ch69 bullet wounds

David POV

When I came to I was in my sleeping bag in alot of pain. Bandages covered a large majority of my body with blood stains evidently seeping through.

"U-ugh.... k-kir-lia...."

I tilted my head to the side whilst my eyes adjusted to the surrounding area, I saw the star filled sky and the distant rising smoke. Then a gentle touch of a hand was placed onto my forehead but when I turned to face the figure it wasn't kirlia nor anyone I know.

???: hey.... are you alright? You.... took a bullet, several infact... my brothers jack and Jackson did their best to help.

I blinked once before lifting my hand in an attempt to reach hers. "W-who.... are.... you? W-what b-bullet?"

The girl smiled weakly before revealing a small bowl with 3 large pieces of metal and many other smaller fragments.

Kiki: my name is kiki and I guess I'm the captain of this vessel. I hear that you're name is David... correct?

I nodded softly giving her the answer before taking a deep breath and attempted to rise up but kiki and two weights pushed me back down.

My body landed on a pillow beneath me before I was able to see what was on top of me.

"Kirlia.... Meloetta...."

The two pokemon lifted themselves up and gently embraced me with a hug. I let out a light chuckle and returned the affection.

Kiki: they and you're other pokemon have stayed by you're side during the duration of you're sleep.

"I.... understand...."

Then my eyes softened some more, the memories of earlier slowly coming to the forefront and the actions I performed. My arms twitched weakly when i turned my head to the side.

"Where is.... jenna.... lily....."

Kiki nods her head before rising to her feet and began to leave.

Kiki: I'll go grab them for you.

I silently nodded with appreciation when my eyes landed onto my rifle beside me. I took a deep breath and reached for it, my right hand glided across the war torn rifle.


Kirlia scooted beside me and pulled herself closer I could feel her psychic energy gently envelope me, reading the thoughts within my mind.

Kirlia: I know darling.... we all have to now... it's gotten too far for us to hold back.

I looked back to kirlia and held her close, leaving my rifle to the side. I closed my eyes as lily and jenna walked over with kiki and two unknown pokemon.

Jenna: hey David... how are you feeling?

"I'm.... not sure anymore.... we need to accelerate our actions against the knights... it's kill or be killed now..."

Jenna and lily kneel down beside me as a small tear fell from an eye. The twin sisters ran they're hands across my shoulder in sympathy.

Lily: we know David.... it's always been this way, and it's only going to get harder to bear from now on.

I closed my eyes and kept them closed as kiki also kneeled beside me.

Kiki: are... you guys like mercenaries or something?

Lily: no, we were given a task to infiltrate the unova region and find a way to end the war before it gets out of hand.

Jenna: but from the looks of things it's already begun for you guys.

I tilted my head to face kiki, she held worry and concern most likely about the situation. I sighed before non verbally giving her sympathy, I placed a hand onto hers and smile.

"It'll... be ok.... were here now..... we'll fight.... till the end.... if we must..."

Kiki returned the smile albeit weakly.

Kiki: thanks David.

I took a breath and retrieved my hand before petting kirlia again. Jenna and lily turned to kiki before changing the topic.

Jenna: he's always selfless, however we have a slight issue arising for us now.

Lily followed up.

Lily: we've been discovered and it'll be incredibly swift for the knights to hit you guys harder now.

Kiki nods silently.

Kiki: then we gotta go and accelerate our pace then, we are not much longer until the Fortresses of Lisle.

"The... fortresses of.... Lisle?

Kiki nods again, she pointed to the far west where a subtle glow of golden amber was.

Kiki: the fortresses of Lisle are several fortresses combined by large walls, since.... the knights began the invasion Lisle was reconfigured for staging operations as well as the coalition's headquarters.

Me and everyone else present were incredibly intrigued at the newfound information. I bounced my head to kiki and the others present before continuing the conversation.

"H-how long... until we arrive.... there?"

