Author's Note: Alright sorry for not updating in a while, school, Yuzuru Hanyu, and Nathan Chen took over my life for a bit. Sorry for the trashy chapter but try to enjoy!

Yoongi pov

I eat the last sticky pieces off my pointer finger, watching as Haerin's eyelids droop, "Thanks Yoongi."

I shrug,  "I can cook but I'm just...busy."

She raises her eyebrows, "More like lazy."

I give her a glare, picking up the dirty dishes to wash them,  "You better watch what you say, I'm the one washing the dishes."

Haerin nods, as if not even comprehending what I just said. I watch as her head goes down slowly then snaps back up continuously, that same action on repeat.

I smile softly as I take the now empty tray of treats and put it in  the sink."You should go to sleep."

She sighs, before getting up and walking over to me, dragging me by the hand behind her.

My gloves aren't even off yet and I just  let myself be dragged off. "Yah!" She grips my hand tighter when I try to pull away and I sigh.

"Haerin?" She just shushes me before pushing me into her bedroom and on her bed before collapsing besides me.

"Haerin the dishes.." I look over to se that she's already asleep, her short hair spread out against the bedsheets.

I take off my gloves and place them beside us, might as well

I settle down, resting my head on my hand, my body propped up on my elbow, it's not creepy to watch her...I'm just, admiring.

I gently touch her cheek, "I really want to choose you."

As if hearing me, she lets out a little murmur and I smile before closing my eyes, letting myself go to sleep.

But that's not safe

Haerin pov

The next morning, I get up early to get ready and put together breakfast.

I push my short hair back with my hands and grab some clothes before heading into the shower.

I change into a white tee, a thin oversized jean jacket, and some black jeans before brushing my teeth.

I hear Yoongi moving in the bed and I let out a small smile, watching as he opens the bathroom door, rubbing his eyes slowly.

I put my toothbrush down before heading out, letting him get washed up.

I head into the kitchen, tying my hair quickly into a short ponytail.

Rustling through my fridge, I pull out some eggs and fruit before starting to make breakfast. I begin cutting up the fruit before putting them on the plate, sprinkling some sugar on top. As I go to fry the eggs, I feel Yoongi's arms go around my waist, "Morning."

I roll my eyes, shrugging him off, "You're really annoying, you know that? Too much push and pull."

As I put the eggs in the pan, I glance at him, watching his brows furrow.

"I'm trying, alright?" I nod, plating the eggs and bringing our breakfast out to the counter, "Yeah sure, whatever."

He grumbles behind me and we begin eating peacefully, that is until Yoongi is choking on his eggs.

I quickly go to pat him on the back, watching as he coughs, barely getting his words out, "What the heck are we doing awake at this hour?"

He looks like he's about to rip my clock off my wall and for a second I think he will, judging from the glare he's giving it.

I sigh, "I wanted to see Tae so I thought we could go in the morning. Besides, ten am is not early."

"To me it is." I shoot him a glare but he's not paying attention, still trying to burn a hole in my clock.

We just stay like this for a while, the silence broken by Yoongi's phone ringing. He looks at it and groans, going to pick it up.

"Huh? Yeah, uh...a friend's house, we're going somewhere Ara, no you can't it's the hospital...No, I'll be home soon, bye."

I narrow my eyes, so this must be the Ara Jin was talking about.

When I raise an eyebrow at Yoongi he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Just a, a friend."

So he lets her in his house but not me?


I close the door to Tae's room, smiling.

"Why aren't we going in?" I shake my head at Yoongi, "I'm letting him and Jimin have alone time."

His head tilted, "What?"

"I think they're together now, it's so obvious they like each other." I smile wider but Yoongi looks like he's about to faint from shock.

"B-b-but, and I, and Taehyung, What?" His eyes are practically bugging out of his head and I laugh, "You're so oblivious sometimes."

I plop down on the seat next to him, "You know, I'm really thankful for yesterday, I don't know how to make it up to you."

He looks at me, "Well...grant me a wish, just one, no matter what."

"And what will that wish be?" I lean in as he smirks.

"I don't know but we'll see."

I shrug, "Alright then, the one wish is yours."

We sit for a while longer, "Do you want anything? Like a drink maybe?"

I shake my head no, "I'm fine."

He gets up from the chair, "I'm going to get coffee or something, be back soon."

I nod and watch as he leaves, feeling uneasy still from this morning. I hear a phone ringing and look at Yoongi's chair, he must've left his phone.

I look at the caller and see that it's Ara. My face scrunches up and my finger hovers over the answer button.

I press down and hold the phone up, "Yoongi~~ I miss you! Why aren't you home anymore?"

"This isn't Yoongi." My tone is dry and monotone, making it almost too obvious that I already don't like her.

"Huh? Who are you, why are you answering my boyfriend's phone?" Boyfriend, right.

"I'm Jung Haerin, Yoongi went to go get a drink."

"Haerin...hm..oh. I heard about you from Jin, may I ask what you're doing with Yoongi and why you have his phone?" My nose scrunches at her sickly fake sweet voice, I want to vomit.

"First of all, we're visiting a friend in the hospital, he spent the night at my house and I guess is tagging along with me now. Also, he left his phone, I don't know why."

"Alright let's get straight to the point." Her voice takes on a dark tone, completely opposite to what it was mere seconds ago. "Yoongi is my boyfriend. Mine. I want you to know that what happened to your friend wasn't any accident."

My mouth tastes metallic, I feel the phone slipping but I grip it tight, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, stay away from Yoongi. Either that or I will make you, your choice."

With that, she hangs up. I feel my forehead sweating, anger and fear rushing through me, filling my head and clouding my vision, I breather harder, harder...

"Are you okay?"

My breathing steadies slightly, my vision clearing to see a boy, with tousled black hair and large brown eyes.

His hand is resting on my shoulder and I realize my head is on his arm.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He nods and deflates, as if relieved, taking his arm away.

"I'm sorry but I just get, you know, kind of scared when girls are upset, it's a little weird." I laugh at him while he rubs the back of his neck slightly.

"Are you here for Kim Taehyung?" His question catches me off guard, does he know him?

"Yeah, you?" He smiles a little, "Yeah. I'm his friend but I don't really see him a lot now after Nar- uh he had some heartbreak and I was busy so we kinda drifted, but here I am."

"Oh. I'm his...roommate. I wouldn't recommend going in right now." I say when I see his hand go onto the door handle."

He gives me a look and I shoot one right back.

He takes a seat by me, putting his hands up in surrender,"Alright well, what's your name?"

"Jung Haerin."

"Well, nice to meet you Haerin, I'm Jungkook."

"If you don't mind not seeing Taehyung or being with a stranger, do you mind getting out of here?"

Yoongi isn't safe, Taehyung and Jimin are busy,  I can't put my few loved ones on the line, a stranger can't possibly hurt.
