
Ch81: Let the flames of war spread.

1 week has passed, and things all across the globe has escalated immensely, the knights have finally pushed the provincia coalition on the back foot thus forcing them to the abandoned city new Pennsylvania... where David and his friends remain.

With kiki and her newly modified airship everyone was happy as can be and going around the city for one last harvesting mission before they had to return to Lethis.

Thus the chapter begins with David, kirlia and his pokemon accompanied with iris jenna and lily. They were securing a perimeter around the laboratory since the sound of distant gunfire startled the old Clocksmith. Kiki was on the ship with her brothers and alder in wait for an emergency take off if needed.

Jenna: we should get moving soon, if that's the coalition we have maybe an hour but if it's the knights then-

Lily walked over and pat her sisters shoulder.

Lily: we will be fine, but yet I agree we should get moving soon. I'll go talk to the Clocksmith.

Lily left the group and into the main laboratory where the Clocksmith was harvesting. David was humming to himself with his rifle in hand, Kirlia, braixen and lucario were beside him with weapons drawn and lastly Grotle and Galvantula were nearby watching the distant horizon.

Lucario: do you think we should contact kiki for an emergency takeoff David?

David: no, if I'm not mistaken the battle is a fair distance away from us. Unless the entire city is being bombed I think we have time to calmly escape.

Jenna: the battle is likely 3 miles away and that can change very quickly.

David turned to jenna whom had her finger hovered above the trigger. She sighs and lightly ruffled David's hair.

Jenna: I really don't want to engage the scarlet army right now. We do not have the proper munitions to last very long.

???: not even with kiki's airship?

Turning around jenna and David see lily and the Clocksmith leave the laboratory with a large duffel bag of energy crystals.

Jenna: I'm afraid we don't, sure the large gun we have may destroy tanks and damage airship components but it won't last in a sustained battle.

The Clocksmith hummed.

???: then what do you propose we do with it? Kiki and her brothers have agreed to give the knights a bloody nose.

Jenna took a breath before facing David.

Jenna: well?

David was silent for a minute before sharing an idea.

David: with the weapons we have at our disposal I think it would be a wise decision if we utilized dialga, palkia and giratina to assist us with hit and run missions within scarlet controlled territories.

The Clocksmith chuckled lightly all the while mildly confusing iris.

Iris: wait what does that mean exactly?

Lily slung her rifle over her shoulder and answered her question.

Lily: it means we have a means of engagement. Guerilla tactics can be very effective if done efficiently, David has been on the run from the knights his entire life even though he's never known it.

Jenna: thus we rely on David's expertise in stealth.

Iris: I understand, when do we begin?

Everyone turned to David as he clicked the safety of his weapon off. He smiles before answering.

David: we begin right now. C'mon we must get back to the airship quickly.

Leading the way back to the airship David was at the front of the group, quickly making way through the city streets. The sounds of battle get louder and louder as time went on, gunfire got closer and closer.

And the closeness of the battle unnerved iris. The bullet fire made her flinch.

Iris: the battle is getting awfully close, should we pick up the pace a bit?

David: yeah I think you have point, we should- GET DOWN!!!

in a abrupt change David tackles iris to the ground as a large object struck the building beside them, dust and debri falls to the ground startling everyone. Lily and jenna ran to one side of the street with the others present.


David lifted his head to see several coalition forces retreat from an advancing column of scarlet vehicles.

David: shit times up! Iris C'mon!!

Grabbing her back and legs he lifted iris up bridal style before sprinting to lily and jenna before another explosion occurred behind him.

David: we have incoming, mechanized infantry. Tanks and infantry.

Letting iris go David pointed to the distance where a vehicle column was present with large amounts of mightyena, houndoom and heavily armed soldiers.

Lily: I see it, orders?

David hesitated for a moment but was ultimately able to say something.

David: we take the alleyways through the city, get your flareon and glaceon out to create a smokescreen for us to use.

Lily and jenna nodded and had flareon and glaceon prepare for battle. David himself and his pokemon quickly transformed into their hyperesonant forms.

David: galvantula climb on my back, Grotle get ready for battle.

Having the electric arachnid on his back David and the others quickly dove behind a building and into the alley.

Jenna: the airship is another mile south from here and the knights are no more than 300 yards.

David: alright, create the smokescreen then we travel southbound. Got it?

Everyone nodded their heads as both Flareon and glaceon prepared themselves, a sphere of red and icy blue energy manifested within the maws of the eeveeloutions.

Lily/ jenna: now!!!! Use icebeam/ use flamethrower!!!

The two attacks fly several meters into the sky and collide creating a thick cloud of hot steam, blinding the knights mechanized column. David began to run forward down the side of the road with everyone else behind him.

