Chapter 30 ~ Hope

A/N Yes I know it's been forever, but here's a new chapter! I hope you can forgive me!

Chapter 30 ~ Hope

*Amelia's POV*

I could hear everybody breathing. I hadn't gotten up yet, I didn't even move. I was afraid that if I did, things will go back to the way they were. I had a knack for ruining things. If I didn't get involved in the first place, Damien would be alive right now.

I ignored my panging heart and split my concentration between my own regeneration and the movements of Ash and Aro. "What is the meaning of this Ash?" Aro demanded. I wanted to roll my eyes. I hadn't seen it coming but I wasn't surprised.

"You've spent the last two decades thinking of a way to destroy the Cullens or to become more powerful to them. You preyed on Narissa, Nolan and Selestia and forced them into this existence -"

"I gave them eternal life, by far the best life -"

"No Aro. You forced them into this existence, not life. You forced them into this nothingness. They don't have a life. They were born from vengeance and that is how they continue to exist. The Cullens have made a life together. They changed their existence to something you are incapable of comprehending. Yes, you had a family once but even then it was nothing more than a coven. I will not let you destroy what the Cullens and their friends have left."

The conviction was clear in his voice, making me smile. He was undoubtedly right. Even Aro knew what he said rung true, but all the arrogance and anger he harnessed didn't let him see that.

I imagined a glaring competition ensuing. Aro couldn't counter his son with anything and I doubted he would make the first move. Selestia and Nolan were standing behind Aro, their confident composure descending rapidly into anxiety. They knew their fate.

Having a small team was good. Everyone had their strengths and expertise. Nolan and Selestia stood a fair chance against the Cullens before, but now Narissa was dead their powers couldn't ensure victory. They knew they were outnumbered and wouldn't last long. They were going to pay.

I knew Aro didn't have a good counterargument. He'd probably try to retaliate at a different angle. "Only from my actions have you been born, don't forget that my child. I have given you everything, what have the Cullens given you? Amelia treated you as one of her own until she realised who she was. They won't respect or love you like you hope. You're still the enemy."

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes and, despite the heaviness, I slowly forced myself to sit up. I saw the twins first and gave them, what I hoped to be, a reassuring glance. From now, everything is going to be okay. I promise.

"That's where you're wrong Aro," I interjected and lifted myself to feet. My hand shot to my head, I could feel the start of a splintering headache, but I didn't let it hinder me. It was the least of my worries. "People change. I know Ash better than you do. He'll be part of the family, part of something better than anything than you could give him. There's no point in feeding him lies you know, he doesn't believe you."

Aro glowered at me, but the malice had no effect anymore. I responded with a smirk and I let it broaden as the seconds past. He knew he had lost, he couldn't win. This was the end of the line for him. I was tired but I wanted vengeance. I wouldn't let him leave alive, or at all.

"I know I've made mistakes and that I am undeserving of a family, or even a second chance, but now I want to do the right thing and that could only happen if you stop what you are doing. I can't let you hurt this family anymore," Ash declared. "It doesn't matter if you're my father. You caused my existence, yes but I am not indebted to you in any way."

I turned to give him a soft smile but he wasn't looking my way. He had electric blue eyes, but now I could've sworn they were red. He had had enough of his father's tyranny as we all were. Now was the time to end this, I'm sick of waiting.

I charged and I knew Max was right behind me. Unfortunately for them, Nolan and Selestia came to Aro's defence. I think they had an odd sense of loyalty to the man who ruined their lives, they did have nothing else to live for. I immediately remembered the ambush when Nolan confronted me and I knew my human tendencies would hinder me. But luck was on my side because now, we had an army of our own.

The remaining of the Volturi was so outnumbered it was laughable, I couldn't keep the grin off my face. I dodged a hit from Nolan and let Emmett, Edward and whoever else was around take him on. I had my focus on two things: Aro and my kids.

I raced towards them, Elijah and Mackenzie gave me tired smiles and stretched out their arms. I wanted so badly to embrace them both and wipe their tear stained cheeks but refrained and urged them to go to the side. Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie happily tended to them.

I turned back to the scene with a renewed sense of hope. We just had to survive this and then everything will be okay. Everything can improve and flourish. We could live forever and ever. This was the final tribulation of this war and hopefully the last.

