Chapter 8 ~ Anonymity

Okay, I'm doing my Author's note before the chapter and not after. I just feel like I should... anyways I should update next in a week's time! Tell me what you think of this chapter, yes I know it is short BUT it's.... (insert whatever word you fancy here) I hope you like the chapter!

Oh and sorry about the lateness... I had a French exam and I currently feel like shit.... :(

Chapter 8 ~ Anonymity

* Unknown POV *

Three months later....

"Mom?" I turned around to the voice. It felt alien to me, being called Mom, breathing in air and trying to fit into a basic lifestyle.

"Yes dear?" I replied. He came through the lounge's threshold with the biggest smile on his face. He made his way to sit next to me on the couch. I lowered my book.

"Guess who I saw today," he said eagerly. I tilted my head, my mind was blank.

"I couldn't imagine. I wasn't aware you had friends," I replied calmly.

"I saw her." I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Her who?" I questioned.

"I don't know but she's amazing. I saw her again." I smiled at him - the gesture seemed to be foreign but felt natural.

To be honest, I couldn't really understand why this girl could possibly be important or why he'd have a sparkle in his eye when he spoke of her.

"Well that sounds pleasant. So what happened when you met?" I asked. I couldn't have imagined what could've happened between him and this 'mystery' girl. My mind was blank at the thought of it but there was a pressure right at the back of my mind or deep, deep down somewhere else.

"Nothing big... I saw her hunting and to me she seemed nothing less than a goddess. She paused when she saw me, it was weird, my heart stopped before racing wildly in my chest. The worst part was that she could hear it, but she didn't say anything. And then, a ghost of a smile sat on her lips - I just knew then and before that she's just... everything to me. You know? Her family called her back, she waved and left.

"I stood star struck. I don't understand it and it makes me feel foreign but, I like it..." he whispered. A blank look covered his face as he spoke, almost as he was there with her.

"That sounds good," I said, my lips tipped up once again.

Keywords suddenly filled my mind. They seemed to be very basic, but I couldn't understand them.

Heart stopped.

Racing wildly.

Ghost of a smile.


Star struck.


I like it.

I didn't understand what he felt, how he felt and why he felt that way. "What conclusion have you come to?"  I asked.

He pursed his lips. "I think," he started. Unknowingly I arched an eyebrow, maybe to show that I would like him to elaborate.

"Yes?" I encouraged.

"I think, I... love her," he mumbled.

I froze. Something shook within me, I didn't know what it was or why it seemed to affect that building pressure. I felt a pull. I looked in the direction but there was only a lightly painted wall.


"Mom, are you okay?" He asked anxiously. I turned to look at him.

"I don't know. I just feel a - "

"Maybe you should follow it," he suggested.

"And what will you do?" I inquired.

He smiled at me assuringly. "Mom, trust me. I know how to look after myself. Plus, I can call you if anything goes wrong." He slipped out a thin rectangular device. A cell phone. He waved it around to prove his point. I nodded and walked out of the room. I grabbed a dark jacket and slipped it on causing the force of the pull to double. Holding the knob of the front door, I pulled it open. I inhaled the fresh air and walked out.

I followed the direction of the pull. The closer I got, the stronger it became. There came a point that I resulted to a sprint through the forest. But I stopped and marvelled at the trees. I blinked away the distraction and resumed my pursuit.

I couldn't run fast enough. A source of negativity bubbled within me at myself. Why? What was it?

I stopped running went I saw light. Dangerously, I skidded to a halt. I peered out of the trees and was confronted by a large, modern looking house.

Silently, I strolled along the exterior. I didn't dare to listen to a word that had been said - it was wrong, wasn't it? Until a heard a voice. Who was this person?

My legs dragged me to the porch. I stared at the towering, red door and gulped. I felt down, like I was sitting down but I wasn't. Something strange but unpleasant, it was worse than the previous negativity.

I raised my fist and knocked on the door three times. After a long minute it opened. I looked upon the person and felt my eyebrows furrow.

I slowly lowered my hood but concentrated on shining, hazel eyes. But I couldn't comprehend his look. He didn't look troubled, down, negative - it was nothingness. Like my mind, empty.

"What are you doing here?"

