ch86 The prelude

In the center of the airships bridge was David, kirlia, lily and jenna discussing the plan for Nimbasa's infiltration mission.

Jenna: alright I'll go over the plan once more.

Placing a map of unova on the floor of the bridge jenna pointed to the outskirts of Nimbasa city.

Jenna: we'll be arriving at nimbasa city on top of entei, Raikou and suicune. The airship prior will land in the forest north of the city. David, you and iris will go together and extract the information and if possible take Meloetta with you too.

David: right.

As her name was called meloetta appears beside David and iris with a worried look on her face.

Iris: don't worry Meloetta we'll be fine. A quick in and out.

Although it calmed Meloetta, iris was underestimating the mission by a considerable margin. The mission would undoubtedly take days to complete and each hour will be excruciating and tiresome.

Jenna: let's hope you are right. The intercepted message although encrypted was partially deciphered by lethis, and the deciphered information is as follows. "We are in need of supplies..... high.... reinforcements inbound.... United nations."

David's eyes narrow at the words again: United nations. He knows very little about them and in his eyes it was the actual name of the scarlet knights or at least some variation of what they were.

David: United nations.. their it is again...

David sighed, getting iris' and jenna's attention.

Iris: you ok?

David nodded before responding.

David: during the sabotage a man get arrested and shouted about the United nations. Calling this whole ordeal wrong. He spoke about the execution of pokemon.

Lily and jenna's eyes narrow and for several seconds were slowly became nervous about the situation on driftveil.

Jenna: you said their was civil unrest in Driftveil and the man being arrested in plain view is evidence of it. Maybe we'll fine something in nimbasa.

David: I hope so.. I want to know the truth behind the knights, and I need to know about it.

Jenna sighs warmly and gave David a hug.

Jenna: and I'm sure you will, but you have to be careful alright?

After separating she ruffles his hair with a older sister like vibe. She giggles afterwards as David backed away and tried to fix his hair.

David: hey~ stop it~

After a quick giggle she stops and lightly hummed.

Jenna: sorry....

After composing herself jenna crossed her arms and spoke once more.

Jenna: we are landing in a few hours, go and get some rest you two. You will need as much as you can get.

David and iris share a nod before leaving the room, upon leaving kiki, jenna and lily sigh worriedly.

Kiki: the information said reinforcements, do we have an estimate on how many? If it's anything larger than a million provincia is actually done for and... we'll have to evacuate.

Jenna shook her head side to side and crossed her arms.

Jenna: I'm not sure, lethis and more specifically Winston Churchill is establishing a counter offensive by the river that cuts through new Pennsylvania and he needs to know how large the force is before he puts the plan into action.

Kiki: i-i see... has our sabotages and hit and run attacks done anything against the knights?

This time lily spoke up and gave some good news in that regard.

Lily: we have slowed down their supply routes significantly and diverted frontline forces onto the defense. key cities and towns on the west side of unova are being given more defenses due to our action.

Kiki: I see...

Kiki calmed lightly but she was still unnerved. With David and iris the two decided to get some form of sleep for the future mission. Entei and the other legendary pokemon were already fast asleep on the airships deck.

And for the next few hours everything was silent and eerie. The sun began to descend behind the horizon as the airship descended into the forest below and before everyone knew it the mission began.

In a burst of speed entei, Raikou and suicune blitz off the airship and into the forest with iris, kirlia and David on entei's back. Their eyes were narrow and their only focus being on the mission at hand.

The wind blew by making it hard to see but entei knew the path ahead and sped away. The eerie silence of the forest angered the trio, the lack of any pokemon presence intensified that emotion.

Entei, Raikou and suicune all put faith and hope into the mission, hoping that one day the pokemon would be avenged.

As time went on the moon rose from the treeline, illuminating the path for entei to take. Several more hours pass and they would finally reach a point where David, kirlia and iris could only go on foot. Entei slowed to a halt before lowering his back for David.

David: thank you entei.

The legendary pokemon nodded his head with evident anger and spoke only one sentence.

Entei: Avenge the fallen.

Upon speaking his parting words entei and the two others vanish into the forest leaving for kiki's airship, or maybe something else entirely. Meloetta revealed herself to David and iris before gently landing on David's shoulder.

David: looks like were ready to go. Kirlia I know you are not gonna like it but I need you to hide in your pokeball.

Kirlia lowered her head and gave David a hug.

Kirlia: I understand... stay safe please.

