Chapter 27 ~ Divide

Chapter 27 ~ Divide

* Max's POV *

There were only a few of us first. Some held back and waited for the others, I knew that if we came in such a large number we would be seen as a threat to them. I wanted a war to happen, nothing will give me greater satisfaction than seeing Aro's head being ripped off. I had a few concerns that we were going to be at a serious disadvantage. We had more vampires, yes, but the way Narissa manipulates powers could mean we stand powerless.

Above us were dark, brooding clouds. It was going to rain heavily or there will be a raging storm. Maybe both. Carlisle stood firm in front. I made it a point that I stood there right next to him. As great as it was to have them as family, it wasn't their war. The bottom line was that they wanted Amelia. They're not going to get her. My children need their Mother.

She settled herself on the other side of Carlisle. She was thinking, she wanted to tackle this in the most humane way. But how would we when we're barely human?

The Volturi looked like they had been waiting, they knew we'd be here. They never wanted the kidnapping to last forever, they didn't care about the children. We all had an impassive face on and we all knew that it was going to end now but we all had different endings in mind.

"Aro," Carlisle started. "At last we meet, but why are you doing this? We have lived in peace for so long."

Aro snarled. We hadn't had any encounters since the last time they wanted Amelia and much of the Volturi died. That was 2 decades ago. Aro didn't want the children, they would be of no use to him. "You. You have lived in peace for so long. 20 years ago you massacred my family and I have made it a vow to return the favour." I became rigid and a frown creased my forehead.

"You allowed them to be massacred, you wanted war," Edward countered.

"Things can change, things can go back to normal," Carlisle reminded. He wanted peace, he was a good person and I almost couldn't blame him, but this needed to end. A treaty with the Volturi will not last forever.

"You're right. Remember I am not the real enemy here. In fact, I believe that we should be one. We are superior to all other inhabitants of this world. We should stand together, it's the only way peace would be guaranteed." The silence stretched on, though Aro's accomplices weren't happy with his offer.

"We have stood together Aro, and we can continue to do so. We just want Mackenzie and Elijah back."

"How about a trade?"

"What would you want in return?" Carlisle inquired. Amelia. I looked over to her she was standing next to Edward. She had a calculated look on her face, and I knew that we both knew what he wanted.

"One of your vampires. As you can see, we are limited in numbers. Another vampire will make us strong again."

"Who do you have in mind?" It was a daft question to ask, everyone knew the answer to it. We just all hoped it would be someone else. Someone less powerful.

His eyes were trained on Amelia. "Well, it has come to my attention that your family have lived well in the past years. However, with the return of Amelia, I can see it is a burden on Max, whom she was meant to live forever with. I can take the burden away." His eyes flickered to me. "Amelia would you relieve him? Would you, Amelia, care to join us? You would be thought of highly here."

She didn't say anything. The silence stretched on again when we heard leaves rustle. Two people emerged from the trees, dirty, tired and feckless. I felt the tension with my body evaporate and I was certain that I had never felt so at ease. Macy and Eli peered at us hesitantly. I wanted to bring them close and take them home. They have been victimised for too long.

Aro turned and saw them. He invited them forward. "Mackenzie and Elijah, how nice it is for you to leave your cells and join us. Please come closer. We are discussing your freedom." The two held onto each other as they stumbled over. Aro paid no sympathy and looked back at Amelia. "It isn't a lot to pay Amelia. Your children can go back home. You just need to join us. It isn't a hard decision."

Amelia stepped forward. She glanced at us all before looking at her children. She sighed. "I - "

"No!" Elijah croaked. "You can't do this, you can't join them!" He coughed into his arm. He left Macy by Narissa and stood in front of Aro. "You can't take her away from us! You've already done so much to ruin our family, just leave us alone. You can't take our mother." Eli turned to Amelia and looked back at Aro. "If you have to take someone let it be me."

"Elijah no -" Amelia protested.

"No Mom, you can't. He can't take you."

"Elijah you need to go home -"

"Not without you -" Aro grabbed Elijah and tossed him to the side.

"Selestia," He ordered. The young vampire smirked and without any movement managed torture Elijah, with the power Amelia talked about earlier. "You do not need to intrude Elijah, you know what your punishment is when you talk without being spoken too."

I felt the air being punched out of my stomach. Before I could say anything, Amelia begged. "Stop! Please stop! He's just trying to protect me, don't torture him anymore." After a moment of consideration and hearing Elijah scream, he commanded Selestia to stop. Elijah wasn't finished, he managed to stand up by holding his knees. He looked at Amelia, his eyes were pleading with her. He was treating her better than I did.

