Haerin pov

My heart is pounding loud, hitting up against my chest, reaching up into my throat. I feel nauseous, confused, regretful, I want to just wake up. This is all a dream. There are feet running towards me, a shout, and I watch Ara's fists clench again.


Yoongi is struggling through the arms of the men and Ara tries to calm him, until she doesn't.

"What is it that I don't have? Why is it her? Was it all a lie?"

Yoongi speaks through clenched teeth, "You're  a psycho, there's no way I'd ever love someone like you.

I hear Jungkook's intake of air and I know that Yoongi made a mistake. I want to reverse the clock, I want to scream at Yoongi for being stupid, I want to help, and at the same time, I want Ara to hurry up and kill me.

Ara heaves and starts to pant, tears welling in her eyes. She stumbles back as if being pushed, hands reaching out for anything to steady her.

She's laughing now, an ugly sound of disbelief , anger, and despair. "When she's gone, you'll see me, you'll love me, you'll see how much better I am."

"I don't think I will. I think that if you kill her, you'll go down with her." Yoongi radiates anger yet he speaks calmly, almost casually.

I want to speak up, to tell him to just shut up, to somehow pacify Ara, instead I watch the situation get worse and worse.

"Release the boys."

My eyes widen as I see Ara wave her hand, instructing the men holding Jungkook and Yoongi let go.

They both takes steps towards me but the men stiffen and they stop.

"Make sure they don't move." Ara moves out of the room and silence hangs over us, all of us too scared to speak.

"When I said to bring help, I didn't mean for you to bust in here like a madman and endanger us." I hear Jungkook hiss to Yoongi.

"Help is coming."

"Not fast enough."

"What's your problem? Do you expect me to let you come here like prince charming and have me just wait it out, not knowing if she's safe or not?"

"Not like you cared al that much about her anyway-"

"Stop, please." Both their heads, leaning towards each other in anger, snap up to look at me.

"I don't want you fighting, and I want you guys to know I love you both-"

Ara slams the door open again, a gun twirling between her fingers.

"No, Ara please don't do this." Her eyes softe, staring at Jungkook. "I can't do it anymore."

"Ara, please, I'll do anything." This time, the fire is back in her eyes as soon as Yoongi speaks, "Lies."

She aims at me and I take a deep breath.

She pulls the trigger with a loud bang! and my eyes go large as I feel...nothing. Yoongi watches, completely still, with horror.

Jungkook had broken the grips of the men holding him, it's so cliché but it's so so real.

I sob, "J-Jungkook, no, please, don't, why..."

"Shhhh." Jungkook lets out a small laugh, blood trickling from his mouth. "Never thought it'd be the best friend saving you, huh." Then his eyes shut and there are police rushing in.

I hear another gunshot but I don't pay attention, my eyes are locked on Jungkook. I feel numb all over and I can't get myself to accept that the still body in front of my feet is Jungkook.

There are people pulling me, but I fight them, screaming and thrashing. When they take Jungkook, I cry harder.

Why, the person I loved so much...the person who took care of me when so many had left, why.

I feel a soft pain on my arm and my vision slowly goes out.


I blink, waking up in an unknown place, my vision clearing to see that I'm in the hospital. I hear the steady beeping of my heart in the machine next to me. 

I feel a hand holding mine and I glance over to see Tae, hair splayed out on the bed, eyes closed in gentle sleep.

His eyes suddenly open and I see the redness and puffiness. At the sight of me, he jumps up, wrapping his arms around me as he starts to sob loudly. 

"You, you didn't tell me, what you've been through, I should've been there, don't ignore me, don't ignore me..."

He continues to blubber, but I don't move, still as if made from stone. Tears slowly track down my cheeks as the numbing feeling from earlier hadn't left.

"What happened to him." The words sound lifeless, my voice hard and croaky. I wonder how long I was out for.

"To Yoongi? He's fine, won't leave you alone though. I forbid him from seeing you." Tae wipes the tears from his cheeks, rubbing his face into his arm, working the words through his sniffles.

The name Yoongi makes my heart go on fire, I feel so angry. If only he hadn't come, if only he hadn't made Ara mad again...

I know it was my fault too, but I can't help but feel such strong hate for him because...

"Jungkook, not Yoongi, Jungkook." This time, my words are more shaky, trembling slightly and wobbling at the end.


