Blue Moon

*hey, where are you?* I texted Rory, he was half an hour late.

"'Low!" I hear someone whisper-shout from my window.

"Rory?" My curtains drew back and I opened the window to see him sat on my roof, "You know I have a front door right?"

"Yeah but um, Ethan's throwing a party-"

"Rewind, Ethan, our Ethan, Ethan Morgan, is throwing a party?"

"Yeah, weird right?"

"Yeah, but anyway sorry, continue what you were saying."

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Was he asking me out on a date?

"As a date?"

"If you want" My face became hot as my cheeks flushed, "You ok?"

"I'll come with you, just meet me at the front door"


"Hey Ash?" I called, coming down the stairs


"So you know how Mae went to Erica's?"

"You wanna go out too?"

"Ethan's throwing a party, it'll only be an hour or so, please?" I mocked puppy eyes and blinked extremely fast.

"Whatever, fine just call me when you're on your way back, no later than eleven!" she paused, "Oh and who's standing at the front door?"


"Cute, leave"

"Love you too" my voice in a high tone to annoy her, it was a joke of course.


"Christ, there's a lot of people" I gasped

"Yeah, can't believe they didn't invite us or Erica!" he exclaimed

"What? Is Ethan trying a new personality now he's 'best buds' with David?"

"Hope not, I'm supposed to be the third, not him" Rory said, approaching the door that Jane was holding up. She was like a miniature bouncer.

"Now it's a party! 'Cause the party animal is here, it wasn't a party before I arrived, just so we're clear" Huh, weird rhyme.

"Hey JJ"

"Hi Willow!" she smiled

How on Earth did Ethan manage to get so many people at his house? I thought his only friends were Benny and Ethan until Sarah came into his life.

"Oh manimal!" I heard someone shout over to David, "I'm here!"

"Erica?" I murmured, before going over to her, "Did you hit your head?"

"I'm trying to make Mae jealous, she followed behind me so bye" she ran after David in a rush to 'escape' Mae.

"Where's Ethan?" Benny asked, walking almost straight into me, "Hey! He's having a party and didn't tell me? You dog!" He ran off upstairs in a hurry.

"Dog?" Jane questioned me

"No clue"


I'd been sitting on Ethan's sofa for most of this 'party' whenever possible, considering people were making out on them half the time. Rory was seemingly enjoying himself but between Erica and Mae trying to make each other jealous, Ethan, Benny and Sarah god knows where and me not knowing anybody else, I had nothing to do.

"Hey Sarah!" Rory suddenly belted out, hanging off Ethan's chandelier, "Guess who's the party animal now!" I waved over to Sarah in both a way of greeting and a way of saying help.

"Here's a hint," he continued, "it's me" Rory then proceeded to fake howl which weirdly conjured a real howl coming from the basement.

"Where's she going in such a hurry?" I questioned

"Is that a V.I.P room?" Rory responded, "Come on, we gotta check it out!"


"Hey, what's happening?" Rory asked, completely unaware of the vamp v. wolf fight going on right infront of us. "Ah!" He wailed, high pitched.

"Is that David!?"

"Yeah! So cute!" Erica exaggerated

"Erica, I'm sorry I said I hated Dusk, can you forgive me now?" Mae pleaded, god they both needed to shut up and kiss already.

"Bad dog!" Sarah struggled, trying to feed David some sort of potion.

"No!" Erica sobbed, "What did you do?"

"I cured him?" Sarah shrugged

"How would you like it if I went around curing all of your boyfriends!?"

"Erica!" Mae pleaded. Suddenly, as I looked over to what I expected to be David, was a very naked Ethan.

"Ethan! Really!? Ew!" Erica exclaimed, wiping her hands onto Rory's side.

"Oh my god, I need to bleach my eyes!" I heaved, turning my head away from his body.

Sarah grabbed the closest thing to cover Ethan up with, "So not looking!"

"Ha! You thought it was David!" Mae laughed, Erica hitting her playfully on the arm.

"Wait, where is David?" Benny questioned

A fluffy dog in the corner then perked its head up in response, "That's David?" Erica said, baffled at the sight.

"Aw, he's kinda cute." Mae and Rory shot me a look, "Not real David, just the dog version" I cleared up

"Great, just what the internet needs, a cute animal video."


A/N - if you couldn't tell, i'm painfully british/irish so apologies for any phrases that aren't used in the show or aren't typically american (ik the show is canadian)

also how we feeling about the first real Mae interaction?
