Chapter 6 ~ First Step

Chapter 6 ~ First Step

* Macy's POV *

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there now?"


"What about now?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you. Duh."

"Oh Emmett, hush! Stop being a child," Grandma scolded. With a hint of a smile on my lips, I rolled my eyes as I gazed longingly out the window. Grandpa had decided to annoy my Dad - his son - in lack of entertainment.

"Well everyone is so quiet! Someone has to be the kid," Grandpa interjected. I sighed out but appreciated his logic.

"Could you pipe it down a little bit?" Avery asked. I could just imaging her looming adoringly at Elijah. "Eli is sleeping."

I turned to her and awwww'ed. I knew if she could blush, she would've.

"You two are sickening," Grandpa commented, gesturing to the two lovers.

"Oh Grandpa. It's love, you know the whole... ordeal between you and Grandma. Uncle Edward said your honeymoon phase lasted decades so you shouldn't complain," I pointed out. He opened his mouth to retaliate but, of course, nothing came out.


327 'are we there yet's passed before we finally reached the solitary, Victorian style house came to view. Dad said that everyone would be there waiting.

I suddenly became nervous. What if they looked at me like I was Amelia?

We approached the grand front door. Grandpa impatiently rang the doorbell. After a moment it was opened by a light haired, pale skinned woman with gold eyes. A smile met her lips and she let us in.

"Oh let me look at them! Mackenzie, Elijah, you two have grown up so much! You two are so beautiful!" She squealed. She pulled me into a hug. I returned the pressure clueless.

"You look so much like your mother! But Elijah, you have the eyes!" She continued. I gave an uneasy smile unsure about what to do or what to say. Dad noticed this.

"Mackenzie, Elijah this is Amelia's Mom -"

"You could just call me Hilary," she intervened giddily. She turned her head, I followed her vision and locked eyes with a dark haired, tanned male.

"Nahuel, look at the kids!" His lips cracked into a smile and he strode towards us. I gave Eli a look which he mirrored.

"It's definitely been too long - " he started but another woman came to view.

"Oh my gosh. It's been, about, forever! You're as beautiful as your Mom. Oh I miss her so much. I'll have to share all our stories. Oh and I'm Aubrey. Your Mom's best friend."


We met everyone. Aubrey reminded me a lot of Aunt Alice and Gabriel resembled Grandpa. Uncle Damien seemed to remind me of Mom more than my Grandparents. But it irked me that everyone situated in the capacious family room looked no older than 19 years of age.

"Story time, story time!" Aubrey chanted before turning to Landon who smiled back admiringly.

"I second that. Can we have story time?" Elijah asked.

"Well I nearly got run over the other day," Gabriel added mindlessly.

"You're indestructible! It doesn't matter," Grandpa argued.

"Well sharing stories was something I initially planned on doing," Dad said. I gave an intrigued look. We came to Scotland for story time?

"What kind of stories?" I asked.

"Well you've always wondered about your Mother. She didn't leave anything to tell so I thought the best way is to gather the people who were there from her very beginning to her end," he explained uneasily. He ran his hand over his face and looked down towards his shoes.

Maybe he didn't want the burden of sharing the whole story. Or maybe he couldn't handle it.

"So is it all one go?" Avery asked.

"I think," Grandma started. "We should split it up. Each day we can give another snippet. It isn't a short story and will take hours. Plus you three will need to sleep soon." I nodded.

Excitement started to pulse through me but there was a little voice telling me I shouldn't hear it now that I had the chance. I ignored it. I wasn't going to waste the chance, I've been waiting 17 years.

"Who's starting?" Eva asked.

"I think, Nahuel to start first. Is that okay dear?" Hilary said turning to her husband. He nodded and smiled.

"If you want to get some popcorn now's the time because I would not like to be interrupted."


The room was a sanctuary. The thick carpet caressed my toes as my lungs filled with familiarity. It felt like the air had been preserved for 17 years. The furniture was recently dusted and the king sized bed was made.

I could just turn around and feel that my Mom would just be standing there, smiling at me, but I didn't turn around. I couldn't face disappointment.

There were a lot of drawings. I strolled towards the wall that led to the ensuite and gazed at the pictures. Each line showed me how delicate her penmanship really was. Each initial showed me how professional or proud she must've felt. And each mistake that was rubbed out showed me how she didn't believe that she was perfect.

"She said that she couldn't wait until she had fully rested so she could draw you two. Ness said she'd dress you and Elijah up so the first portrait couldn't be anything less than perfect. Amelia replied that you two couldn't be anymore perfect than you were. She grabbed a paper and pencil to prove her point, but Elijah started to cry and everything escalated," a voice recalled lowly. I turned to my Dad, expecting to see Mom next to him.

"What was I doing?" I asked.

"You were sleeping at first but cried when you heard Elijah cry. That was the only way you would wake up."

"Sleep is beautiful," I justified. Dad looked up at the ceiling and scanned the room.

"That's what your Mom said when we flew here."

I felt like a replica of my Mom; just alive to make my Dad miserable. "Did she sleep on the way here?"

"More then you did. You were too starstruck about being on a plane for the first time." Dad's voice sounded foreign. He sounded easy not strained, calm not bitter.

And I wasn't even sure if it was because of my outburst he's like this. I looked into his eyes. It didn't matter how much I mirrored my Mom, I would always have my Dad's eyes and a part of me liked that.

"You know my little outburst?"

"You don't need to say anything that that Macy." The second hint of a smile crept on my lips for the day. It wasn't often he called me Macy.

"I don't hate you Dad. I'm sorry I said that I did. I can't hate you. You're my Dad."

I don't know if it was a trick of light or if his lips did curve up fractionally. A human wouldn't be able to notice. "That doesn't mean that everything else that you said wasn't true. I did live in the past but I never saw you or your brother as a mistake."


"Shh. You need to go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow," he said. He turned around and exited through the door. He stopped. "Goodnight Macy," he whispered before he closed the door behind him.


Yes I know. I suck. This is, 4 days late?! That is bad. It's been on my mind ALL week but I've felt very unmotivated. So I'm just doing the best I can. And yes this chapter is a bit tedious.... but I'm filling in gaps?

Max is changing.... Macy and Max made up....

NEXT UPLOAD: I have no idea how I could pull off Monday. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday? I just realised I have no idea what I want to happen in the next chapter but I know what I want to happen afterwards afterwards... well *smirks wickedly* things will get interesting! Just one more chapter until my plan!


Guess what? I have to go school for 6 hours on a Saturday! D':

Comment....................................................................... your favourite Disney Character? Idk it was the first thing that came to mind........ Mine is Donald!

I love you guys btw :D

Ciao ~ Ami xD

(This is both proofread)
