Die Pod


"Is that Erica, if so tell her no, she ditched us!" I exclaimed

"No, it's Ethan!"

"Oh, sorry" I laughed

"Hey! How's my laptop? Please, please tell me you brought it back to life!"

Clearly, Sarah had computer issues too. I would've payed attention to her conversation but Rory was spamming me.

*what's up?*

*so ya know how i said i was keeping the act up to make sure nobody realised about erica?*

*oh god what happened*

*she agreed to kinda go on a a date with me, not a date date, i don't think*

*look, maybe on this so called date she''ll tell you herself*

"Hey, we gotta go meet the guys, something about the school?"

"Weird. Just give me two seconds"

"Alright, Ethan we'll be there soon"

*look i gotta meet the guys at school in a bit anyway so if anything happens come find me*

*ok thanks low :)*

"Who was that?"

"Oh, just Rory"

"Yeah, I guessed, you're smiling" Sarah teased

"Yeah, yeah whatever let's go save the guys. Once again"


"Look, the oldest tree in town just got cut down a few weeks ago"

"Huh, it's right next to the school" Benny added

"It looks like it was the sight of old druid rituals"

"So it's magic?" Sarah asked

"Wait let me get this straight, a magic tree gets cut down and now what, it's seeking its revenge?" I question

"Well, if someone cuts me off at the shins, they're hearing about it"

"What's this mean for what's happening at the school?"

"Well, like Hicks said, to cut the weeds you gotta cut out the root."

"Time to do some gardening" Benny calls out from behind us, "Let's wack some weeds!"

"Really? Again?" Ethan asks

"It's all I got"


"Well, there it is or.. was" Sarah sighed

"That is one creepy stump, do you think a tree could hold a grudge?"

"I mean, it is magic" I shrugged

"For what?" Ethan asked

"I carved my name into it, Benny loves Sally and Beth, Kylie, Dela, Selina"

"Benny- who's Selina?"

"Oh and Catwoman!" he added, avoiding the question. The Selina in question is his secret crush. She was the only witch in Jesse's 'clan', I introduced them a few weeks after the whole 'Dusk' incident. She still lives in town and hangs out with Benny every so often but that's all I know. 

"What do we do?" Sarah asked

"Well, looks like the only way to stop it is to cut the root"

"Shouldn't be hard considering it quite literally bulging out of the ground"

"Huh, the roots lead back to the school."

"This tree wasn't ready to die" Sarah added

"Looks like we found the Mother Root" Ethan pointed to the hoard of vines caved in on the side of the school.

"Ya think?" Sarah mocked

"School's internet cables run throught here, these crazy roots are growing right into them."

"Does this mean more yard work?"

"Seriously Benny, that's the thing you're worried about?"

"Let's get this thing open" Ethan struggled, the vines were too strong.

"Looks like something is holding it shut" Sarah commented

"Maybe there's some haunted venus fly trap who's trynna get a legal paperview?" Benny laughed awkwardly trying to cheer up the situation

"Cutting the roots should kill it, now we can save vegetable girl"

"Yeah, it's gardening time!"

"Is that the best you can do?" I sighed

"Pretty much"


"Woah" I gasped. We had luckily cut the roots but the job wasn't finished.

"Did anybody just lose their 'job well done' feeling?" Ethan asked

"Where's Benny?" Sarah inquired

Just then Benny walked up behind us, axe in hand, "Where'd you get that?" I exclaimed

"Janitor's closet, always upgrade before a boss level. Let's go."

"Geek" I fake coughed


"What the hell is that!" I yelled

"I will not be destroyed by poison or blade!"

"Is that Rory!?" I exclaimed

"I will build a new forest, fertilised by human souls!"

"We are dealing with one angry tree!" Ethan yelled, "and it's upgrading its hardware, with Rory! This thing is mostly cable and computer now, we can't spray it with weed killer!"

"Nope," Sarah swapped out her shovel for Benny's axe, "But smashing it almost works with everything!"

"I'm with her!" Benny and I yelled

"Wait, if it's half tree, half computer maybe a virus can kill it by infecting the system and take this thing down!"

"Where'd you just get a virus!?"

"Sarah's laptop!" I shouted

"Just cover me!" Ethan exclaimed

"Cover you with what??" God, Benny can be so clueless sometimes

"Just stop Ethan from getting hurt!"

"Yeah, this is what I call computer hacking!"

"Now that's what I call music!" I mocked Benny's comment

"Stop, parasites!"

"We're gonna own you!" Benny started, gaining towards 'Rory' before being floored by vines.

"Benny!" I yelled

"I got him!" She began to hit the roots with an axe, trying not to kill Benny in the moment.

"Hey, tree boy!" Ethan began, "Get ready to be Rick Rolled!"

Just then, the cringey meme started playing over every computer and speaker in the room, killing the tree fully. The roots grew weak, dropping Rory to the floor.

"Ror!" I sat down infront of him on the floor, "Are you okay?"

"Willow, I had the weirdest dream! I was made out of carrots and I got Rick Rolled"

"Huh, weird dream"

"Yeah.." Ethan trailed off laughing


"I can't believe Hicks blamed us for this mess!" Benny groaned

"Hey! I took the fall for you on property damage! Do you know how expensive that is to repay?" I snapped

"Maybe we should start clogging more toilets, it'd be easier than this!" Ethan groaned

"Thanks for fixing my laptop Ethan!" Sarah thanked

"No problem" he smiled, flustered

"Do you have my Single Tear dvd?" Erica questioned

"Right here," Erica tried to grab it, "Not so fast! When I was almost plant food, you took off to save yourself! You and I, so done!"

"Whatever, just give it to me!" Erica demanded

"No!" Rory denied, high fiving both Benny and me

"Please?" she toyed with her hair in a way to flirt.

"Well ok I can't stay mad at you!" he mocked, "Seriously don't leave me for dead next time though!"

"Yeah not a chance, I'm saving myself"

"Nice try" Sarah smiled

"Well you almost stood up to her this time" Ethan added

"Baby steps, boys, baby steps."

"You have a better chance with Benny" I laughed

Benny whined, "Hey!"  
