Chapter 14 ~ Unforeseen

Chapter 14 ~ Unforeseen

* Amelia's POV *

After finishing yet another book, I placed it onto the wooden table beside me. Ash was out as usual and I was bored as usual. I closed my eyes and waited for something - anything ­- to happen but, of course, nothing did. This time, however, my eyebrows furrowed suddenly. A urging instinct begged me to get up and run. Where to? Was this the same instinct from last week?

It then came to mind: my instinctive tracker power. Why is it suddenly surging now?

Something told me I should get up and go but I wasn't sure if it was my heart's way of telling me that I just missed them. I got up from the incredibly comfy armchair and walked towards the window. I only saw trees. Tall, dark trees that managed to produce thousands of leaves but never once copying a colour.

My lips tipped up. There was something about trees. Or just nature as a whole, but what? I continued to stare out of the glass until a solitary rain drop fell and trailed down. Biting my lip, I took a step back and glanced at the threshold of the room.

I took a step and then another and another. I left the cottage and was in the light drizzle. I strolled slowly into the thin forest. With each step the urge grew bigger and bigger until I was sprinting. The wind ripped through my hair and my heart rate became exhilarating.

I stopped as soon as I took a step onto the side walk. I inhaled. My eyebrows knitted together when I smelt something unexpected.

Macy was here recently. So was Ash. I walked down the crooked sidewalk past some blocks and into a more derelict part of town. I entered a shut down train station and I could almost smell the death in the air. I wanted to remove my shoes so my footsteps would be more silent but I refrained. I tiptoed out of the building and towards the back.

I was nearly there when I froze momentarily. Max was here, so was Macy and Elijah. I was just about to turn around but I heard a blood curdling shriek. On red alert, I ran other and faced the congregation of people. Many faces I did know but there were more people there that I had no recollection of. But that didn't matter because one tall, dark cloaked women had a dangerous grip on Macy.

* Max's POV *

She did it again. I crumpled the letter into my fist and threw it against her wall. I suppose this time she had the decency to leave a note but nonetheless she shouldn't have done it again.

"You know, this makes a lot of sense to why Elijah and Avery wanted to go out," Dad pondered aloud. I didn't want to listen to him but I knew he was speaking the truth. I suddenly felt cheated.

"We're going after them," I commanded.

"Is there a point? They want to see their Mom," Mom told me. I nearly shrugged but I remembered last time. Last time the Volturi came, what if they came again?

"It's not safe for them out there. Remember last time?" I reminded. Mom pursed her lips.

"Fine. But before we go we might want to ask Alice to see if they are in any foreseeable trouble," she replied. Just as anticipated Alice pranced in. Even after all these years she still stayed the same.

"One vision coming up!" She said enthusiastically. She stopped in her tracks and focussed onto the pale wall before her. "I'll have to look for Avery because..." She trailed quietly. She froze and engaged in with the vision. Her face remained blank until her eyes widened alarmingly.

"I think now is a good idea to go follow your children Max," She unveiled slowly. I groaned and wondered if they could ever keep themselves out of trouble but then I remembered it was yet again my fault why they were out again.

"I think we should go get everyone this time. I think they'll be less likely to harm one of them again," I mumbled.

"Oh Max, one more thing," Aunt Alice said anxiously.

"Yes?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Amelia is going to be there."


I don't know why they chose a busted train station for their little meeting. I think it was because they felt as if they were out of harm's way. But they were definitely in harm's way. Luckily, we had Hilary, Nahuel, Damien and the other 4 with us so if something broke out, we have seriously outnumbered them. Just like last time, we had arrived just as Aro and Narissa had. The trio didn't look scared, instead they looked annoyed.

"I'm beginning to think it is going to be a habit and look Max, you brought your entire family," Aro's smooth voice spoke. His red eyes stared at me menacingly, he was going to enjoy this.

Macy, Eli and Avery looked back and saw that the entire family had made a gathering behind them. Despite the quiet sigh of relief that came from the 3, they all slouched their shoulders.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"Just a friendly chat," he replied lowly. I wanted to roll my eyes at him childishly but I just glowered at him instead. A small smirk spread across his lips because he knew that he irked me.

"Aro," Grandpa Carlisle started. "Be no harm to these children. They have done nothing wrong."

