Haerin pov
"Get out you waste of air, go somewhere where you're wanted!"

"You know what, fine! Never liked this place anyways, I'm leaving."

"Good riddance!"

I start to wipe my tears from my eyes as they begin to blur my vision, where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do? Well, I guess anywhere is better than this place...

I can't take this...

I spot a nearby convenience store and I let out a weak smile, perfect

Picking up the bottle of soju, I feel a little relief. I open it up and take a long sip. I close my eyes in pleasure as I quickly down the rest of the bottle. Tears slip down my face and I squeeze my eyes shut.

One more bottle should help....

Yoongi's pov
I look around my apartment thinking how empty it's become. I should probably buy a new one, this much space isn't worth the trouble to pay for, I don't mind being alone but the empty space seems so depressing. I shake my head, I can think about it later.

Ah, I seriously just want to eat and then crash, maybe I could turn in early for the day.

I open my refrigerator, "Shi-I mean shoot, I'm out of food...again."

I grab a coat and slip it on over my white tee shirt and pull on my Rick Owens and slide on a beanie.

I head down to the grocery store when I hear crying from the outside of the convenience store next to me.

I glance over to see a short haired girl crying while holding a bottle of soju with other bottles surrounding her.

She can really drink...

"It's all so stupid..I can't even afford a place and *hiccup* now I'm just drunk as heck"

"You got that right", I muttered still looking at the girl. Suddenly, her head snaps up as she notices me watching her. Shoot, she heard me

I swivel around, heading off to go and...why are there arms around me?
"Hey! Don't leave...pleaseeeeee"
I turn around to see the girl drunkenly hugging me while her tears stain the back of my shirt.

I quickly run my hands through my bangs hanging over my face messily, trying to figure out how to get her off me. I hate skin ships, especially when they're from drunk strangers. Sigh, I just wanted to get food and sleep.

I walk her over back to the table and indicate for her to sit down. The cashier eyes us warily and I just flip him off.

She looks up at me and shakes her head, "Hey, I won't leave you, ok?" I tell her softly. What am I saying...

Thankfully, she sits down and I sit down across from her, my gaze averting to the grocery store, wondering when I'll be able to get food at this rate.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Will you-will you buy me ramen?" She asks suddenly with huge puppy eyes.

She's got to be kidding me, she's extremely drunk, and she expects me to get her ramen after she basically harassed me? I kind of pity her though and I was on my way for food, screw it.

"Yeah sure, I was hungry anyway", she smiles as she puts her fingers in my hair, I tense up.


"Your hair, it's mint...like...ice cream, it's pretty...", I nod as I feel my face flush, sprinting into the store to get two ramen cups.

I turn to see her staring intensely at me, watching as I pay for the ramen and prepare them. After the ramen is completed, I take them out of the microwave and head down to the girl. When I return, she is once again drinking and I snatch the bottle away from her. "Hey!" She glares at me and I smirk,

"It's such a shame to drink alone, don't you think?" I take a sip and smirk at her before sitting down.


I can't help but watch her as she hungrily slurps up her noodles, her hair is a mess, bangs covering her petite features as she eats as if it's her last meal. I tilt my head to the side, she's kinda cute.

She peers up at me once she finishes her ramen and suddenly her eyes droop as she slowly drops onto the table.

"Hey! Wake up, hey!" I tap her multiple times but she's out like a light. I guess I'll just head on down to get my groceries and just get out of here.

As I start to move away, suddenly the guy at the cashier is yelling at me to come back. "Sir, you can't just leave a woman here, it's uncomfortable to other customers, please take her away with you."

I give him a glare, "I don't even know her! You expect me to go home with some stranger?!" He shrugged, "You ate with one so I guess," At this point I'm fuming, I glare daggers into him as I flip the girl over my shoulder and walk out.

What am I getting myself into...
