Chapter 25 ~ Time

Chapter 25 ~ Time

* Amelia's POV *

It took me a while to wake up. I didn't even know how I fell asleep, I was unbearably uncomfortable. It was dark and with my own enhanced vision I couldn't see a thing. I tried to remember the last thing that happened but all I could remember was a feeling of extreme poignancy and being hit on the head.

I used my hands to help identify where I was but it was my legs that helped me out. Once they had stretched out I realised I was contained in some sort of box. The panic set in, I tried to push at every angle and I was successfully making dents but it didn't get me anywhere. Someone hit box from the outside, the echoes made my head spin. "Stop moving!" An unfamiliar voice commanded. I winced when I didn't hear a heartbeat.

I got an eerie feeling, as if I was in complete solitude. It felt like I was I was the only person on earth but the scary part was that the feeling was familiar. I must have felt it a thousand times, it wasn't just loneliness it was a disconnection from everyone and everything. I could just be a speck floating into oblivion. The scene around me changed, I was in a woods but they weren't like the ones with Max.

I turned around to behind me and saw a daunting Tudor house. It towered over me and it could have been alive for all I knew. I must've spent a fair share of time there because I seemed to know the house more than I felt like I knew myself.

Suddenly my hand shot up to my neck, I felt like I had just been bitten. A burning sensation coursed through me with every bite. I tried to think for a moment and figure out what was going on. I heard screams next, but they weren't just anyone's screams, they were my own.  They were long, piercing screams simultaneously happening that could shatter any kind of glass. It could also be a kind of scream that broke hearts. I didn't have any recollection of any terror I've been through.

Everything then stopped. The forest and house blew away like fine mist and there wasn't a single sound apart from my raging breath. "When do you think she'll make the right decision?" The same unfamiliar voice questioned. She was smirking, it didn't take a genius to tell. I tried to use my power to take over her but I realised that I felt a pull. Narissa had switched the power she has stolen from me.

"She'll make her decision soon enough. It's a good thing Aro is a patient man." This time Narissa spoke and things started to make sense. They had kidnapped me and they had their own means of torture. Narissa must have swapped the power she had already stolen from me. I had a sudden idea and I realised that it was too soon to act upon it. I needed to use it when it was the right moment.

Suddenly I felt alone again but accompanied with that was fear. It was raw and it was ruthless. It filled up my heart and engulfed the rest of my body. "She has no choice but to be with us." The other voice replied. She had a knowingness in her tone and it made me certain that she was giving me the torture.

I knew what they were talking about and I knew exactly how to come about it. But the thing now was that I'm here so how will things escalate or have they already? I had no sense of time and definitely not location.  I waited to see if they had anything else to say.

I saw Max in front of me, he looked too real to be a hallucination or memory. His eyes were dangerous and his jaw was set. In his deathly voice he spoke. "I wish you were dead. Why can't it be you instead of them?" My heart sunk, I told myself that it was something being imposed on me but it was something that had already happened.

"She'll know the consequences of her actions if she doesn't make the right decision." I thought about the words of the unknown vampire. I covered my eyes with my hands and brought my knees to my chest and waited. I felt a uncertain darkness it my mind and it too was waiting.

I wondered about Max. Did he know I had disappeared? Did he not care? Had he tried to seek for help? I suppose his wish had partly came true, it was me and them. Now they'll just have to be free.

The unknown person's words still echoed in my head and when it stopped the real torture began. I could deal with unforgotten memories and fears and I could deal will Max but I couldn't deal with the image of my children. I could think I had it bad but it was nothing. I wished they had just gotten the same treatment as I.

They were curled up, with their eyes that wanted to escape their sockets. They were scared, the eyes said everything that they were feeling but their faces were sunken in. The only flesh that didn't stretch on their face was the dark bags underneath their eyes. They blinked slowly, there were tired but wasn't given the luxury of sleep. You could see their bony fingers on top of their knobbly knees. Their clothes were ripped, they were wearing the same clothes they left in.

You haven't saved us. What kind of mother are you?

I tried to close my eyes, to look away from the image but I saw them in mind the picture was engraved. Their voices two they sounded so vulnerable and accusing. How have we not found them yet? They have been gone for nearly two weeks, how could it get so bad so quickly? I heaved, wanting to do anything to help them but what can I do in this box?

And then it struck me. It wasn't a desirable option but it was the only option. I knew exactly what I had to do.


I don't know how they did it but I was knocked out again. However, this time, instead of being in a box I was in the woods and if my ears served me correctly, I was alone. I had no means of communication but I did have some money (courtesy of Max). I presumed they let me go, the reason for that was beyond me but I was thankful.

I got up, my body was shaking a bit and I felt really disorientated. I marched out of the forest to their nearest payphone. I didn't know Max's phone number but I knew Rosalie's. After the third ring she picked up.

