ch37 family

After taking David and the others back to luminose city, he and his pokemon were scolded by nurse joy and iris. But that did little to sway them and they would be back to their regular antics the next night... and the next until finally 2 weeks pass.

10 days later.

The sun was almost up, the orange and yellow light of the sun could be seen just below the horizon in the distance. Everyone in kalos was asleep or getting ready for their everyday routine. All but a particular group of trainers.

Iris: oh my goodness where is HE!!!

iris exclaimed while scratching her hair. Cilan, trip and professor sycamore internally agreed that her tantrum was just, but it was also pretty annoying.

Iris: he did it again!! He's doing it every single day!! Ugh .... why are they training so hard...

Iris says calming down a bit.

Professor sycamore was driving through the forest that surrounded luminose city hoping to find David and his party in relatively safe fashion, but knowing David he's probably overexherted himself.

Sycamore: well.... you saw the state unova is in, chances are David is shouldering the responsibility. He probably thinks it's up to him to prevent the same thing from happening to Plainfield and unova.

Iris, trip and cilan looked at the professor with softened eyes, trip averted his eyes and looked out the window. Remembering his memories of running with his pokemon in a fighting retreat beside other trainers.

Trip let's out a silent sigh before pulling out a pokeball of his surperior. He looked at it and rubbed it softly.

Trip: does he really believe its just up to him? There are others that's gone through this, it's not up to him anymore so why is he thinking this way?

Sycamore thought about the question for a few minutes before finding the appro words to answer it. He takes a breath before picking up a small cylindrical piece of equipment and handed it to trip, it was a hologram that team rocket gave David. It held the information, tv and news footage of the beginning and mid stages of the unovian invasion.

Trip opened it up and saw the news footage unfurl before him. Everyone else saw it as well, they were reminded of what happened.

Sycamore: David has.... has had it worse than any of us, and still does. His parents were killed infront of him, his friends and cousins were hunted down and murdered and since David survived they are now hunting him with the sole intent of killing him and anyone associated. The scarlet knights burned down Plainfield and the many other villages, accord to Gary and Anita that is.

Everyone remained silent by the answer from the professor, trip's head lowers and formed a soft expression.

Trip/ iris: oh....

Sycamore nodded in silence before spotting quick movement nearby followed by the intense sounds of training. He puts the car in a higher gear before driving quicker to the location he saw the movement.

Sycamore: looks like we found them.

Iris now understanding what David is going through formed much more respect for him. The car drives for several seconds longer before coming to a halt with David and his party looking at them from a distance.

Iris and the others hopped out with their arms crossed, not necessarily in a good mood.

Iris: you better have a damn good explanation kid!!

David and his party sheepishly scratch their heads without saying a word.

Iris groans and walks over and glares at David, she scanned him up and down spotting more bandages around his arms, feet and legs. She groans again before taking a peak at the other pokemon whom had similar injuries.

Iris: you're an idiot.... but a persistent idiot.

David: heh, thanks I guess...

Iris rolled her eyes and turned to professor sycamore.

Iris: he's all yours now.

The professor nodded his head and smiled warmly.

Sycamore: alright kids, get in the car we have quite the drive to get back to Unova..

Everyone nodded and hopped back in, David return his pokemon to their pokeballs before he him hopped in with kirlia on his lap.

The cars engine revvs a bit before they took off with a cloud of dirt and dust behind them. David held kirlia in his lap softly scratching her ears.

Trip: so... what kind of training did you do this time? And what's with the book you have?

David tilted his head and rubbed kirlia's chin, she purrs softly and hummed happily. Kirlia lifted the book close to her chest as David began to talk.

David: we were learning and practicing kenjutsu techniques, as for the book it's a text of my villages martial arts.

This got everyone's attention, they took a look at the book kirlia held before she opened it. She hummed some more as David scratched behind her ears.

Cilan: kenjutsu? I've never heard of that martial art. What's it used for?

Kirlia happily closed the book and formed a blade using leaf blade and magical leaf. The blade looked like a uchigatana that the people in the book used.

Trip: woah... that's pretty dope.

David nodded his head agreeing with him before leaning his head against the head rest.

David: it is, but the martial art is physically demanding and we spent the majority of our time studying. However there are some things that raised questions.

David picked up the book that kirlia held and opened it, turning the pages before revealing a picture (see last chapter) and the strange language of it.

David: I've never seen a language like this before, and even if it's written in English the pronunciation is difficult to grasp.

David handed the book to cilan whom in turn looked through the book, his jaw drops at the great amount of techniques the book had but even more shocked at the massive language barrier present.

