Yoongi pov

Ara lies beside me on the couch turning to her side to face me as she sighs contentedly, "Ah, I'm so tired." 

I hum in response as she begins to take my hand into hers, fingers weaving through mine. I want to cringe, to pull away, but I don't and just let my fingers rest with hers.

They just don't fit, why don't they fit. Haerin fit. Wait, no, you have Ara

"Who would be there to love you if I weren't here Yoongi?" Ara gives my hand a squeeze and I open my mouth, before closing it, it was a rhetorical question. Instead I just continue to stare blankly at the wall. She's right, who would there be.

Why am I being so stupid, why can't I just feeling something, anything when I'm with Ara. There's nobody else.

My mind had been a mess for some time now, wanting to want Ara, to go the safe route but then there's Haerin, who I barely know. She's insignificant to my life but she's made me so confused, she has such impact and I don't know.

The girl who loves me, but I don't love back. Then the girl who causes me chaos, but makes me so unsure.

"You intrigue me too, Haerin." Why is this so confusing...

Ara cuddles deeper into my arm and I look at her, "Are you doing anything this weekend?"

She looks up at me cutely, "No, why? Do you want to go somewhere together?"

I nod and she lets out a little squeal. This is good, take your mind off things, be with Ara who loves you unconditionally. But is this right?

I stand up, ripping my hand out of Ara's, heading into my room, "I'm just going to rest for a bit."

As I settle on my bed, I tell myself I'm making the right choice.

I close my eyes, remembering my conversation with Taehyung.


"Okay, spill. You have no idea how badly I don't want to be here." I see Taehyung take a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't want to be here either but I have a few questions.

"Don't you dare say it's about Haerin," I spit, turning my face because, why, why is she always being brought up when people talk to me.

"Are you dating Ara?" My head swivels back at the question, blinking blankly at Taehyung.


He stares coldly at me and I almost shudder, "Yes, yes I am." Taehyung retreats back into his seat, "Oh."

I scoff at his reaction, "Glad aren't you, now you can have Haerin to yourself, right? Great, everyone's happy."

This time it's his turn to stare, "What do you mean?" 

"Look I didn't mean to, but I heard you and her, I heard your confession and the way you guys are with each other, how you came back holding hands and-"

"I never confessed to Haerin!" 

I sigh, "You can cut it out Taehyung, just be happy about the current situation."

"I can't." He says, voice barely above a whisper.

I let out an exasperated breath, "Well why not?!"

"BECAUSE HAERIN ISN'T HAPPY!" I hold myself back from flinching at his sudden outburst, instead just leaning back, thinking over what he just said.

"Well I mean I get that I was mean to her but it's not like-"

"Why are you so dense? Why can't you see that you-that she-never mind. I just came here to clarify other things, goodbye."

What did he mean? What was he going to say? Why did he leave so suddenly without telling me? And why do I want to know so badly?

Haerin pov

I go home in a daze, did I really do that? How come...

I shake my head, clutching tightly onto Yoongi's sweatshirt in my hand.

This is it, goodbye.

I walk tentatively into the apartment, watching Taehyung on the couch, where he had not budged since this morning.

Ever since maybe two days ago, he's been in a sort of mood and I have no idea why. I go over and see that he has his eyes closed, but isn't sleeping, his fingers rubbing circles in the couch cushion.

I take a seat by his feet, leaning into the couch. Tae cracks open an eye, "You're back." His voice is raspy and I sigh, "Yeah, getting out was...a good idea."

He moves up into a sitting position, "That's great Haerin, one step at a time."

I smile at him, this was more like a step backwards.

Suddenly Taehyung's eyes widen. I follow his gaze to my hands, where the sweatshirt lays.

Oh shoot I wore this at Yoongi's house when Tae was there.

"U-uhm I think I'm uh, gonna go to my room and clean up..." I stumble out of the couch when Tae's hand clamps around my wrist, pulling me back down.

"Haerin what's that?" 

"Oh this? I, bought it. I didn't want to burden you with wearing yours all the time so I-"

"It looks familiar." I flinch internally at his skeptical eyes and rack my brain for an escape plan, my mind drawing to a blank in its panic.

Then Taehyung is pulling the sweatshirt out of my hands and, sniffing it?

"This has Yoongi's cologne."

"How do you even know that?" My panic is completely swept out with pure confusion and shock. 

"You've never raided someone's bathroom before? That's like the number one thing you do when going to a person's house."

I just sit there, staring at him.

Taehyung waves his hands, "That's besides the point, is this Yoongi's?" I gulp, pulling the sweatshirt back into my lap, "Of course not."

"Don't lie to me Haerin." I let out a breath before looking at him in the eye.

"We decided that this was goodbye." I clench onto the sweatshirt, pulling it up to my chest.

"Haerin this was not the plan! I can't believe you went to him." Taehyung is standing now, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't go to him, it was coincidental." I correct him.

"Still, you're supposed to be making progress." Now I'm standing too, "This is progress, we agreed to cut ties."

Taehyung just groans at my response, "That's not how things go, first you're saying goodbye then you're realizing that the goodbye just makes you want him more and then I'm going to have to live with an emotional wreck."

I smack him,"Tae stop being dramatic, it's nothing like that."

"Yeah? Then what's it like."

"I forget him, he forgets me. Even if I don't there will be no point, but there will be alcohol so we're all good."