David gave her a warm smile before returning her into the pokeball. Meloetta vanishes from sight but remained on David's shoulder as he and iris began the journey to the logistics center.

Iris: David?

David: what is it?

Iris took a breath and asked a question David desperately wanted answered.

Iris: Do.. you think the scarlet knights are, from another world?

David hummed darkly as he quickly fell into thought, he recalled the memories of everything that gave him the signal of "this isn't right" or "that's unusually different" jenna and lily's silence about the past, Plainfield and the diverse communities. The vast usage of firearms and technology to even the very tactics the knights used.

David: at this point in time I... don't think I will be surprised if that were the case.

Iris: why is that?

Another memory came into the forefront of his mind. Although it wasn't directly stated to him he did however make the connection.

David: remember the book I used to teach kirlia, braixen and lucario? Those regions and languages that were unknown to everyone?

Iris: yeah, what about it.

David's eyes narrow some more before explaining what he was thinking.

David: apparently Gary hated the fact that I was in possession of it. Not to mention the professors all around kalos couldnt even identify those languages and regions, many say they've never existed. But that book was written by someone.

Iris' eyes widen at the revalation and made the connection David was talking about.

Iris: seung kim....

David nodded his head as the shock filled iris. He says nothing else and looks to the distance as he and iris neared the cities outskirts.

David: all the information present is telling me that the resistance, the scarlet knights from 400 years ago... arrived in this world, as for the reason... I... am unsure... all I need is confirmation that they are from another world.

Iris: then... how will you feel, how will you feel about everyone that's left you in the dark?

David thought about it for several minutes, trying to think realistically how he will react to the truth.

David: I'll be upset, angry, furious, betrayed but deep down.. if we were from another world I... I understand the secrecy. I'll understand why jenna and lily didn't explain things, I'll understand why deuk cha, seung kim, Anita and Gary didn't say a word. I'll.. hopefully forgive them but... heh... it's easier to say things now when they haven't happened yet.

Iris looked at David with a soft expression. She reached out her hand and took David's, stopping him in place.

David: iris?

Taking several steps infront of David she looked deep into his eyes as a sense of worry slowly filled her and him.

Iris: David... i.. need you to promise me one thing.

David: of course iris. What is it?

Iris took a deep breath and gave him a hug.

Iris: please don't fall like you did 2 months ago.. i...  can't bare to see you do that again... please David...

It was subtle but several tears fell from her eyes, a heartbreaking sensation crept into David's mind as he recalled that same moment when the barrel of his own rifle was pointed at his head.

David's eyes closed and accepted the embrace by giving one of his own. His eyes opened and glimmered under the starlit sky, giving way for a romantic moment for the two of them.

Then with a subtle moment David separated and leaned in before planting a kiss to iris' lips. Shocked momentarily by the blunt action she eventually accepted the kiss and returned the affection.

And under the moon and stars above the two figures looked like angles in the silhouettes of heaven.

Time skip

Midnight rolled around and the two were stealthily walking past buildings and homes recently built for colonization process. Not many people were out and about on the outskirts of nimbasa but further in was another story altogether.

Like in the forest surrounding the city zero pokemon was spotted, like David had stated earlier. The lack of pokemon unnerved both trainers as they traveled further into the city.

Iris: we should find a place to sleep tonight. It's dark and the lack of pokemon is giving me some thoughts I do not like.

David agreed and the two made way onto a sidewalk and began to look around for a motel of sorts. The night sky slowly became more and more polluted by light and eventually no stars could be seen.

David: alright, let's find a place to sleep tonight. I have some money I took from the knights on our previous mission. Maybe we can get a days worth or something.

Iris looked at David while he waved several wallets in his hand. She rolled her eyes as the two spent an hour scanning the outskirts of the city to find a motel.

As they wandered around the city outskirts iris was able to truly experience David's childhood may have been like. The buildings, the diverse community, and in a way it made her a little envious. But all that was left was the pokemon living peacefully with them.

Iris: is this what Plainfield was like when you were a kid?

David: it is... why do you ask?

Iris hummed a bit.

Iris: you could say I'm a little jealous I suppose.

Iris looked around at the many different restaurants and stores, selling food and products that were vastly different than she would normally buy in kalos or unova.

David: well... I did say we can go and travel the world together. That includes this as well.

Iris' smile widened a bit before she grasped onto David's hand and hummed happily.

Iris: that makes me happy David.

David: seeing you happy makes me happy iris. I'll go to great lengths to protect the ones I love.