Cilan: this is... this is incredible. The mere fact that you learned anything from this despite the language barrier is amazing... and yet the language itself uses symbols, I've never seen anything like this before.

Now the professor became interested, he looked through the rear view mirror just as the car found traction against a dirt road indicating their inevitable arrival at luminose city.

Cilan, iris and trip all took turns going through the book David and his party were studying from, expressing their surprise numerous times before sooner or later coming to a halt infront of the pokemon center.

David sharing a quick goodbye picked up kirlia and placed her on his shoulders and held the book close to him before getting out the car.

Sycamore: have a good rest David and get well soon.

The professor and others waved goodbye as the van drove off leaving David and kirlia to walk back to his room in the pokemon center. David chuckles a bit and waved goodbye himself.

When the car was out of earshot he looked up to kirlia and gave a smile.

David: you wanna leave tonight?

Kirlia giggles warmly before nuzzling into her trainers cheek. She hums and answers.

Kirlia: let's study and practice this kenjutsu thing in our room... but we better make sure the room is locked first.

David agrees and walked inside spotting a rather angry looking nurse and her volunteers Jesse, James and meowth. Upon laying eyes on them David immediately used his shirt to cover his eyes.

David: h-hello guys.

Tapping her feet nurse joy brought her hands to her hips in a mother like fashion before beginning to scold David and kirlia.

Nurse joy: honestly, just how irresponsible can you all be?! Going out at sundown and returning at sunrise!?! What the hell?!

She shouted, David and kirlia flinch from her voice and promptly bowed in a apologetical way.

David/ kirlia: were sorry. Please forgive us.

Nurse joy lets out a sigh before calming down and smiling.

Nurse joy: honestly you young kids are so... ugh, irresponsible... however I have some good news for the two of you.

David perks up and walked over to the nurse as she gestured to her pokemon room. She points to the table in the center of the other room smiling.

As David walked over the sound of gentle breathing came from the other side. Sensing the little life on the other side he turned to nurse joy already knowing who it was.

David: w-when did.... he hatch?

Nurse joy giggles as meowth, James and Jesse walked in to retrieve the sleeping grass type.

Nurse joy: he hatched about an hour ago, he needed a little bit of help getting out of his egg but he was awfully exhausted so he's been asleep since his hatching.

David chuckles happily as he watched the team rocket trio walk out of the room with a sleeping turtwig in meowths arms.

Meowth: congrats twerp. You've got another pokemon to cherish.

David nodded in agreement while meowth handed the sleeping pokemon to David. Once again he chuckles in glee before looking up at kirlia.

Kirlia: looks like we have another member of the family, guess this means he'll have to join us for our- hey what are you doing?

David had lowered himself to his knees and held the turtwig close before pulling out a beautiful green and black stone. The stone glimmered in the pokemon center lights creating elegant refracted light to enter the eyes of all present.

The team rocket trios jaw dropped at the realization of what the stone was. Meowth stared in awe and spoke up revealing what it was.

Meowth: thats... a torterraite, torterra's mega stone.... twerp... holy cow.....

David chuckles and looked at it fondly. The mega stone was just like his keystone, it was a beautiful pocket watch format with intricately decorated hour and minute hands and symbols built into it. In all honesty it looked gallantly.

David: yeah, auntie and uncle gave it to me when they gave me the egg... and now I'm quite excited for---

And like before another interruption, but this time with the glimmering light of a pokemon leaving their pokeball.

David recoils from the light as the fire fox pokemon formed infront of him with quite a star struck smile on her face.

Her tail wagged happily side to side as she exclaims with an older sister kinda of vibe, she squeals.

Braixen: brai braixen~~!!! (Awo, look at him so cuuuuute~~~!!!)

She clasps her hands together as her tail continued to wag from side to side. Her obvious amount of excitement was truly something to smile at, and so David an kirlia smile and softly pet the resting turtwig for a few minutes before ultimately feeling tired themselves.

David hums to braixen and kirlia and spoke out to them.

David: we had a long day of training I think it's best if we got some rest. What do you two say?

Kirlia: yeah, I agree today was pretty exhausting especially learning how to use a sword and all.

Braixen agreed via a well placed yawn before beginning to rub her eyes. David chuckles a bit before making way back to his room in the pokemon center.

David: alright you two come on. We can cuddle if you'd like.

Braixen's ears perk up when he spoke, she smiles happily and ran beside him. Kirlia whom was already on his shoulders merely yawned and rested her head on David's head getting ready to fall asleep herself.

Nurse joy giggles and waved them a good rest all the while threatening them not to sneak out again.

