Yoongi pov

I sit down on the couch, staring out my window. Last night I could barely sleep and I stare at my reflection, dark bags and messy hair. I couldn't help but feel pain and guilt, replaying yesterday in my mind again and again.

What is this feeling. Why am I so confused, what is she doing to me?

I pull at my hair and close my eyes shut, feeling my heart beat faster at the thought of her.

It's not as if...I have feelings for her, right?

I hear my phone begin to ring and I pull it out of my sweatshirt pocket, seeing that Jin was calling me.

I take a deep breath before answering.


I sigh intro the phone, "Yea I know I know."


"Hyung, I know. I'm just...really confused. I would appreciate if you could just let it go, ok?" I put a hand to my face, dragging it downwards

There's silence before he answers, "Ok, I guess you don't feel like telling me what it is yet so I'll wait until you're ready." He hangs up and I drop my phone back down.

I think of Haerin, how she was so concerned over me, how she's always peeking at me, how hopelessly pretty she is...

"Argh, if she was going to Taehyung in the end, why do all that..." I walk over to my studio before getting down some melodies that pop up, putting myself into the lyrics and melody.

I work intensely before I hear the doorbell ringing repeatedly. I groan before stretching my arms, walking over to the door.

"Why are they so annoying, ringing so many times, really..."

Once I open the door, I stumble backwards slightly, not believing my eyes.

"You, you're back..."

Haerin pov

I yawn, rubbing my eyes before turning over, looking up to realize that Tae is still here, that we're still on the couch.


"Yes, of you. I want to make sure that I will take care of you well, that you'll get over the sadness your father brought you."

He chuckles, "Which, by the way, I've told you my sob story so I'll always be here if you ever want to tell me yours."

I nod, trying to listen to the words he's saying, "I'll try too, to make you happy, to show that you're capable of  taking care of someone, of making them better." I smile up at him, turning to wipe away the rest of his tears, "You're already doing a good job."

He pats my head softly before wiping his face on his sleeve, "Let's sleep."

I get up to go grab my phone before checking the time, 9:00am.

I stretch before heading to the bathroom to wash up. As I brush my teeth, I look up at the mirror before lowering my gaze, of course Yoongi wouldn't care for someone like you.

I quickly shake my head, "Snap out of it Haerin, what does it matter to you if he cares or not. It's nothing to worry about." I walk from the bathroom to the kitchen where I begin to make breakfast, French toast.

I hear Tae begin to stir and I smile to myself. "Taehyung, get up. Breakfast is almost ready so get washed up-"

"Breakfast is almost ready? Great. I'm hungry~" I jump a little as the door bursts open, Jin, Jimin, and someone I don't know walk in.

"H-how did you get in?"

"When Tae was drunk, we got the password." I mentally facepalm as I get more bread, I guess I need to cook some more...

Taehyung looks at my annoyed expression and quietly scuttles off towards the  bedroom.

Jin plops down, "Sorry for the intrusion but we really were so bored and I heard from a source that Yoongi has a certain visitor so I really am not in the mood to go head over to his place."

I bite my lip, trying my hardest not to say something. Don't  ask, don't ask, don't ask, you don't care...I feel myself tremble before I finally burst.


Jin dramatically swings his hands into the air, "Ji Ara, such a pain really. Yoongi and her were somewhat of an item back then but  she left to go study abroad and rich kid stuff, yeah."

"An item? And what do you mean she was a pain?" The words keep slipping past my lips as I can't seem to hold my curiosity back.

The corner of Jin's mouth goes up as he sees me biting my lip harder, trying to focus on the bread.

"Well, Ara had this huge crush on Yoongi, probably still does now that I think about it. Anyways, she was really popular in school and a huge pain, but not when Yoongi was around. She'd tag along with him everywhere and he saw her as a friend and had no idea how utterly annoying she is. Unfortunately we had to be stuck with her for four long years."Jin finishes with a flourish of his hand and while the unknown guy chuckles, Jimin shudders.

"I hate just thinking about it." Then Jimin shoots up, "Wait, so, SHE'S BACK?!?!"

Jin nods, "Heard from a reliable source."

"I-I mean, they could be wrong right? They're probably messing with you hahaha, she can't be back, no way."

Jin just sighs, "Jimin no matter how much you try to comfort yourself, she told me herself."

Jimin's eyes nearly bulge out, "What??"

"Mm, she called the hotel and told me she wouldn't stop calling until I gave her Yoongi's address."

At this time, I finish up the French toast and Taehyung is walking back into the room, toweling off his hair. I see Jimin blush looking at the Tae's t shirt sticking to his skin and I roll my eyes. Sure he doesn't like you Tae, sure...

I begin to plate breakfast, bringing out cups and orange juice. "Breakfast is served."

The boys thank me and begin to dive in when Jin speaks up, "I don't know how long she'll be here though, she's probably going to try and sweep Yoongi off his feet before she goes, if she goes anyway..."

I clear my throat, "Whatever, it's fine if she takes him, she can have him."

The others all groan collectively, "Haerin, it's so obvious you like him so shut up. Second of all, no. We need to get rid of her ASAP."

As Jin drones on, I can't seem to hold on to the rest of his words...it's obvious, I like him?