Iris' cheeks flush a shade of red and nuzzled close to David warmly, after a few minutes they were able to find a motel with a great price for the night.

David: here. let's spend the night.

David and iris walked into the motel main building and towards the front desk. Sitting there was a young woman maybe in her early twenties.

???: hello, how many people and days.

David: only 2 please, and 1 day.

The woman looked down at David and iris and stared for several seconds before sighing and handing them the keys.

???: that will be 80 dollars please.

Humming David handed the cash to the woman before leaving with iris to their room for the night.

David: there, did you want to sleep with me tonight?

Iris: of course, is that even a question?

David and iris giggle warmly and entered their room for the night. David immediately closed the blinds to the room and unhooked his jacket revealing his rifle, a silenced pistol and several IED's. Iris did the same but she had a SMG and a smaller pistol, a beautiful PO8 pistol.

(You can Google the pistol)

After removing all of his weapons and placing it on the floor of the room David began taking inventory of the weapons and munitions he and iris had, if things hit the fan hard they could easily steal the munitions off of scarlet soldiers.

David: alright, we have our guns, my mx garand, my silenced pistol (1911) 4 IED's and 6 magazines for each weapon... iris you have your custom smg with 6 mags and your PO8 pistol also with 6 mags. I have my sword, Kirlia has hers, lucario has his marksman rifle, and braixen has hers as well.

David hummed before pulling out his pokeballs and tossing lucario, braixen and kirlia out. The 3 pokemon stand in unison and in ready positions but upon seeing David they relaxed immediately.

David: were spending the night at a motel to rest and take inventory. How are your weapons and munitions coming along?

Lucario looks over to kirlia and braixen and their armor/ get up before back to David.

Lucario: we are ready for the mission David.

David nodded his head and was about to return for the night when the someone at the door knocked. David jerked to the side, grabbed his rifle and aimed. Lucario, braixen and iris did the same as kirlia drew her blade.

???: hello? Kid? I'm.. not sure how to tell you this but you seem awfully young to be out on your own. Can I talk to you two?

The door began to jiggle as the sound of a key entered the lock. David silently ran to the side of the door and got ready, and as the door to the room opened David grabbed the young woman, covered her mouth and pinned her to the ground with her hands behind her back.

David: Lucario shut the door and lock it.

He whisper yelled, and following his command lucario shut and locked the door before his attention was brought back to the young woman before them.

Her breathing was quick and frantic while her emotions was running rampant but that immediately changed when she saw the pokemon before her.

Iris: David let her go, I don't think she's an enemy.

David gave iris a side eye before ultimately letting go of the womans mouth and arms, afterwards he still aimed his rifle at her.

???: w-woah ok ok chill I didn't mean to stumble on your little scheme here.

David's eyes turned into a sharp glare and asked a question.

David: what is your purpose for barging in here?

The woman turned to David and immediately saw the rifle pointed at her, she rose her hands above her head and explained herself.

???: ok ok.. sure... um... I'm only here because you and your girlfriend are pretty young to be going out at night so I- I um decided to check up on you two... ya know.. to see if you were alright or needed help.

David's glare intensified making the woman lightly eep in fear.

David: did you call anyone to pick us up?

The woman shook her head no, giving everyone a sigh of relied but not David.

David: good, I'm afraid I can't let you just walk free now since you know of our arrival. You can alert the authorities at any time.

???: wait no no no please don't do that I promise I won't tell a soul.

David says nothing and only looked into her eyes, using his aura to peer into the genuinity of her heart. But when she spoke only truth David and lucario lowered their rifles.

David: alright... she isn't a threat, why are you willing to help us despite us being the enemy.

The woman looked at David and then to iris before back to David, she giggles nervously before pulling out a phone.

???: um... you won't believe me at all but.... this is why....

Turning her phone over she began to play a YouTube video, it was poor quality but it did get the message across. In the video a popular influencer named I Am wildcat spoke about how he disapproved the knights attempt of colonizing unova and the surrounding regions.

I am wildcat: guys guys listen.. I'm a pokemon fan, I love pokemon and it was my dream to become a trainer but now that we can I'm disappointed in the United nations for not allowing us to. They would rather invade then become friends... guys. Chat stop it-

David although vastly confused by the clip understood the idea of a popular media influencers, many have popped up in kanto, galar, sinnoh and kalos ever since kalos' militarization, this was because they needed to keep morale up.

David: what? What does that have to do with anything?

The woman hummed softly before speaking.

