ch53 automotive mischeif

150,000 words WHOOOOOO

2 days have passed and after a long amount of time spent with iris I was able to figure out the root emotion of all the pent up emotions: fear, anger, and sadness. Just like me she saw the destruction of her homeland, her friends perish and most likely family as well.

So with a unanimous vote me and my pokemon have agreed to have her come with me if we ever go back on a journey.

And today was no exception, and today I sense was going to be quite exciting.


It was early morning and with all of us being cooped up in the medical center for two days we all came to the collective agreement that we should explore erebor. So thanks to the help of iris and lucky wheelchair we were on our way to explore, and it was a very elegant and beautiful city.

The pulchritudinous city was certainly something I will never forget, the well crafted and chiseled bridges that connected the city together, to the gallant tapestries that told a story from hundreds of years ago in the form of pictures.

Our thoughts wandered to what each tapestry depicted, while some were evident on skirmishes whilst others were very hard to grasp onto.

Iris: I honestly can't get over the alluring effect of this city. It's well maintained and.... Hah... I don't think words will do it justice.

I nodded my head in agreement. No words could be said bring justice to the upmost beauty of this city. The buzzing sounds of civilians and trainers going about their business only added to the effect, and in all honesty I smiled just by being here.

"So, where do you think we should go first? See the forges and armories? The pokemon battlefields? Libraries?"

I was barraged with many different ideas and suggestions. Braixen said the hot springs on top, lucario said the battlefields below, kirlia with the library and shopping district and iris with the artwork that were apart of the city itself.

All were great ideas but our decision was made when a voice called out to us with hearty laugh and chippy tone.

Kim: why not the forges and armories? They are directly connected and very wonderful to see. You could even purchase some customized and tailored clothing and armor.

I turned my head around to see seung kim with a cigar in hand and wearing a very foreign set of clothing, something I knew as a kimono and hakama, courtesy of the book he made..

He walks over with a grin before stopping just infront of us. Iris and lucario were immediately onboard about the idea.

Iris: sure, that sounds like fun David what about you?

Without hesitation.

"Yes, let's go see the great forges of Erebor."

With a gleeful smile on seung Kim's face he took the handles of the wheelchair and began to push us to the great forges down below. Kirlia hopped onto my lap when turtwig exited his pokeball appearing on my lap. Almost instantly I began to chuckle.

"Seems like you're interested as well."

Turtwig: Tur Turtwig!! (Yes i am!!)

With a smile we made our way to the forges below. 25 minutes of walking and the great views, once again we were amazed by the craftsmanship and architect of the city. Great chiseled pillars supported the city above as we further descended into the mountain. Until that was we finally saw it.

Bright white flames were spotted in the distance, the great forges of Erebor were before us. My eyes widen, as did the others whilst we approached. But something was wrong, one of the forges was out and a commotion became easily heard as we got closer.

Kim: huh, that's strange one of the forges is out.

Iris turned to kim with a tilted head.

Iris: what do you mean? Don't the city have fire type pokemon that could ignite the forge again?

Kim shrugged.

Kim: we do, but their resting at the moment and looks like they don't want to bother them.

We finally arrived and slowly walked by, my eyes fixated on the stone cold forge, unable to be lit brought an idea to light.

"Mr. Kim wait a second take me and braixen to the forge maybe we can do something."

Seung kim looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a grin. He let's out a chuckle and sighs.

Kim: ok, what's the plan?

Now it was my turn to smile, I turn to braixen and kirlia and extended a hand to them. The two grabbed my hand and helped me rise to my feet.

"Iris help me stand on my feet."

Iris does as I ask while kirlia and braixen turn to me with eager expressions. I let out a quiet chuckle before explaining the plan.

"It's been a few days but how about we perform a hyperesonance? Braixen I want you to use you're flamethrower at full blast while you kirlia use you're psychokinetic energy to contain the fire within the forge itself. The two of you will use you're hyperesonance in the process."

The two of them happily nod their heads before extending an arm towards me. I take them by the hands and lower my head, my eyes close as did they and almost immediately I projected my aura into them initiaing the hyperesonance.

Apparently kim was a few steps ahead and called out to the blacksmiths in the area to clear out


Several people upon hearing Kim's voice ran out from within the forge itself and quickly approached us in order to not get absolutely torched.

(Wattpad sucks and deleted a portion of the chapter, so to summarize the hyperesonance occured and they ignited the forge before leaving.)

David: that was incredible, I didn't think this place constructed armor and weapons for both people and pokemon.

Happiness was very evident in his voice, even more so with iris whom was very shocked to know that comforting saddles could be made for pokemon so that their trainers could ride on.

Iris: I know, I never knew saddles could be made for flying type pokemon. Oh~ I wish I was able to catch a hydreigon so I could ride it.

David and kim chuckled lightly as iris fell into imagination. Kirlia, lucario and braixen were the same, none of them even realized that it was even possible for them to wear armor. It was an incredible experience to have.

But the day would only get better when they began to walk further into the armory and into a large garage where small automotive vehicles were stored in reserve.

Some of which immediately caught David's eyes. In a quick movement he pointed and asked a question.

David: hey, what are those?

Kim looked at the vehicles David was pointing to, his eyes subtly widen as a smile dawned quickly.

Kim: those are ATV's. Vehicles we occasionally use for offroading and deep treks into forested areas. Why? Wanna learn how to ride one?