"No, you've given your life for me, I have to do this. For you."

Amelia's breath hitched. You could almost hear her mumbling. "My brave boy." Then she raised her voice. "No Elijah, please don't. You need to go home. I don't want you or your sister to hurt anymore." Elijah was about to respond but Nolan pushed him down. Elijah's yelp made my teeth grit.

"I have been fair to you for long and now my patience is thinning. Before you hesitate again remember that you may be able to out power us but your children can't." Amelia's shoulder's sagged as she nodded. "Make your decision, you or them?" Running a hand through her hair, Amelia nodded again and took another step.

As anticipated, small drops fell from above and everything greyed. The wind started to blow and there was a sinister chill in it.

"You have to promise me you will not interfere with any of my family again," Amelia said. I don't know if anyone expected Aro to keep such a promise. But I found that it wasn't the only thing that bothered me.

I agreed with Elijah. Amelia belonged with her children, they lived so long without her and it's come to the point that it's enough. Aro nodded, his red eyes were almost alight. He was finally getting what he wanted. With Amelia on his side the Volturi will never fall again.

"Promise." Aro offered his hand, but she turned her head.

"I wish to say goodbye." His eyes narrowed as he nodded. She turned to face the family, but not knowing whom to go to first.

She went to my Mom. She just stood there, not knowing how to say goodbye to a family he didn't know. My Mom gave her a hug, my Dad joined them and most of the rest of the family did afterwards. I stayed put with my fists clenched and gave Aro a withering glare. He was getting away with this and I wouldn't put up with it. His smirk was mocking the rest of the family and I. He gave Amelia an offer she couldn't refuse.

Amelia said goodbyes to the members she hadn't hugged her yet before she stopped in front of me. She was silent, she didn't have much to say to me. Her eyes were glassy and I felt distraught. She confused me. She didn't know how to say goodbye to a man she said she loved and she was giving her life for the children she didn't know.

She raised her hand. I shook her hand firmly, both hating and loving the way that her hand was so soft in mine. I let go of my hand and curled mine into a fist again. "Goodbye Max," she whispered before slowly backing away. I took one last look at her gorgeous eyes before speaking.

"This isn't right," I said. She twisted her lips and gave me a shrug. "They need you Amelia."

"We don't have that choice. They'll kill them." I ignored the fact that they were listening. They didn't have to listen to us speaking to know our thoughts.

I rubbed a hand over my face, defeated. She didn't have a choice. "Try to leave?"

"Our - your children will never be safe," she stated and wiped her eyes. "It's the only safe, you have to protect them. I remember I asked you to look after them for me. You're not a bad Dad Max, you - you just need to smile more. Everything will be okay."

But we're a family. I wanted to say. Families are meant to stick together even if we're not on good terms. Amelia trailed back and walked to the opposing side. Aro took her hand and stole her memories, luckily she could do the same to him but it wouldn't be useful anymore. When he let go of her, she made sure to leave a gap between her and the Volturi. Macy and Eli quickly hugged her before they were ordered to let go. Amelia blew them a kiss whilst they stumbled towards us. I held my arms open, not really sure if they would come to me. They did.

I supported their weight so they didn't fall onto the floor and I hushed their cries. I was relieved in one respect, they were back where they belonged. "It's okay," I told them not really believing myself.

"How is it?" Macy whimpered. "Momma's gone."

I was looking straight at Amelia. She was using her hair as a curtain. "She's gone because she loves you. Okay? Never forget that."

"I can see that we are done here," Aro said. "I look forward to seeing again on day." Simultaneously, all except Amelia put on their hoods. She started to trail behind.

I had thought I had been angry previously, I thought I had been angry for the past 17 years but it was all child's play. My blood boiled in rage and I just knew and I had reached the end of the fuse. This will end now.


That was shorter than I was hoping. This is a crucial chapter, it is the beginning of the end. I hope you liked it.

NEXT UPLOAD: I'm revising for my AS levels for the next two months so I doubt I'll have the time. I'm really, really sorry. I know I suck at updating, school is just a bigger priority for me right now. I hope you understand. I'll probably update at the end of May, or if I'm feeling ambitious I might upload sooner! Fingers crossed!

I love you alllllllllllllllllllllll! Thank you for being awesome and thank you for waiting!

Ciao ~ Ami xD
