Haerin pov

"I honestly have no idea. To him, she's someone 'real', whatever that's supposed to mean." He makes quotation marks with his fingers and I nod, my mind wandering back to what Namjoon had said, "Sometimes though, his music is not enough and he needs a person, something, someone real."

So I guess he just needed someone who he can rely on to care for him, someone who wouldn't falter in their feelings, it really wasn't me after all.

"Haerin, I think it's more important to ask if you like him." Taehyung tilts his head, his eyes showing sincerity and worry. "I think you should forget about him, there are so many other fish in the sea. You barely even know him yet I can see it, every time you two are together, every time you even speak of him-"

He breaks off, looking at me almost as if he pities me, "And it hurts, because you deny every time and I think I'm not good enough because you won't tell me anything about it. If you are suffering, tell me. If you think you are hopeless in maybe even having the smallest amount of feelings for him, tell me. It's as if everything he does causes such gravity, such impact on you and it frustrates me so much, so please, help the both of us and forget him."

I shake my head, smiling slightly, "Don't worry about me Tae, he's nothing to me." He frowns, "He is definitely not nothing, but it doesn't mean that he's completely something either, so let's throw away these feelings because they're not good for you, okay?" I nod, intertwining my pinky with Tae's.

I smile at his efforts in getting me to throw away Yoongi, talking as if it was as easy as having a rant to Tae and concluding it with a tub of ice cream. I don't like him though, or am I just trying to fool myself...

"Tae," I call out as I see him start to stand up, getting ready to wash the dishes.


I inhale shakily, "The thing is, I don't know what my feelings are yet. I don't think they're there but that might be just me trying to deny it. But, but what if I can't throw them away, like you said."

Tae comes over to rub my back soothingly, "Then there's nothing I can really do, huh. We either get him to realize what kind of girl is right in front of him or we realize we didn't try hard enough and completely throw him away for good."

I let out a small breath of relief, not noticing I had been holding my breath, "Okay."

I can do this

"It's not selfish, is it? To be doing this? Namjoon said-

"It doesn't matter. Worry about yourself first, ok?"

Yoongi pov

I knock on the door, fingers intertwined with Ara's. Namjoon opens the door and his face is shoked, eyes traveling down from my face, to me and Ara's fingers, then to Ara's face.

"H-hi Yoongi, whats's up?"

I give a stiff smile while Ara moves closer to me, "Ara misses you guys, I thought maybe we could stop by for a visit."

"Of course. Uh, let me get the guys."

I walk in and Ara squeals, "So nice to have reunions, isn't it?"

"Mm", I hum in response.

"Yoongi! Oh, her." Jin rushes out his room, attired in a pink sweater and an unfinished flower crown on his head, Jimin trailing after him with a basket full of flowers.

"What are you guys-never mind. Ara wanted to see you." Might as well get straight to the point

"Well we don't want to see her." As Jin starts back into the room, Jimin following, flowers dropping in their trail. Namjoon grabs Jin back, whispering something into his ear that makes him huff, but go over to the kitchen to prepare snacks.

"You can go into the living room while I get food, but don't get too comfortable." Ara smiles sweetly at Jin, who smiles a large, probably fake, smile back. Ara tugs me into the living room while Namjoon and Jimin follow behind.

"So...how have you guys been, still as annoying as before? Oops." Ara giggles as I see Jimin's eye literally twitch. "Ididn't mean to be so rude, I'm sure there are some good memories somewhere, I just can't recall."

"Ara please..." I tiredly say, rubbing my temple. Maybe this was a bad idea

She turns towards me, "Oh don't worry, I was just joking, they know that." She scoots even closer to me and as Jimin rises to leave, Jin comes in, pushing him back into his seat, giving him the 'If I'm going to suffer, you are too' look.

Dropping a bowl of chips and dip on the table as if he were dumping a dirty napkin, Jin sits back on the couch opposite of me and Ara, next to Namjoon.

"Here's the food, make sure not to double dip. We wouldn't want your germs in there." He gives a smile to Ara who smiles back, "Don't worry, sharing food with you is about as much as I can take anyway."

Jin scoots back, "Never mind, I'm not hungry." I look back and forth between the two, "Listen, I know you guys don't get along but really, Jin you could've treated her nicely. Ara is very sweet once you get to know her."

Ara stares at me, a look of shock on her face, "We went along just fine! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I love Jin, I do. Our fights are just playful, aren't they Jin?"

Jin rolls his eyes,"I let her into my apartment, I think that was enough kindness."

"That was Namjoon." Jin glares at me, "Also, I don't think I even want to get to know her, Haerin is so much better."

At this I freeze, "Don't bring her into this, don't bring her up at all like that. Think what you want to think but don't talk to me about it." Silence fills the room and I sit back, realizing I had gotten up. Why am I so worked up, it's like everyone has been directly or indirectly bothering me about her

"Who's Haerin?" Ara breaks me out of my thoughts.

I clear my throat when Jin speaks up, "Yoongi's girlfriend." Ara lets out a gasp, moving away from me and frowning, "You have a girlfriend?" I glare at Jin who smirks and just shrugs.

"No, I do not and don't worry about her, she's insignificant."

Jin's smirk disappears, replaced with a frown clearly meant to display disappointment, I look away.

"I'm already tired of this, is there anything actually important to say that you need to be here? I wanted to go set up a meeting with Haerin and Taehyung, much better company."

At the mention of those two, I flinch, my hands curling into fists. "No, I think we'll have to leave, sorry for bothering you. Also stop needlessly bringing up Haerin as if it'll somehow affect me, because it won't."

Jin shakes his head, "You really are too dense Yoongi. And Ara, I just want you to know that you are extremely desperate."

I scoff, unbelievable. "Dense how? About what? What is it that you're trying to get through to me, because your childish manner is very annoying."

"Nothing has happened yet, but at this rate, I don't know. You need to make up with Haerin, it's been a few days now and I think you're both too prideful to do anything. I believe that you're throwing away a good friend. someone who can do a lot of good for you and-"

"I'm dating Ara. If this is about me getting a girlfriend then don't worry, I don't need Haerin to go fill that spot."

"W-what?" I watch everyone in the room freeze, Jimin's phone drops from his hands into thw flower basket, Namjoon grabs onto Jin's arm while Ara gapes at me.

"That was the important thing I came here to announce and it's said now, goodbye."

Taehyung pov

"Jimin? Hello? If you pick up, it's kind of normal to greet the person on the other line."

"Shhh, sorry, Jin's giving one of his lectures, talk later."

"Oh ok, bye then? Hello?"

"I'm dating Ara." I hear a thud and my hand goes still around my phone. That couldn't have been Yoongi, could it?

I hang up,"Idiot, idiot, idiot! Who else could it have been?" I hit the palm of my hand against my head multiple times.

I squeeze my eyes shut, I need to verify Haerin's feelings and this new information before she gets hurt.

"Haerin, Haerin what do I do?" My head falls in my hands.


"What is it?"

"Yoongi, we need to meet."
