nod confirming my statement. Then the elderly voice of anita came to our ears.

Anita: David I'm sure you've noticed was always the singing type. He's always had a song in mind for an occasion, either it be out of joy or sadness he'd sing. It brought everyone in the village a smile.

What are you trying to say?

Anita: sing him a song. Something that brought happiness to everyone.

A song?

Many different types of music David had sung in the past slowly came by one by one until a song in specific came forth.

T-There was one song that David sung a couple of days ago. It was after our first encounter with the scarlet knights when he sung it... a lullaby.

I looked to braixen and Riolu and saw that they were deep in thought, remembering the song David had sung then.

Gary: what song did he sing?

Braixen: brai brai (we don't know what it's called. But it goes like-)

Braixen started to hum the song David sung then. The slow melody brought a wave of comfort to me and Riolu along with everyone else in the group. Gary and Anita seemed to know what song braixen was humming.

Gary: Katyusha.

Clemont: Katyusha? What's the song about?

Gary and Anita looked at one another almost in a silent debate like look. Gary turned to clemont and started to explain the songs origin.

Gary: Katyusha is an old song close to over a hundred years ago. It's a love song about a young woman writing love letters to her husband fighting... in a war.

The word *war* brought a shudder down my spine to which braixen and riolu took notice. Braixen scooted next to me and gently held my hand in a platonic manner.

Gary: the song was often sung by alot of people our village, mainly the elderly for they knew the songs symbolism. But... you know what, how about I sing it to you.

Everyone's eyes lit up, mine included as Gary walked a ways away before coming back with an instrument of some kind, one side had a piano and another with strange buttons.

Gary hums the basic melody piano beginning to play the song slowly.

The sound of the song brought the soft voice of anita as she joined in with the vocals.

The combination of the instrument and the voice brought a smile to everyone's face as I couldnt help but start to gently rise to my feet.

The 2nd stanza comes as I start to dance with grace in my movements. But before the 3rd stanza could start a few other voices appeared.


2 men perhaps in their late 40's joined in on the singing. Their pokemon which consisted of a gigilith and a krookadile. The added voices sent goosebumps around my body as Braixen and Riolu joined in on the dancing.

The 3rd stanza rolls in as many other trainers slowly started to pitch in with their own voices, then other trainers and pokemon started to dance as more voices and instruments joined.

Bonnie: hahah, c'mon serena

The overwhelming amount of energy that was in the air encouraged Bonnie, serena and ash to join in in the dancing.

Then the song started to slow marking its end but another voice started to sing. I turn my head to see David with a gentle smile dawned on his face.

On instinct me, braixen and riolu run towards him and leap into his arms as the music became ever more cheerful.

3rd pov

The chapter comes to an end as various silhouettes make rounds in the burnt forest surrounding the castle ruins. A low growl is emitted from it but none of them are heard by the surviving trainers.

In the end... a battle was coming for them, a battle like ash, serena, bonnie and clemont has seen. But for David and his surviving family, they have.