This was only the beginning for them however as the sound of numerous bangs resound and they detonate around the buildings beside them.

David: there!! Into the alley, cut through it and continue south. Those tanks are on our asses.

The roars of the tanks engines intensified when the rapid fire of machine gun fire erupted. David and the others were able to cut through the alley before they were lit up by machine guns.

Jenna: David!! Those are scarlet reinforcements, they weren't here when we discovered them several weeks ago.

David narrowed his eyes.

David: I figured, c'mon we have to keep going. Pick up the pace!!

Now running even faster they come out to the other side of the alley and to the face of a advancing infantry unit. David's eyes widen when the knights spotted them.

David: take cover!!!

Diving into one of the buildings the knights engaged with small arms fire. David and the others took cover in what was a small restaurant like building.

Lily and jenna leaped behind a countertop and returned fire at the knights.

David: Kirlia moonblast!! Braixen solar beam, lucario aura sphere, grotle leaf edge, galvantula thunderbolt.

With that beams of energy fire off toward the scarlet force, forcing them into cover within the buildings. David used his rifle to engage the enemy as well.

Glaceon and flareon do the same while the Clocksmith hid with jenna and lily.

Iris: David!! We have an exit!!

Taking her words to heart David rose to his feet and ran toward the exist, the others followed immediately after when a tank rolled forward. Everyone managed to evacuate the building before the tank fired a round into the building.


Kirlia: DAVID!!!

the explosion occurred and it pushed kirlia to the ground. David returned to her and picked her up.

David: I've gotcha, I've gotcha, we need to move. Lily, jenna we need another smokescreen!!!!

Following orders the flareon and glaceon created another smokescreen for everyone to traverse through and when they did kiki was already in the air, Alder was on one of the mortars while Jackson was on the flak 88 lobbing shells at a tank.

Iris: they're taking off?! Wait?!
Iris ran towards the airship but was pulled back by lily. More scarlet infantry was pushing behind them.

David: shit, kirlia combine leaf blade with magical leaf and use this Souryuu zankouken technique when you see the knights!! Lucario, braixen use ranged attacks and techniques only. We are far outgunned for a aggressive confrontation.

Lily: yeah, we need to put as much distance between us and them as possible.

Kiki's airship flies through the air as Jackson lobbed another shell into another tank with a fiery explosion. Alder did the same but was engaging the enemy infantry.

Jenna: we have incoming 50 yards, they are focusing on the airship!!

David: keep moving, use the alleyways.

Repeating the same process several times for tens of minutes David and the others were able to put distance between themselves and the knights and now they were resting in a small apartment building one floor above.

The battle between coalition forces and the scarlet knights had intensified into urban combat. Coalition infantry and vehicles were fighting valiantly and their pokemon the same.

David, kirlia and iris were standing stealthily by a window while lily and jenna were camping at the apartments staircase ADS'd.

In the distance they saw coalition armored pokemon launching beams of energy into the tank treds of the knights armored vehicles.

Iris: D-David?

Fear laced her voice as she watched the battle from afar, people and pokemon alike got shot and fell to the ground dead. She backed away and leaned against David.

David: yeah?

David wrapped his arms against her and calmed her down.

Iris: is... this war?


Another explosion occurs nearby making iris flinch in fear. David pulled her closer and hummed softly.

David: everything will be alright, we will get out of here. Alright?

She whimpers a yes and buried her head into his chest.

Iris: y-yes David....

David smiles weakly.

David: good girl, now let's get you away from the window.

David lifted her up and walked away from the window and into the hallway where everyone else present.

David: lily any updates?

Lily: we have scarlet forces 25 yards away taking cover in the debri of the building across the street.

David looked over at kirlia and nodded.

David: have your eeveeloutions use calm mind and baton bass on kirlia were gonna take them out.

Lily and jenna nodded in agreement and had all their eeveeloutions use calm mind now that they have the chance to.

David: Iris you stay here with the Clocksmith and stay out of sight."

She nods lightly, David and his pokemon quickly walked downstairs to the apartments lobby with lily and jenna behind him. They maneuvered to the front door and out of sight of the scarlet knights.

Jenna: I see a squads worth of knights. 10 to be exact.

Lily: can confirm. I see 10.

Gunfire erupted from the knights position, they were targeting the coalition forces that were taking cover nearby. David and the others used the time to manuver out the side door and use the debri of the fallen buildings to take cover and take aim.

The knights continued to engage the coalition forces for several more seconds until finally David gave the order to engage the knights. First it was David to fire first, taking the shoulder of a knight while his pokemon used ranged attacks. Some missed but some hit.

Next lily and jenna engaged, the twin sisters was quick to kill 4 more knights, braixen launched a solar beam into another knight, launching him into the side of the buildings interior with a heavy thud.

