ch39 a stories past

100k word special.

A/N before we begin this is a ultra long chapter that'll share David's past after he escaped from Plainfield but before the stories beginning when kirlia was still a ralts, this story shall be the one that'll hold legendary proportions.

3rd POV setting: northeast of R15 in kalos.

In the days prior to kirlia evolving she was but just a ralts with no owner but rather a companion to David. The two walk beside one another climbing a not so steep cliff face to reach the top in order to avoid an impending storm.

Sweat dripped down his face and neck as he climbed the cliff face. Ralts was already exhausted from training several hours prior so she was resting in his hoodie.

David: tch... why is this so... difficult?

David grunts before finding a foothold and leaping to another opening in the cliff face. Sure the face wasnt steep but it was still difficult for the young boy and with the threat of an impending storm coming in he had quite the predicament.

David huffs and wipes away his sweat before it entered his eyes. He takes a large breath and roars unleashing a lot of physical energy and climbed up reaching a small plateau of flat rock.

David smiles softly before climbing to his feet and turned around to see the view.

In the distance was R15 perhaps a little more than 20 or so miles away, it was hard to see but very noticeable ss there were two towns on either side of it.

David humms a bit before facing the next cliff face he needed to climb. He grunts a bit and began to climb but this time was different it wasnt too much longer until he reached the top. But it did start to rain when he got there.

First it started off with a large fork of lightning followed by the rumbling and deafening boom of thunder that alerted both David and Ralts to the storm.

Cursing internally David picked up his companion and hid her underneath his hoodie to hide her from the rain and ran into the forest atop the mountain he had just climbed.

David: crap crap crap I gotta find a cave or shelter of some kind.

David says worriedly as he leaped over twigs and large roots that grew from the ground, he dodged and weaved between large low hanging branches as his lungs and muscles began to burn screaming for rest.

Ralts was awake but still tired, she poked her head out from under Davids hoodie and looked around.

Ralts: R-Ral ral ralts!!! (D-David look a large tree!!)

The small psychic type pointed to a large tree in the distance that held many other trees that grew from the base beside it making a naturally forming cottage. David smiles and ran towards it eager to get out from the rain.

David: thank you ralts you're awesome.

David said happily, rubbing her psychokinetic horns on her head. Ralts purrs in response as David ran under the large hanging leaves.

The young boy huffs and falls to a knee as Ralts climbed out. She turned to David with a gleeful smile and helped him take off his hoodie and hang it on top of a nearby branch.

David: jeez... this storm came out of nowhere... it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon. Let's rest here for a bit alright?

Ralts nodded her head as David took a seat against the large tree and leaned against it's trunk. He hums weakly and closed his eyes as Ralts climbed onto his lap and leaned against his chest. David chuckles and began to pet her.

David: you sure do like me to scratch your esrs dont you.

Ralts purrs in response.

Ralts: ral ralts. (Of course, you're energy feels soothing.)

She says smiling. Soon her eyes falls close and she falls asleep almost Immediately but David remained awake keeping watch for any changes of the storm above them.


Several hours would pass by them and the storm would go away. Ralts would awaken then and there to a monstrous roar in the distance shocking her and David in the process.

David: crap, what was that?!

Ralts being a bit fearful hids under his arms closing her eyes as well. David picks her up and stands up before grabbing his hoodie and putting it on.

David looks around the area, it was cloudy but still bright enough for him to see. He took a chance and ran away from the noise the two had just heard continuing to head northeast and higher into the mountains.

Another roar echoes throughout the mountain, rumbling the sky and forests scaring pokemon in the process. David runs away from the noise until a large explosion occurs just right behind him. Two large pokemon emerge from the forest along with a large beam of fire striking the ground.

David turns around with fearful eyes as a large gust of wind blows past him at great speeds forcing him off his feet.


David backflips and falls onto his back groaning in pain. David quickly picked his head up to see a both terrifying and beautiful sight.

Before him were two pokemon duking it out hardcore. A fire type legendary beast and an aggron. David stares in awe as the legendary fire type reels itself back and tackeles it in a fiery inferno absolutely launching the aggron backwards taking out ttrees and boulders in the process.

The aggron comes to a stop and tumbles to the ground unconscious and defeated. But as the smoke and fire dissipates it revealed the pokemon the aggron was duking it out with shocking both David and Ralts.

Huffing and puffing the pokemon groans in pain and walked over to the large tree the two were just at obviously injured from the fight.

As the smoke disappears David recognized the pokemon and stares in awe.

David: thats.... entei...

Ralts looked up to David also shocked by the occurrence before looking back at the now lying Entei. David being the kid he was slowly began to make his towards the pokemon. Ralts having a similar idea of getting closer remained silent and watched with curiosity.

The wind slowed to a light breeze, softly swaying the branches of the massive tree giving the Entei an elegant glow to him. David felt mesmerized by the sight and got closer to the Entei before he stepped on a twig alerting the legendary pokemon to his presence.

Reacting to the sound the Entei shot to his feet with flames already burning in his maw.

Entei: WHO'S THERE!?!

the pokemon roars scaring both David and ralts brutally. David falls back screaming childishly, he backed up apologizing in the process.


