Three Geeks and A Demon

"Why did you drag me along this time?" I inquired

"Cause I wanted someone else to talk to other than those two geeks? Plus, there's this film they want to watch and I thought you might enjoy it" Sarah chuckled, ringing the doorbell. This wasn't the first time Sarah brought me along for babysitting, except she was the only paid one.

The door creaked open, revealing Jane, the only tolerable eight year old on the planet, "Hey! Ethan, your babysitters are here!" Jane called out

"Hey guys!" Sarah smiled

"Hi" Ethan grumbled

"Look at you all dressed up for the senior prom, nice suit!" she complimented Mr. Morgan

"Check out Miami Vice" Benny exclaimed, "Stylish!"

"Freeze turkey" he faked a deeper voice, Benny putting his hands up in 'surrender'

"Woah, look out!" he laughed awkwardly

"Ethan's Mum thought it'd be fun to wear the same things we wore to our senior prom"

"I think it's cool you two are chaperoning the senior citizen's prom" I added

"Oh senior prom! I just got that!" Right on cue, Benny's Grandma walked in, very nicely dressed

"So, who's ready to party?" she beamed

"Grandma! You look..."

"Hot" Benny gave me a dirty look at this comment, it was just jokes of course

"Thank you sweetie!" she turned to Benny, "You look a little surprised dear, can't a Grandma get her groove on?"

"I have no idea how to answer that" he deadpanned

" what'dya think?" Ethan's Mum chuckled, descending down the stairs like it was a movie, "This is the exact same dress I wore for my senior prom"

"It's a little 1981 isn't it?" Grandma deadpanned

"Damn" I whispered

"I know that's the..point"

"Mum, I bet it looked great thirty years ago!" Ethan tried to help

"Yeah, Grandma could loan you something out of her closet" Oh god, this was getting worse by the second

"Ok, maybe I should change"

"No!" Sarah, Grandma and I all called out

"It looks great!" I reassured

"Plus, I don't wanna miss the vote for prom queen! I'm the three to one favourite, let's drop it like it's hot!"

"Night, have fun guys!" Ethan's Dad wished, Ethan's parents were lovely. I wish I could say the same about mine

"Ok, Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in t-minus two minutes" Ethan commented

"I'll get the drinks!" Benny stated

"I'll get the popcorn" Sarah added

"Can I stay up late tonight?" Jane pleaded to the girl

"If you promise not to tell your parents that we're letting you watch Jacuzzi Time Machine"

"Deal, come on Lolly let's go get blankets!" she squealed


"Hey, that's my spot!" Sarah squealed as Benny launched himsel next to Ethan

"What? I always sit beside Ethan on movie night" I shot him a look to hint why she wanted to be near him but he didn't get the message right, "Oh, I get it. You two wanna canoodle."

"No we don't"

"As if" they both denied, they were blindly in love with each other and quite frankly it was painful to watch, "Canoodling is the absolute last thing I want to do"

I heard a slapping noise, Jane had smacked her hand on her forehead in disbelief, she was definitely better at social cues than her brother. "Well, ya know not like the last thing in the world" he tried to save

"Alright!" Benny laughed awkwardly, "I'll just sit, on the to Willow"

"Ew" I mocked, sure we pretended to hate each other but we were good friends really. The three of us were trying to get comfy on the floor when a yell called out.

"Woah!" A loud bang echoed around the house, the TV screen now static.

"NO!!" we all groaned

"Ah! Ow, I have really got to work on my roof landing" he groaned

"Rory!?" Benny gasped, shooting me the same look as I did to him before, sure I invited Rory but not to knock the signal off.


"They just woke up in the 80's, their leg warmers are all wet, my favourite part is coming up!" Benny called out

"How do you know? It's all static!" I replied

"Cause we're ninety two minutes in!"

"He knows this movie off by heart" Ethan mentioned

"That's really pathetic" Sarah added

"I'm so bored!" Rory complained

"Hey! If you hadn't knocked out the satellite dish, we'd all be enjoying Jacuzzi Time Machine, right now!" Benny groaned

"Ya think Grandma's making out with her boyfriend right now?" Jane called out

We all cringed in disgust, "Jane!"

