Another Vmin chap, if you want more or don't like them, you can comment
Jimin pov

I sit by Tae's bed, staring. Sorry has been ringing through my head for hours now.

Tae shifts in his sleep, murmuring.

My eyes widen as I watch tears flow down his face, his body curling up.

"Nari no, no please, don't go." He continues murmuring and I feel a sharp pain.

Who is Nari? Do I even know if he likes guys? Is he already in a relationship and I didn't know?

The questions pile up inside me, stacking themselves up to build a wall of insecurity.

Im already getting delusional and jealous, Taehyung what are you doing g to me.

Then Taehyung is awake.

"J-Jimin?" He winces and grips his head while I quickly reach forward to steady him.

"Yes it's me, I'm here."

"Oh...I'm tired..." He relaxes back into the bed.

"Tae you were literally out for hours."

He looks at me with hooded tired eyes, "That's...nice..."

I hear his heavy breathing and sigh, "You're okay, you're okay."

"Of course I am." He then shifts over, wincing slightly before patting the space next to him.

I carefully lay down next to him and grab his hand, rubbing my fingers over his. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry-"

"Shh, go to sleep Jiminie."

So we lay there, in the dark and silence of night until sleep overtakes us.


"Good morning Jimin", I blink my eyes hearing Tae's groggy morning voice.

I see him with a tray of food on his lap, a similar tray on the table beside him.

"The nurse brought us breakfast." He says, and I nod, grabbing my own tray.

He leans into me and I feel myself almost flinch, "Tae...who's Nari?"

Taehyung pov

I tense, pulling myself away from Jimin, watching as a look of disappointment goes on his face.

"How do you-"

"You were saying her name in your sleep a lot, you were having nightmares I think."


"Oh." I can barely hear him as he mumbles it back and I sigh.

"She was someone I used to love."

"Oh." This one sounds even smaller than the last.

"She's in Heaven now."

"Oh-wait what?!" Jimin instantly claps a hand over his mouth, turning red.

"I-I mean, oh I-I, I'm sorry? No, not as a question! I feel so bad oh gosh stop me please I-"

"It's fine, do you want me to tell you?"

He nods, and so I do.


Jimin looks at with sad pity filled eyes, and I want to be angry with him, for being like everyone else, for pitying me, for not seeing that I'm okay now and can love again.

I see him hesitate slightly, "Are you, still hurting?"

And then I'm scooting away from him, feeling hurt both physically and mentally because my head is apparently sensitive to any movement.

"No. I'm not."

"If you ever want to talk about it or if you-"

"I don't need your pity." The words come out cold and bitter, the way they sounded years ago when she died.

"But what you've been through, and you loved-"

"Yes, loved. Past tense. I'm over it. I still love her, but not the way I did."

"Oh." There it is again, oh.

For once, I want him to leave, I don't think he sees that I like him, I don't think he sees a person he could love.

Just another person to join my pity party.

Jimin pov

I see hurt and disappointment in his face and I can't tell if it's because of Nari or me.

I clear my throat and he looks at me, "If you, if you're fine now, do I have a chance?"

Multiple emotions flicker through his eyes, confusion taking over all.

I gulp nervously and feel my fingers tense.



"You do have a chance."

I feel my head spinning, trying to process his words.

"Well that's great, because I think I love you."

He looks shocked and I don't wait for an answer, I'm leaning in and kissing him.

I go too hard and chuckle when he winces, backing away before he pulls my shirt to try again.


That's what this is and I don't know if I'll ever feel this way with anybody else.

His lips mold with mine and I just feel right. I grab his neck gently and pull him in closer and-

And then my eyes are snapping open and my head whips around to see Haerin at the door, mouth wide open before she smirks.

"Sorry, continue."

Then she closes the door, so I do.