Upon hearing the voice of a child the Entei spotted the kid fall onto his back and back away. The legendary fire type growls lowly and relaxed it's muscles eyeing the kid dangerously.

Entei: hmmmm... and what is a child doing here, you are far away from civilization young one. You should leave, it's not safe here for you.

The pokemon states lowering his body in the process. The entei rested it's head on the ground waiting for the kid to either leave or respond.

David carefully got back to his feet and dusted the dirt and debris off his hoodie and sweat pants.

David: were sorry, we were just waiting out the storm and give us some time to rest.

The entei eyed the kid once more curious by what it meant before ralts made herself known to the legendary pokemon.

Entei: are you a trainer with the trappers?

Surprised by the word trappers David shook his head no while also surprising the legendary pokemon itself.

David: no sir... I'm a survivor, running away from very bad people that destroyed my village and hopefully find a place that I can call home.

Entei's eyes softened lightly for the boy, feeling pitiful for him but also curious why he would be running so far from any known civilization.

Entei: to whom is chasing you?

The legendary pokemon asks curiously. It's eyes were narrow and fixated on the boy. David responded with a slight solace tone.

David: I'm not sure... but they're a group of bad people who are hunting me. They killed my mommy and daddy and their pokemon... they've destroyed my village and it's villagers.

Ralts listened intently, at this point of their relationship she already knew the story but not all of it. Entei could sense the emotional pain and trauma from the event easily. But what made it dangerous was that entei himself was just attacked and David was nearby.

That in of itself may have been a coincidence but it was very strange.
Entei huffs lightly and closed its eyes resting slightly.


Nearby however was a small research building, grunts, scouts and scarlet knight researchers worked tirelessly as a hologram scolded the grunts for letting David escape and losing contact to a platoon commander.

???: What do you mean you lost contact?!?!? How do you lose a platoon commander!?!

The holographic man shouts earning a quick flinch from the grunts and scouts present. They didn't have the ability to defend themselves because of their rank. The holographic man further lays into them by telling them some terrifying intel.

???: you idiots?!?! Jesus christ, there are numerous reports and indications of legendary pokemon in the area. If that commander doesnt report in you better go out and find him... understood?!?!

The grunts quickly saluted and ran off as the hologram deactivated. The grunts and scouts run outside and hop on a variety of vehicles, motorcycles and vans before driving off in numerous directions. 2 of which in David and Entei's direction.

With the two together David had spotted an injury on Entei's hind leg and actively helping it by gathering the local area for leaves and berries to make makeshift medicine.

David: there, that should ease the pain for awhile... get some rest.

The entei gave it's thanks and nodded its head and lowered it before closing its eyes. Ralts climbed out from David's hoodie and rested herself on his lap.

Ralts began to whisper to David, shocked by the turn of events today. Neither of them were prepared to meet a legendary pokemon nor knew how to react to it.

Ralts: Ral ral? (Is that really entei?)

David smiles and nodded his head.

David: yes, yes it is... he's so cool...

Being the children they are began to silently fan over the legendary pokemon next to them making the said pokemon silently chuckle while it pretended to be asleep. But as time went on the sun slowly began to set giving way for David and Ralts to fall asleep as well.


Several hours would pass by the trio when they were awoken by the sounds of vehicles and the cries of pokemon nearby. David and Ralts were the first to awaken to the disturbance.

David spotted several vans and motorcycles in the distance quickly gaining on them. Ralts quickly climbed onto David's shoulders and held on just as Entei awoke.

David: oh no... it's the hunters!!

Hearing the word hunters brought the legendary beast to a standoff with the approaching enemies. Entei roars loudly shaking the ground causing the knights to come to a halt and toss several pokemon out from their pokeballs.

Entei reacts by sending a powerful flamethrower at the group of enemies before facing David and Ralts. He roars once more telling them to get onto their back.


Entei lowered himself and allowed David to climb on while picking up ralts from his shoulders to hold her close.

Seconds later as David took a seat, the entei took off in a blitz of speed. Ralts looked up to her companion shocked and fearful as to how they found them.

Ralts: Ralt Ralts?! (How did the hunters find us so quickly?!)

David: i-i don't know. W-we need to get to higher ground and put some distance between us and them.

The entei overheard what David said and listened by jumping onto a fallen tree and leaping to the tops of the trees gracefully.

The entei roars once more creating a wall of fire beneath him cutting off the path between them and the hunters. David shocked by the action turned around seeing the red flames behind them.

David: w-woah... thanks entei.

The pokemon nodded it's head silently quickly putting distance between them and the hunters. Ralts hid herself in David's jacket as Entei sped up.

Several minutes would pass by them, their sprint slowed to a trod allowing all of them to catch a breath. Ralts held onto her companions hands and looked behind them.

Ralts: ral... ral ral. (The hunters... I think we lost them)

David lets out a sigh of relief and lowered his head grateful that they were still alive. But this only brought questions from the legendary pokemon.

Entei: hmmm. So those were the hunters you were talking about.

David nodded his head.

David: yeah... they've been after us, we've lost their trail for maybe about 4 and half years until perhaps 3 days ago.

