Thanks for the 1k!!!!

Sorry for an annoying time skip but I mean...

Haerin pov

All I know is that I'm getting drunk, quick. Jungkook is in the seat next to me, downing drinks as well, but not as fast. 

In the past month, we've fallen into a rhythm. I rant, he listens, we get drunk together, but mostly just me. I sigh, sliding the bottle to him when he opens up his hand, another habit we've fallen into.

Jungkook and me ended up being friends, the ones where you just spill out all your problems and just get drunk as heck.

Not like I can go to anyone else, that could put them in danger. I've put up a wall between me and everyone, I've turned a cold shoulder and haven't contacted them, but I don't have a choice.

And I don't know how he's doing, but I shouldn't care. It's just dangerous now. My head bangs against the counter and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Time to go." I feel Jungkook's hands around me, pulling me out of my seat and out to his car. "You know, I'm getting worried. Carrying around your heavy body is becoming a daily routine."

I huff out in response and I hear him laugh, making me crack a small smile. "The only happiness I'm finding these days-"

"Is with me, I know." I hear the smugness in his voice and I scoff, "No, alcohol." This is partially true, as it's one of my only escapes.

He drops me slightly and I yelp, weakly smacking his arm. "And maybe you too." "You're  welcome~" I smack him again and he laughs more.

We get into the car and I lean up against the window, "Do you think you'll ever forget or get over him?" I clench my shirt in my hands as I tense slightly.

I have spoken freely to Jungkook about Yoongi, but he was always cautious with mentioning him. "No, maybe, I don't know. All I know is that for the time being, I really really like him. It's weird because I don't really know him but something just feels right."

"Do you believe in love at first sight then? Or at least soulmates?" I turn towards Jungkook, crinkling up my nose and he laughs, "I guess not then."

"I don't, but I mean I fell fast. Incredibly fast, no matter how much of a jerk he was. Even his grumpiness was kinda cute."

"That's not how you described it all those times you were crying about him." He looks over at me to grin and I grumble, settling into the seat more, closing my eyes a bit.

When we reach my apartment building, Jungkook helps me into my room, my arm slung around his shoulder. I'm panting by the time I reach the room, just tipsy and I still can't handle the distance.

"Well, see you tomorrow Haerin." He lifts a hand up in a wave before beginning to walk back.

"Wait." He sighs, coming in before closing the door. This was how it was, that one word and he knew I wanted him to stay, so we could stay up doing all sorts of things.

We've binge watched shows, baked, made drunk snacks, karaoke, and more. There was even a futon in the living room for him to sleep on.

"What are we doing today?"

I shrug, "I have ice cream in the fridge and I found nail polish the other day for who knows what, isn't that what most girls do when they're hung over on a guy?"

"Um, I'm not a girl." I roll my eyes, "Fine, then what."

He smirks, "I have something in mind."


My breathing gets quicker and quicker, "Ah, J-Jungkook, I can't."

"Just hold on, it'll get better." He's panting too, sweat rolling down both our faces.

"I feel so hot, I'm burning, I can't hold it in."

I lunge for the glass of milk and pour it down my throat, and Jungkook cheers slightly, "I won but somehow I don't feel good." 

He grabs the ice cream and shoves a spoonful in his mouth, "This is what you get for suggesting the spicy ramen challenge."

We laugh together and I lean back on my chair, "Thanks, for keeping me company."

"Why not anyone else"

I look at him from the corner of my eye and say bluntly, "You're expendable."

He rolls his eyes at me, "Wow thanks Haerin, I really appreciate that, glad to know you don't mind me dying."

"But I don't know what to do, I'm starting to get attached, you should leave too." Tears spring to my eyes suddenly but he just places a hand over his chest exaggeratedly.

"Awww, Haerin you love me~"

I try to laugh through my tears but end up sobbing as he sighs and picks me up, putting me in my bathroom, "Let's get ready for bed."

I half heartedly brush my teeth next to Jungkook before dragging my feet to my bed and collapsing.

Jungkook turns off the light before beginning to leave, "No, stay."

"What?" I flip over to see his shocked face before patting the space next to me, "Come on."

He runs a hand through a hand through his hair tiredly before heading over and collapsing next to me, "Night Haerin."

"Night Jungkook."

Yoongi pov

A month.

Weeks of trying, weeks of giving up. Ara lays beside me as I think, as I always do these days, of her, Haerin.

But I don't know what to do, how could I go without her? How could she fine without me? Was I really just a toy?


"Yoongi, how long are you going to keep this up? I'm getting tired and she's not going to respond." Ara leans up against the door frame, arms crossed with a pout.

"Why are you still here? I told you to leave." My voice sounds raspy and tired, my phone in my hand as I desperately text and call to no avail.

"I need to be here once you realize that she doesn't want you."

"Maybe something happened." I don't look up, my mind is making excuses, explanations...

She wouldn't just leave, right?

"She just wanted to play with you, once she got what she wanted, she left. Don't you see? I can treat you better, I'll be there for you."

Was she really waiting until I came running to her? When I left Ara and stayed with her? Through all those bad times I was there, then she wasn't. It makes sense...doesn't it?

Ara walks over as my phone slips from my hands, her arms wrapping around my shoulders as I slump. "Come back to me, Yoongi."


Maybe I am better off without her, but why can't I stop thinking about her? Does she really not feel the same way I do?