David: there ya go!! Lily, jenna push up with me. Kirlia, braixen, lucario and grotle cover us with the eeveeloutions.

David fired off another 3 bullets and killing another knight. He, jenna and lily pushed up while firing at the knights cover.

Seconds pass and the trio with the help of their pokemon reached the other side of the street and kicked down the door before gunning down every knight present.

The kicking down of the door startled the knights immensely and they didn't have the time to react before they were gunned down in an instant.

David: were clear here, any more knights incoming?

Lily: no we have the all clear, we should take the initiative and move further south.

David nodded in agreement.

David: alright, kirlia, braixen, Lucario, go grab the others were moving out.

Using his connection with kirlia David had her gather the Clocksmith and iris along with the eeveeloutions. With the squad of knights dead others were bound to replace them soon...

Kirlia quickly grabbed the eeveeloutions while lucario and braixen grabbed iris and the Clocksmith, another minute later everyone was out the door and running down the side of the road, watching for any sort of movement around them.

The wild pokemon were in hiding from the knights. Rightfully so, they were afraid but only a select few remained in the open and actively protecting the other smaller pokemon.

???: we have to find a way to get into contact with kiki.

Lily: we know, and we'll try to but we can't do anything if the knights are on our asses.

Lily turned around and aimed down the road where they came from. She saw nothing but the same large pokemon within the buildings and alleyways.

David: so far it looks like were out of danger, but keep an eyes out though I don't want to jinx us.

----------- ch81 pt. 2 The flames spread through all and hatred is born.

4 hours later and everyone was taking cover within the basement of an old rustic subway system. It was flooded and it was populated with water and grass type pokemon. Lily, jenna and their pokemon were taking cover in a hole in a wall and taking aim at the entranceway.

David, iris and the Clocksmith were gathering old material to create a rudimentary radio to contact kiki.

Although skeptical David had his reservations about the idea but helped nonetheless. The sounds of battle were dimmed and quiet however they needed to hurry the battle was spreading across the city.

David: here, is this what you need?

???: it is, thank you.

David hummed darkly before he unloaded his rifle reloaded with a fresh stripper clip.

David: I don't like this.

Jenna: neither do we but iris and the Clocksmith have to rest.

David sighs before walking over to the staircase that led to the ground above. He took aim with his rifle and listened closely for any sort of disturbance.

David: Clocksmith, do you know the subway system?

The Clocksmith shook his head no.

???: these subway systems have been completely forgotten just like the city itself. I've never explored these systems and as you can see are completely flooded.

David sighed when the sound of helicopter engines and fast moving aircrafts flew overhead performaing strafe runs on the ground.

David: the battle is getting closer and closer.

A distant explosion occurs making iris flinch, David walked over and provided whatever reassurance and calmness he could all the while keeping an eye on the staircase.

Jenna: we know, but we can't do anything until we have a method of extraction.

Distant machine gun fire erupted followed by the sounds of whimpering from the pokemon within the subway.

David: damnit.... kirlia, braixen, Lucario go and see if you can gather information from the local pokemon.

Nodding their heads kirlia and the other two walked around the subway that wasn't flooded and gathered any kind of information.

Lily: what's the plan?

David looked over at the Clocksmith before down the subway tunnels.

David: if we can get the radio up and running we can have the pokemon guide us out of the city.

Iris: is that possible?

Iris questioned and to which jenna answered swiftly.

Jenna: it's the best we have.

Coming with a distressed sigh iris leaned back and closed her eyes tiredly. After seeing this David was able to take a breath and calm himself.

David: I'm sorry...

Iris: it's alright David, it's not your fault...

Iris extended a hand towards David and had him take it. He took a seat beside her and pulled iris into his shoulder.

David: I'm trying iris...

Iris: I know you are.

In a heartfelt moment iris held his hands and cuddled close to him. Enjoying the warmth of his body and aura.

Iris: you can do it David, I know you can... you have trained so hard for so long...

Iris gently lifted her hands to his cheeks and planted a gentle kiss to his lips.

Iris: you can do this.. you always have.

With a warm smile David rose to his feet and took her words. He then walked over to kirlia and his other pokemon.

David: were you able to find anything?

Lucario: no, large portions of the tunnel are electrified by pokemon it'll be dangerous to travel through it.

David hummed lowly and rubbed his eyes.

David: anything else?

Lucario nodded a yes and gave some good news.

Lucario: there is a maintenance tunnel inhabited by ground types we can use. However it'll lead to the cities laboratory.

David's eyes narrowed as he was essentially given an ultimatum. Either they returned to the laboratory where it was basically in the middle of the city or they can continue to run through the roads on top.

The choice he had to make was immensely difficult and both would surely lead to more mayhem.