"Hello?" She said. I sighed in relief I never felt so relieved to hear a familiar voice.

"Rosalie, hi!" I greeted.

"Amelia where are you? Max said you were missing, he's with us now and - "

"It's bit of a long story. Where are you guys?"

She rattled off the address of where I was. After the phone call I looked for a convenience store and brought a map. They were near the Yukon border, which wasn't that far away.

Luckily it was coming towards twilight time, travelling during the night was always easier. I felt like I had travelled like this before, but to a different place. I probably had, there was no trusting my memory. They were in a pretty desolate place and they said they wouldn't travel too far until I got to them. They were still working on the riddle and I think they had nearly gotten it or I had hoped.

 I admit I loved the feeling, of running through the trees. It was so exhilarating and I couldn't even deny the smile on my lips but I kept the image of my children it mind. It was the only way to keep me focussed.

It took several hours, especially when I got to the border. They could've been anywhere around it and it wasn't particularly helpful that I was possibly miles away from civilisation. I tried to pick up a scent and I wished for my tracking power back but I all could use was my movement one.

I waited for any sign of movement that wasn't from an animal and I didn't succeed until I felt a swoosh of air ahead of me. I anchored myself and they did the same, it was Landon. I felt like I hadn't seen him in two centuries. It could have been for all I knew. The smile extended on my face.

"Well aren't I glad to see you?" I said. He winked at me and motioned the way he came. I nodded. I ran behind him, it wasn't as exhilarating as my top speed but it was pleasant. When we stopped I saw Max, Rosalie and Aubrey. I wasn't that far away, I thought. Rosalie threw me a welcoming smile but she was on the phone. Aubrey outstretched her arms to embrace me and Max just stared. His lack of emotions actually started to annoy me.

I returned the hug to Aubrey and greeted everyone individually. Max crossed his arms over his chest, I made myself forget how was attracted to that. "Where have you been?" He asked. He sounded angry still but he was definitely concerned about my whereabouts.

"I don't really know. After you kind of walked away from our discussion I got hit on the head twice before blacking out. Then when I woke up, I was in complete darkness, I was in some sort of container. There were two vampires outside, they were speaking of how Aro still wants me to join the Volturi. I knew that one was Narissa but the other one was a mystery, all I could gather was that she seemed pretty young. Anyway the unknown vampire, she has some sort of dangerous power that manipulates memories or gives you visions, I'm not quite sure but she gave me a vision of the kids and they looked terrible. We need to get to them fast. How long have I been out for?"

Max sighed in despair and ran his hand over his face. "I know," I said, I knew exactly how he felt. "But we'll get to them. Have we figured out the riddle or?"

"You've been out just over 24 hours so you haven't missed much. Rosalie's taking to Jasper right now, I think they've nearly gotten it," Aubrey said. I nodded. I noticed that she, Landon and Aubrey all looked physically exhausted and it's not like they could have had a good night's sleep to ease it all off.

I really needed to thank everybody individually.

I looked at everyone's face one more time. I knew that Landon and Aubrey used to be my best friends but right now I couldn't even think of an ice breaker. Selfishly, I just wanted it to be back to me and Max but if we wanted things to work out, it couldn't last.

"How did you figure out I was missing?" I asked.

"When you didn't follow me, or reply. I thought maybe you were playing a trick or something but you didn't show up." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh you should have heard him Amelia, when he was on the phone," Landon snickered. Aubrey nodded in agreement and Max, with his face covered, shook his head.

"Oh yes, it went something like - " Aubrey cleared her throat unnecessarily and deepened her voice "- 'Mom, she's gone. I don't know, she just disappeared. Oh Mom we have to find her. Mom we have to find her. She can't be out on her own, what if they have her too? I can't have her hurt! We need to find her! We need to find her Mom!"" They both doubled over in laughter and I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks. Max was blushing too.

"I wasn't like that, I just said that she was gone and I was slightly worried because of the circumstances we're in -" Max defended, still covering his face. Landon playfully hit him on the arm.

"Denial isn't a good look on you Max," Aubrey pointed out. "Come on we knew that you would crack sooner or later especially after spending so much alone time with her." I felt Max take a deep breath, he was collecting himself.

"You're wrong," he said firmly. I arched an eyebrow at him, a little smirk flirted on my lips. I was about to comment but Rosalie finished her phone call.

Rosalie turned out. She was a mess, be to Frank, but her beauty still radiated. "Jasper's figured it out. The Canol Heritage trail. It's named after the road it's by, it's the same distance, everything fits. Carlisle got there first and there are vampires present. It's time."


That took me long enough as per usual. Again I am sorry. I suppose this chapter is kind of filler ish but kind of not at the same time. Things pick up next chapter!

NEXT UPLOAD: Okay we've all kind of established that I suck at this so I say... eventually!

Comment your thoughts. Max is so cute. I really want my own Max.

Ciao ~ Ami xD