"Ew!" Benny mumbled

"Don't you have some cards or something?" Sarah pleaded

"My parents might have some old board games in the basement"

We all scoured Ethan's basement looking for some entertainment but everything Sarah suggested, Benny shot down immediately but for good reason.

"Ok, we got Mathalot Village"

"Too much math"


"Requires spelling, you got anything in a nice non-educational flavour"

"Check this out!" Ethan exclaimed, "Spirit Speaker! Host a seance and make contact with the spirit world", he blew the dust off the top and it spread across all of our faces

"Jesus!" I coughed

"More the devil" Jane commented

"Now we're talking, let's talk to some honey's from the other side!" Benny cheered

"What's a seance?" Rory questioned

"It's like a ritual conducted to make contact with spirits"

"Dead spirits!" Sarah reminded, "Those things give me the creeps, I thought they were banned from toy stores!"

"Did you not see the dust?" I retorted

"I don't think we should mess with it"

"What's the big deal? It's just a board game" Benny mocked

"Says the spell-caster," I added "this is Whitechapel, remember?"

"Oh come on! Just one little game! Unless you're scared?" Ethan joked

"Yeah, I'm a chicken, bawk bawk" Sarah deadpanned, "Jane and I are gonna go play dress up so try not to make a mess. Willow, I'm trusting you to keep them in check?" she pleaded

"Fine, I'll be their babysitter" I said to wind Ethan up

"Well, what'dya say girls?" Benny started, "Ready for a little supernatural action?"


I sat in the kitchen finishing off my essay for English whilst the boys set everything up, I wasn't taking part though. There is too much supernatural in my life.

"Are you girls done yet?" I called out, walking into the livingroom. The area was surrounded with candles and they were sat at the coffee table with dishcloths on their heads, "What the actual fuck?"

"My thoughts exactly, were the dishcloths really necessary?" Ethan asked

"Do you want this to work or not?" No way am I missing this. I placed myself down on the armchair beside Ethan to watch as this unfolded, "I did this at a sleepover once, everybody two fingers on their respective corners" Benny demanded, "Now all we have to do is summon a spirit and ask it a question"

"Maybe Sarah was right, I don't think we should mess with this thing, we don't know who or what is gonna come through" Ethan whined

"Look, there is literally two vampires in this room as we speak, we've taken down zombies-"

"Technically, Sarah did that" I added

"We pruned a haunted tree last month, what's a little voice from beyond?" Benny continued

"Point taken, but, we're reading the rules first" he demanded

"Fine, Mum."

"Rule number one, never play alone. Rule number two, always finish a session by saying goodbye and waiting for the spirit to leave the board. Rule number three, don't remove fingers from the board until the spirit's been properly dismissed, failure to do so can have catastrophic results."

"Ooo, catastrophic results" Rory and Benny mocked in 'fear'

"Benny, come on, this is serious!" Ethan pleaded, "Rule number four, never ask is there anybody out there who wants to talk to us as such an open invitation tends to attract evil entities"

"Sweet, alright I'll start" Benny began, I didn't want anything to do with their meet up with 'honey's from the other side', so I popped my headphones on to drown it out and so I could focus on my essay. I wasn't in the mood for another D-.


"This is lame!" I heard Benny yell through the music, I'd finished my work now so I might as well try to get included, "I'm sure you were a hottie back when you had legs but you are officially dismissed, chiquita! Goodbye!"

"Snacks?" I asked

"Good idea!" Benny replied

"Wait, guys come back!" Rory begged

"You're on your own dude" Ethan said

"We haven't talked to any babylonian babes yet!"

"Later Ror, I'm starving, sorry!"

Midway through my snack, a shake rumbled through the house so whilst the guys went to Rory, I checked on Sarah and Jane. I managed to get to the door before 'Sarah' came out and then my vision went black.