???: the thing is... ever since the United nations.. or the scarlet knights as you might know them as invaded unova and the surrounding regions, people that have been implemented into the conquered territories felt as though war shouldn't be the answer... and many silently refused to do their part while some... openly denounced the United nations rule.

David's eyes soften as he remembers earlier today of the man getting arrested for voicing his opinions.

David: is... this widespread? Are these... people in support of coalition or the... United nations?

???: Like the man you just saw they support the coalitions cause and are desperately trying to find a way to help out. However....

David's eyes fixate on the woman as she hesitates on what she wanted to say, almost like she couldn't find the strength to. But after a minute she spoke.

???: however... a disturbing rumor has been spreading around recently about a massive force being assembled to end the war with provincia.

David's eyes widen and as did iris as the woman pulled out another video and began to play it.

Bigpuffer: is this true? This... war is intensifying so much that almost 5 and a half million soldiers are gonna decimate an entire region off the map? Where did you chat find this? Oh God we have scarlet lieutenants in the chat.... when are they arriving??? In 2 months?

The man named bigpuffer looked around the cameras almost like he was deep in thought about something, and before long he pulled out his phone and dialed a phone number before reaching for the camera to end the stream. The camera shuts off with the influencer saying one last thing.

Bigpuffer: hey uh Tyler, I'm sorry ma-

He was cut off midsentence by shutting off the stream.

???: this was 3 weeks ago and big puffer, I am wildcat, smii7y, vanoss, grizzy and many many others have all kinda disappeared, no one knows where they went or if they are ok.

David was silent and very much focused on the expression of big puffer. He looked as though he was sad, angry, shocked or in disbelief. It was an expression he saw when the knights attacked cyllage city in kalos. Those same shocked looks of the people as they realized that a dangerous battle had begun and the will to do something is paramount.

David: I think I know what happened... can... I ask you a weird question?

The woman nodded her head yes.

???: of course, what is it?

David took a breath and looked into the womans eyes and asked the all to important question.

David: are the scarlet knights from another world?

The woman falls silent at the question, shocked and confused by it. After several seconds she finally realized why David asked.

???: we are from another world.

It was that answer that made everything infinitely more clear, he turns to iris and kirlia with a nonexistent expression, he was indifferent.... he tried to process the answer despite everything being layed infront of him.

Iris: David? Are.. you ok.

David: I'm an idiot...

David blinked several times and looked around the room for several seconds, iris and kirlia walked over and embraced him.

Iris: no you're not...

David took several deep breaths and felt a rage build up inside him. Not toward himself, lily, jenna, Gary or anita... he was angry at the knights...

David: it doesn't matter now, we have what we came here for. That massive force is gonna arrive in this world in a month and a half we need to get moving right fucking now.

David packed up his things and began to leak his aura unconsciously. Lucario could feel his mind beginning to slip into another attack.

Lucario: miss, can you please leave for a moment. Right now...

That last part was more of a demand if anything and lucario quickly gave David a hug as the woman left the room. David's breathing picked up as he began to comprehend how massive the force was coming for provincia.

Lucario: iris, braixen, kirlia he's falling help me!!

David's face grows pale as a similar situation like the one 2 months ago began to overwhelm him. But this time everyone was ready to help, Kirlia, braixen and iris all enveloped him in a tight embrace.

Iris: it'll be alright David, we can find a way.

In the middle of his ptsd episode he gripped his hands and balled them into fists before he spoke, each word he let out was laced with venom and malice.

David: Avenge the fallen he said.... oh I know damn well we will. Were gonna make the knights bleed for invading our fucking world... they can go straight to hell...

In a powerful and uplifting turn of events David controlled his descent of PTSD and transformed all of that raw emotion into anger... directed at the knights themselves.

Iris and the others watch in shock as David's heartrate and breathing slowed into a normal rhythm. David rose up high and turned to each of them.

David: alright... we need to leave, I'm sorry but were not gonna get any sleep tonight.

Iris' eyes widen and nod in understanding, she knew what was about to happen and as did everyone else. Even meloetta knew

David: Melowtta I need you to return to the airship and get kiki ready to bombard the logistics center and other important areas. Everyone else, we are going to be planting a series of IED's around the cities munition factories and depots.

Iris rose to her feet and nodded.

Iris: right.

Kirlia: I'm with you David.

Braixen: as am I.

Lucario: the time has come for the knights to pay.

And with those words of war spoken into the universe David along with his  friends and family and his lovers, they leave the motel with guns in hand towards the various points mentioned by David earlier.

The prelude to a massive war is beginning.
