Im so sorry about the mini haitus but just not feeling it lately, short chap :(

Haerin pov
I feel the world spinning. The ground blurs and mixes with the figure running towards me.


I hear a single word and then shrieking, and I realize it's me.

That can't be, how did he know?

My head flashes back to the letters and my eyes widen.

"No, No, NO!"

I go into hysterics, my cries bouncing off the walls as I watch him get dragged across the floor.

"Haerin, it's ok! I'll get you out of here."

The soothing voice repeats his sweet words but I can't help but feel so horrible.

He can't console me.

"Jungkook..." my voice comes out weak and my head starts to fall.

I won't give in, I can't miss a second, I need to stay awake.

Please, please, please

I watch through hazy eyes as Ara's men keep him in a grasp and his furious cold eyes glaring at them in return.

"Didn't know she meant this much to you, brother."


Everything stops.

The floor goes back in place, I go silent, the milky glaze over my eyes disappears.


Ara let's out another crazy laugh, "Yes, this is my brother, isn't it such a small world?"

"It is...indeed..."

The silence that follows is tense, Jungkook not meeting my eyes and Ara smiling, clearly enjoying our discomfort.

"Well since introductions aren't needed, I shall proceed."

She starts towards me again, "wait!"

Ara and I turn our heads to see Jungkook, looking at us with pleading eyes.

"Ara stop, please. I love her, very much."

"She was in my business, she took away my Yoongi."

I flinch at his name, both from sadness and anger.

"She means so much to me, please just let her go, and I'll take her, far far away."

Ara stops, considering.

"Do you really love her that much?"

"She's my sister, my best friend.  After what we've been through, I thought you'd be able to see clearer, but you've just...."

Ara's fists clench and he quickly changes his direction,  "Ara you know what this would mean to me."

She slowly pulls down her arm, letting loose a breath from me and Jungkook, then the door opens again.