Kiki: maybe a few hours if not more, assuming that were behind ally lines. I'm hoping we are in the clear.

Lily nervously giggles.

Lily: I really hope so too. For the time being let's give David some time to rest.

3rd POV

Leaving David to rest some more everyone except Kirlia and meloetta left and did they're own thing. Lily and jenna were employed by kiki and her brothers to help out around the airship while alder remained on the ships deck to watch over things.

And thus leads us back to the coalition's frontlines with the apparent retreat of they're forces.

Tanks, infantry, the airships, hell even the calvary David and everyone else spotted the day prior was on the retreat and it was all because of Jess calling in for reinforcements.

Heavy tanks and other mechanized infantry along with close air support from bombers and airships alike all pushed beyond the unovian boarders and towards Provincia.


But now a little detour back to the region where everything started: Kalos. But more specifically the seas and skies of kalos.

The skies and seas were dark with the thick clouds above. A shadow descended throughout the ocean as silhouettes of massive vehicles descended beneath the clouds.

Ships, airships. All of which armed to the teeth with heavy duty guns and turrets. One ship in particular led the battlegroup at the front a large airship of insane magnitude.

The Greyhound, a beautiful flying battleship with 4 cruiser escorts and 8 destroyers and the one piloting the battleship was none other than Drake: the dragon master of Hoenn.

With his back straightened filled with confidence and gallantry Drake stood at the center of the bridge where he held a pokeball in his palm.

Drake: heading to 089, continue descent of .5 knots, main heading of 20 knots. Sonar continue standard pattern.

A chorus of yes sirs echo softly throughout the bridge as the helmsman of the battleships lowered a lever slightly following the pushing of another. A few voices echo behind drake as the other seamen contacted the various other parts of the flying battleship.

Then a person walked into the bridge before saluting Drake. The hoenn elite four turned to him and silently nodded.

Drake: what is it messenger?

Messenger: all reports nominal, the defense flagship: Admiralty has given us a final goodbye until we are finally on our own sir.

Drake nods and turned his head back to the approaching ses before him.

Drake: "admiralty we thank you for the opportunity, we shall investigate the disturbance nearby alola. Godspeed" send that. Thank you.

The messenger saluted before speed walking out of the bridge. The Hoenn dragon master sighs as the radio behind him began to emit static.
A person walked over before picking up the radio phone to listen.

After a few seconds the radioagrapher  relayed the message to Drake.

Seamen: sir, pokemon air reconnaissance are returning. Dicky, eagle, Caelid and fletchers reconnaissance pokemon are departing now with a 20 mile radius from the air sir.

Drake nods his head before bringing his hands behind his back before responding.

Drake: maintain current heading and send the departing a message, "Godspeed, may arceus give you wisdom and strength on this mission." Send that please.

The man nods before walking to the door of the bridge and began talking to someone.

Drakes eyes narrow as the scrambling of radios echoed behind him continued following with the dimmed sound of the waves encroaching beneath.

Helmsman: 200 yards sir.

Drake turned to the helmsman and nods.

Drake: continue on as scheduled, prepare the arcane Ballasts and switch to naval engines!!!

With a quick raise of the voice everyone's backs straightened and quickly began to spout orders to the many departments around the ship.

The flying battleship continued on to descend with its cruiser escorts following, but the destroyer escorts remained in the air.

Drakes eyes narrowed subtly before sighing. After a few minutes the ships finally landed onto the ocean with a large splash, the waves and the sudden disposition of tons upon tons of water created quite the spectacular sight for the other descending airships.

The dark clouds above provided only barely enough light to see infront of them despite it being only noon.

Drake walked over to the door to the bridge and looked into the air, the other airships landed with an equally spectacular splash. But now his mission was only beginning and the dangers were definitely there.

As for if he'll be able to pull through is something that you as the readers are gonna have to see later. The chapter ends with drake and his flying destroyer and naval cruiser escorts sailing to the distant horizon with a particular enemy waiting for him.