David, iris, kirlia and the others eyes instantly lit up, deep inside kim he knew this was a bad idea but with everything going on. A bit of mischief was kinda needed, so throwing caution into the wind he began to teach everyone how to use the ATV's. But for David a Polaris slingshot ATV.

4 hours later.

In the deep midst of erebor, everyone within the vehicle bay was doing their own thing. Going about their business and day without any unnecessary issues. Some were humming labor tunes whilst others were sitting down having their lunch.

But when the sounds of loud rumblings reverberating off the walls of the large garage many became increasingly suspicious. Until that was 3 ATV's come driving down the garage towards the door at high speeds. David drove one, Iris drove one and lastly seung kim drove one.

Each one breaking the 50 mph mark as the 3 atv's rushed toward the door to the outdoors. The flourish fauna of the mountain forest glimmered in the eyes of our heroes.

David and the others had massive smiles on their faces as they exited the garage at the high speeds. The workers were flabbergasted at what they saw, some rubbed their eyes whilst others just stared in bewilderment.

???: what the fuck.... God damnit kim.


As kim and the others left the garage of erebor the environment immediately became a forest with a barely distinguishable path of dirt before them. With kim leading the way he spoke to the others.

Kim: so what do you all think?!

The evident laughs of David, kirlia and iris was all of an answer kim needed until he too enjoyed himself with a laugh.

Kim: that answers that, follow me I have a mission to perform and I need to stop you guys from getting cooped up in erebor.

Iris whilst laughing spoke aloud, her joyful laughs and cheers resounding around the forest.

Iris: where are we going?

David accelerates until he was driving beside her, kirlia sat beside him whilst Braixen stood behind them.

Kim: were visiting the many fortress cities surrounding Erebor. On the base of erebor stands 13 soon to be fortified stone cities. They will be heavily armored as a last stand if things shall ever get out of hand, our mission is to document any materials each of the cities need in order to accelerate their build time.

David humms as thoughts entered his mind. He thought that the basics of what the objective was to establish like kim said a final stronghold if all else failed.

David: interesting, that's really cool.

Kirlia nodded her head in agreement after using telepathy to listen to him.

Iris: how long will it take until they finish? And do they have any plans to recreate the defensive capabilities on the west coast of kalos?

Kim smiles a bit before shaking his head.

Kim: the west coast is already being heavily fortified by an ever increasing number of naval vessels thanks to the collective presence of organizations from around the world. Galactic, rocket, plasma, and so on. Not only that the presence of elite 4 and champion level trainers are arriving en masse to teach and train others some of which are pioneering David's innovative skills.

Hearing this David's eyes glimmered with great pride and admiration for the trainers. Something that everyone could easily sense.

An hour goes by quicky, the quickly moving vehicles of the ATV's whip out from the forest and towards one of the many cities being built. Many people and pokemon worked side by side as they cut stone to form walls whilst others smaller cut stone bricks to form the outline and foundation for buildings.

The view was truly awe inspiring to witness, all the while massive towers were also being constructed at set intervals, at the top of the already constructed towers were massive cannons. Coastal guns to be exact.

Iris: woah, what in the world are those?

Kim answered.

Kim: those are coastal guns, 1 turret, 8 inches each.

Iris: wow, that's incredible... but also kinda terrifying,

David and his pokemon couldn't help but agree with the statement, but they also couldn't help but stare at the marvel of engineering, it was a similar feeling when David had gotten onto the airship that evacuated them from Unova.

David: wow.... so, where exactly are we going first?

Kim with a hand motion indicated iris and David to follow him as the dirt path slowly became a gravel road.

Kim: just follow me kids and we will arrive in no time.


Back on the west coast, a decent number of airships with naval capability were beginning their maiden flight, they took to the air with great elegance and badassery. The ones piloting it were young folk perhaps no older than 18.

On fort ticoneroga however ghetsis and cyrus. Standing beside ghetsis was N and beside Cyrus stood Mars and Jupiter, but Saturn wasn't. Saturn, had perished by the knights almost several years ago thanks to the knights.

Mars and Jupiter stood beside Cyrus as he looked out to the distance with a narrowed and stoic expression. He let's out a sigh before closing his eyes expressing what appeared to be prayer. Several seconds pass he speaks.

Cyrus: this is becoming more and more dangerous ghetsis.

The team plasma leader agreed with a gruff grunt. He puffs his chest and fixes his posture.

Ghetsis: I know, all my locations have been established and are relocating and allocating money to support the fortresses at erebor.

N: they are to be a last resort... something that has a great probability of us having to utilise to its greatest effect..

Ghetsis grit his teeth as he pulls out a holographic device, a screen pops up revealing a scarlet knight fleet beginning to grow in size.

Ghetsis: I know, theres an entire naval fleet and a small fleet of airships in air and on the water. They're growing at an accelerated rate far more than we predicted.

Cyrus nodded his head, as a pained smile formed on his face.

Cyrus: theres a large chance that they will try a preemptive strike on kalos. With the help of Ash and his friends they were able to create what was essentially a propaganda film that David assisted in making before he was sent to unova.

Then silence... cyrus and Ghetsis knew that the video was a success, because theres been a massive volunteer campaign that was established. But with the exponential growth of the knights the entire resistance had become suspicious as to where the knights were gathering their supplies and forces from.

Cyrus: we will have to make plans to halt their preemptive strike if they should ever to so. But even with our assets working at top speed we only have approximately 8 working airship battleships, fully armed and fueled ready to go and the 6 smaller destroyers and the variety of scorpion gunships.

Ghetsis: that won't be enough I fear.



Cyrus: i know.
