sorry for the short chapter

Yoongi pov

"Why, how, what are you doing here?" I feel my heart thumping loudly in my chest and I rub my eyes, hoping that maybe she isn't here, that I'm just imagining her.

Ara smiles brightly, "I know right? I'm so glad to see you! Are you perhaps, glad to see me?" She bats her eyelashes, tilting her head. 

I scoff, turning my face away, "I stopped wanting to care when you left me, without even saying goodbye, without telling me." I still remember, how angry and sad I felt, when she left. I had realized, that maybe, there was nobody to care truly, only for me here, that I was alone.

Her face is stone, "Yoongi I did that so that it wouldn't hurt you, so that-"

"So that it wouldn't hurt me? So that you wouldn't feel the guilt if you saw me? So that I could forget you and not feel burdened? If that's what you were aiming for, then you didn't succeed. Now, again, why are you here."

"Business, I finished my studying and I'm here for business, with my father." Her face wavers and I see that's she's not lying, but not quite saying the truth either.

"I said, why. are. you. HERE?" She walks towards me, leaning close and whispering into my ear.

"Because Yoongi, I missed you. I love you." I feel myself freeze up, not quite processing she said while a shiver runs down my back.

I come back to my senses and push her off of me, watching her expression turn hurt, she loves me?

Haerin pov

"Haerin, I came for a reason.That reason is Yoongi, as you probably have guessed." I look up at Namjoon, Jin's boyfriend who had just been introduced to me maybe like ten minutes ago.

He had brought me in my room and I just really wanted to get out. The air is thick and heavy with an uncomfortable tension. 

I nod, "Well, what about him." I clench and unclench my fists, hoping that he wouldn't say it,hoping that if he did, I wouldn't believe it.That maybe, I had fallen for Min Yoongi.

"I heard from Jin quite a bit about you. You and Yoongi have barely known each other yet, there's something there." I laugh, coming off somewhat hysterical, somewhat sarcastic. This is why I didn't want to bring him up, so that I wouldn't risk facing it.

"There's nothing, He doesn't care, even if I do, he's just a cold jerk."

I clear my throat, "Not that I do care, as you said, I barely know him and he barely knows me." Lies. My fists are tight now, my forehead breaking out into a sweat trying to hold back that yes, I do care, whether I like it or not, because then I'd be exposed, vulnerable.

Namjoon plops down on my bed, ignorant to my lies and extreme nervousness. "The truth is, I think Haerin, that he's just lonely." My eyebrows furrow, "Lonely? He has all of you, he has that girl, he has friends, and family?"

Namjoon shrugs, "Still, Yoongi is Yoongi and he always seems like he's somewhere else, neglecting company, needing someone who can give, who can care."

"All he has really is his music, where he can express what he feels. Sometimes though, his music is not enough and he needs a person, something, someone real."

He turns towards me, "And if what Jin has said is true, then I think, that that person, is you." 

I inhale shakily, "Just what are you trying to do here?" 

"I'm trying to keep you here, I don't want you to disappear. The guys like you, and they like Tae too. If you decide to leave, they'll be hurt. I'm hoping that you and Yoongi's relationship won't be severed, even if nothing extreme has happened yet, I know that with Ara here, something might soon."

He tilts his head to look at me, "Jin has talked about you two, that he has seen how Yoongi cares about you, that it would break him if you left. So, I'm begging you, forgive him, again and again if you have to."

I shake my head, "You're wrong, he doesn't want me, and even if I care, so so very much, HE DOESN'T WANT ME." 

"You don't know him, you don't know Yoongi, yet there's something in you, isn't there. Something that pulls you towards him."

I feel Namjoon hold my arm, trying to soothe me but I just yank it out, "No I don't think there is."