"I have no intention to harm these children," he assured.

"Then leave us be."

Aro didn't say anything. He took a step forward and slowly raised his hand towards Macy. She flinched and took a step back. "Just like your Mother, I see," he commented. Aro turned his head and within a heartbeat Macy was in Narissa's grasp. A high pitched scream left her mouth at the harsh grip. I took a step forward but froze when someone new joined us.

Amelia appeared suddenly. I heard Hilary and Aubrey gasp but that didn't catch Amelia's attention. She stared incredulously to Narissa and stepped forward. She yanked Macy out of the grasp. Macy exhaled and hugged her Mother.

I gulped. I ripped my gaze away from Amelia and looked at Aro. "Amelia?" He questioned. Amelia nodded slowly. She turned her head so she could look at me momentarily. I felt as if I was being accused of this. Her eyes were empty and they were dangerous. They were nothing like the Amelia that I loved.

She then focussed more onto her extended family. She couldn't recognise any of them. She looked back at Aro.

* Amelia's POV *

"Who are you?" I asked boldly. I was aware that I probably should've known who was. Especially as he looked strikingly like Ash and so did the woman. I could feel the man's confusion.

"My name is Aro," he said. He stretched out his hand. I gave it a long hard stare before I outstretched one of mine. Something told me that I shouldn't shake his hand but I did anyway.

A flood a memories filled my head, but they weren't mine... they were his? I saw myself as a little girl in a clearing. I was captured by my biological Mother and comforted by Aro who wanted me to join the Volturi or he wanted war. My mother sacrificed herself for me. And then there was war.

According to Aro's thoughts, I was in control. I was able to control everything that happened on the battlefield but I was just a little girl and I didn't know how to fight. I collapsed and I was taken away.

The thing that irked me the most was how even Aro saw the love between Max and I. I blinked a few times and came back to reality.

"How peculiar, Amelia's memories only date back to 3 months ago," Aro mused. This made me feel better, it would have been a lot worse if he managed to grasp the memories that I have forgotten.

I researched the recollection to anything else of value. I came across to a night that was very similar to right now. But there was only Macy, Avery, Eli and Max.

I have Max's memories. I wanted to explore them but I knew now was not the time. I decided to keep it to a later date. A time where I could pick out everything thoroughly.

"I've lost my memories," I blurted out randomly. "But I see that you have previously caused my family trouble." I looked down at Macy. She was clinging onto me like a little kid would to their Mother when all was bad. But I suppose that was exactly what she was doing, she was clinging onto her Mother when all is bad.

"Amelia, always so bold and brave. Your husband could learn something from you. Too bad he doesn't love you anymore," this time the woman spoken.

She sounded even more dangerous than Aro looked but if I knew any better, Aro was more dangerous and that he was simply using Narissa for her power.

My eyebrows furrowed at another pick of memory. Ash was Aro's and Narissa's son. So why is he with me?

I bit my lip and stopped myself from saying Aro's true intention. Aro took a step towards me, I guided Macy to go back to her father. She refused at first but abided nonetheless.

"You deserve a lot more Amelia. How do you expect to live eternity alone? Max doesn't love you but if I knew any better you're nothing but indifferent." Aro started to circle around me. I sensed something dodgy so I continued to concentrate on his actions.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Leave her alone Aro. Leave all of us alone," Macy suddenly piped up. I looked at her, I could tell that she wanted to say more but Max placed his hand on her shoulder. She stayed quiet but shrugged the hand away.

Aro ignored her. "Why don't you join the Volturi?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him. He couldn't expect me to say yes after seeing all of his memories, right?

"Never," I vowed. After giving me a long hard look, Aro stepped back and stood next to Narissa. He gave her a look and she smirked. I reached forward to intervene with her lurch but she disappeared with Aro. And in half a heartbeat, Macy and Eli were gone too.


Happy new year! Yes, I know I am like 12/13 days late but that doesn't matter!

Sorry about being really slow. I had no motivation for this, but I am actually pretty excited for the next chapter!

NEXT UPLOAD: Next Sunday?

Tell me your thoughts. They took Macy and Elijah away!

Thank you guys for bearing with me! I love you alllllllll <3

Ciao ~ Ami xD