Ralts: ralts ral ral (we've continually ran away from them all the while throwing them off our trail by hitching rides via flying type pokemon.)

The entei hummed lowly before leaping over a river and coming to a halt in order to rest a bit, he resumed into a walk while asking another question.

Entei: if you have lost their trail with efficient methods they probably found you on accident... humans loved their research so perhaps theirs a human structure nearby.

David tilts his head as his pupils dilate and his blood ran cold.

David: th-that can't be... if we've lost them... then... then... oh no.

The ralts wrapped her hands around her trainer as his heartrate began to skyrocket. It was a panic attack and only Ralts could take care of him during so.

The entei listened to the rambling of the human, hearing different words that only spoke of everyone's destruction and demise. Entei understood quite quickly that it was the boys trauma that had him have this episode.

The legendary pokemon narrowed it's eyes and roared loudly before resuming it's sprint.

Ralts: r-ral?! (W-where are we going?!)

The entei remained silent but only increased it's speed, roaring every so often. But it wasnt a roar of territory but a roar for help.

10 minutes later and after yet another roar from Entei another roar would respond back to entei followed by the strikes of lightning and cold wind striking against David and Ralts skin.

A fog then rolled in making anything infront of them practically impossible to spot.

David had calmed down but tears stained his cheeks as he held Ralts close to him.

The small pokemon looked around as Entei slowly began to stop as a clearing of trees became more and more noticeable in the distance.
In the center of the clearing was a lake head that then lead into a river.

David: w-where are we?

Entei didn't say a word as 2 more beast like silhouettes formed on the lakes perimeter. David and ralts tried to see what the beasts were but couldn't identify them clearly until Entei called out to them.

Entei: Raikou, suicune. The process is occurring much more rapidly then any of us predicted. Many things are happening way to quickly for us to properly react.

Raikou emerged itself as sparks of electricity forked off it's hide as mists of ice did the same for suicune.

Raikou: indeed it is. I suspect the boy is a survivor?

David and Ralt's eyes widen as entei nodded his head but David was quick to ask how they knew such a thing

David: w-wha.. wait w-wait.. how do you know that? How do you know I'm a survivor?

David could understand Entei knowing since he told him but not the other legendary pokemon. Confused and becoming increasingly more emotional Raikou answered his question with a very vague answer.

Raikou: All of us know of Plainfield and the others downfall. As for who was behind it is to be discovered soon. For the time being we must delay their efforts... David. Where do you think is the "hunters" laboratory?

David: w-wha? Wait.. what? I- I don't understand.

David became ever more confused. What did Raikou mean by all? Did other legendary pokemon know of the event? If so how did that happen? Entei however let out a sighs softly and elaborated the question.

Entei: we wish to potentially know where the hunters base is? And if we can destroy it.

David understood what was being asked but didn't have an answer but rather a rough estimation.

David: my father... used to have a strange table in his office and had his friends and many powerful trainers gather. He'd have me there to memorize the locations of the red pins.

Entei: and where were the red pins?

David became silent as his closed, trying to remember when he was so much younger. A minute later he answered with confidence and enthusiasm.

David: oh! Theres one down the river from here. I think a few miles downstream... but why do you ask?

Entei and the othe legendary pokemon looked at one another and sielntly nodded. Suicune walked over and glared subtly at David and Ralts. Moments later the two became tired and fell forward unconscious.


Cilan: wait. That's it? They just knocked you out.

Cilan and brock were stunned by what the 3 legendary pokemon and equally confused as to why.

David: yeah, I don't know why.

Brock: is that it of you're encounter or is there more to the story?

David shook his head yes and continued the story where it left off as soon as he awoke.


The roars of battle and driving of vehicles awoke David and Ralts. The young boy shot up from his slumber and looked around spotting the 3 legendary pokemon and many more local wildlife fighting against a group of vans and motorcycles.

But infront of them was a relatively medium sized structure one that was obviously being used by the hunters. The 3 legendary pokemon come to a halt and made their way closer to the building.

David: wait... isn't this?

Entei: indeed it is... these hunters are more than we are aware of.

The entei lowered itself onto the ground to allow David to hop off, with Ralts in his arms the two approach the front doors and entered it making David feel a rush of pain that forced him to stop explaining the story.


David gripped his head and lowered himself groaning in pain in the process. Cilan and brock ran over to figure what happened.

Brock: David!? Are you alright?!

David POV

A splitting headache quickly formed when I tried to remember what I saw inside that building and it forced whatever image I remembered to be blurry. I fell to a knee as brock ran over and took a knee beside me with a hand on my shoulder.

I groaned a bit before being able to answer a coherent message.

"I-I'm fine... just in pain.... is all."

Brock frowned before crossing his arms.

Brock: hmm there are many things we do not know about the legendary pokemon, perphas they withheld a memory from you.

I nodded my head and tried my best to focus on the present in order to prevent myself from receiving another headache.

"Yeah... maybe, I don't remember anything beyond that point."

The two chefs let out a sigh before helping me back to my feet.

"Thanks guys."

Cilan: it's ok David, you're welcome. Now let's get to cooking.

All: Right!!...