David: I say we take the maintenance tunnels back to the laboratory.

Lily and jenna look at David with wide eyes.

Jenna: you wanna go back?!

David defended himself.

David: the laboratory is a large and complex building with many rooms and debri we can use to defend ourselves with. Not to mention those energy crystals are stil there, clocksmith do you know if there is a way to rig the crystals to detonate?

The Clocksmith nodded yes before answering further.

???: there is, but the detonations are immensely powerful and if the legends are true and they were made by legendary pokemon then the explosive capabilities are no doubt as strong or stronger.

David turned to lily and jenna.

David: we harvest the crystals and rig them to blow, set up traps under the guise of darkness from the debri and destruction. Or....

Lily: or?

David took a breath and looked at everyone with narrowed eyes.

David: we reach the laboratory and engage the knights until we can call the coalition forces for help.

Now that was an idea, it was better than the ones he mentioned previously. Jenna and lily share a look before nodding their heads.

Lily: lead the way.

David nodded his head and took his rifle and aimed it in a ready position before looking at kirlia.

Kirlia: can you show us the way?

Kirlia spoke to a small group of woopers and shinx. The small electric pokemon nodded their heads and began to lead the way. Iris and the Clocksmith rose to their feat and followed David.

Another explosion occurs above ground and once more making iris flinch she quickly ran to his side.

Then walk through the maintenance tunnels was brutal and difficult. Having to trudge through mud and water alike brought about a foreign sense of pain.

Lily: hey kirlia do you know how long until we reach the laboratory from here?

Kirlia: an hour... maybe 2?

Lily: alright....

The group over the course of an hour and a half of walking through mud and water alike they were finally able to reach the basement of the laboratory they saw the door to it and cheerfully smile.

Then the pokemon leading the group halted, which puzzled lily and jenna.

Lily: why'd they stop?

Curious kirlia leaned forward and was about to ask until a wave of energy that was both foreign and nostalgic washed into her. Tears formed in her eyes before she turned to David.

David: woah... kirlia you ok?

Taking a knee beside her the wild pokemon quickly entered the door with evident excitement. Kirlia nodded her head yes before she leaned in and whispered something into his ears, and then he too fell silent.

David: is.... is that.. true?

Kirlia nodded her head and walked over to the door. David turned to face the others.

David: guys.... I think were going to be fine, I also have some friends I want to introduce you too.

David POV

With a smile on my face I open the door and walked in, standing on the other side of the door stood 3 proud looking pokemon. One with a fiery mane, another with ice like fur and the third with fur akin to thunder clouds.

Everyone falls silent from a mixture of shock and confusion. Entei, Raikou and suicune stood before us like they were waiting.

"Entei... Raikou, suicune I'm so glad to see you all again."

Entei walked over and lightly nuzzled his head against my cheeks.

Entei: I am happy to see you safe. This place is no longer fit for you or your friends.

Entei spoke darkly, Raikou and suicune nodded silently before they walked over and lowered themselves to the ground.

"W-woah.. were leaving now?"

Entei lowered himself allowing me and kirlia to climb on. I quickly returned lucario, grotle and braixen into their pokeballs before climbing on.

Entei: we are, the humans you call the scarlet knights have boosted their numbers abruptly. An add 100,000 human soldiers are on the way.

Iris and the clocksmith walked over and climbed onto suicune while jenna and lily climbed on Raikou.

Iris: 1-100,000? That's in-insane...

Entei agreed before he and the other legendary pokemon rose to their feet and began to slowly trod to the staircase to the upper levels of the laboratory.

Entei: which is precisely why we need to leave... now...

Entei and the others climbed to the top of the stairs which they arrived in the foyer of the building.

Suicune: if we don't you risk getting killed... us too I'm afraid...

"Wait... what? Do the knights have a way to kill you three?"

They silently nodded a yes giving me my unfortunate answer. I looked at kirlia whom was sitting infront of me.

Kirlia: it's those weapons they are using... arent they...

Entei: indeed, those weapons of mass destruction can easily kill any pokemon. Apart for the more powerful legendaries, like lugia, yveltal, ho-oh and the other powerful pokemon.

The 3 legendary pokemon face the doors to the outside world before entei let out a powerful roar, the others do the same.


Entei's ferocious roar echoed across the laboratory and into the city beyond. Entei rushed through the doors with Raikou and suicune fast behind.

And in front of us was the sight of battles being waged between the coalition and the scarlet knights. My eyes narrowed as I raised my rifle into a ready position.

"Let's do this!!!"

3rd pov

The chapter ends with a cliffhanger with David and his group with the help of the 3 legendary pokemon Entei, Raikou and suicune rushing through both sides of the war. Will they be able to survive without repercussions you will find out in the next chapter.