Surprisingly, Nolan and Selestia were still alive. I didn't know if it was because the Cullens wanted them to suffer more before they turned them into dust or that they were holding up well on their own. But that didn't matter, Jasper grabbed Selestia's left arm and Alice her right. Hilary did the pleasure of slowly tearing off her head, ignoring her bloodcurdling screams.

The rest of her body parts were torn and thrown into the same fire that consumed my brother. I turned to Nolan, just in time to see Emmett throw him to the ground and press his foot to Nolan's throat and pressed down. Frantically, Nolan tried to topple him over but Edward, helpfully, yanked his body from underneath.

I dismissed his wordless death and focussed on the true enemy. Everyone had stopped now, the only sounds were of everyone's jarred breathing and the cackling fire. Despite his stoic face, disbelief and fear were fresh in Aro's eyes.

"Please..." He muttered, breathing heavily himself. "Spare me. You have your children and you can continue to live. I promise to cause no more harm."

I would've felt sorry for him and I almost did. But I didn't believe him. I wasn't going to allow myself or anyone else go through a repeat of this. Everyone was tired and had had enough. We lost Damien and I wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"You've had enough second chances," Max spat, moving so he could stand beside me. "Your reign is over!" He charged towards him.

"No! I must live forever!"

I rolled my eyes and followed Max. As expected, Aro had another trick up his sleeve, he dodged Max's first lunge and grabbed him by the leg to throw him over his shoulder so he could grab Max's neck. My gaze hardened. I will not lose another person I love.

Before Aro could think, I leaped off the ground and raised my leg so it collided with Aro's face. I didn't let him fall though, I flipped over him so I could kneel on his shoulder. I grabbed his neck and chin, ignoring the hair that fell over my eyes. Max, now fully out of Aro's grasp, twisted to kick Aro in the stomach, causing him to drop to his knees. I kept my balance perfectly.

I looked in to Aro's red eyes, wanting my green ones to be the last thing he saw before I severed his head. I wanted his last thoughts to be of regret of everything that he's done. "Next time, think twice before you mess with my family." I twisted his head to the side at a dangerous angle. The smirk on my lips grew as I felt Max, skirting around us and going in for the final hit. "Oh wait, there's not going to be a next time."

I ripped off his head and at the same time, Max kicked his back. Aro's body fell to the ground and his head rolled around the grass. I got up, looking down at his bloodless corpse. The strangest feeling of fulfilment and gratification started to join by whirlwind of emotions.

Edward walked towards us with a lighter and dropped it on his body, letting his half lidded eyes watch the end.

"It's over," I whispered and looked at the spot where Damien was reduced to ashes. We did it. Thank you.

I turned towards Max. The growing flames obscured his face but I could see his impassive expression. I turned to face everyone and I could see the tension leaving their bodies, at any second they could slump to the ground in fatigue so they could look human for once. "It's over," I repeated and spoke a little louder this time. I took a step forward but fell to my knees, alarming everyone.

"Amelia! Are you okay?" Max questioned and moved towards me. Concern was etched in his face and voice. I smiled up at him.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I assured. "Just tired that's all." I looked back everyone, they were all frozen in their tracks, possibly to give me and Max some privacy. "Thank you everyone. Thank you." They all smiled at my gratitude.

I saw a goofy grin stretch on Emmett's lips and his mouth open. "Guys! We totally just kicked some serious ass! Let's celebrate!"

I laughed and watched everyone mingle together, cheering as they did. The buzz was warm, lulling my senses but melancholy because of our loss. I saw Nahuel and Hilary, turn to embrace each other, not looking like they will let go any time soon. My eyes averted to Max involuntarily, his gaze softened and I could see a hint of his old, boyish grin. He offered his hand which I took and he pulled me up. My arms wound around him without thinking and I found myself too tired to care about our problematic relationship.

He must've felt the same way because his arms wrapped around my smaller frame, the familiar sense of security enveloping me. I blinked, tears falling from my eyes. I didn't know if they were there because of the end of this madness or because the beginning of something so much better.

My eyes scanned over everyone, now they were all hugging and conversing making me smile but I couldn't rid of the feeling of grief in my heart.

Damien should've been here to see this. He should've been here to watch us all be happy again and then live a wonderful life. I could've gotten to know him again and he could've gotten to know me. He could tell me about his life in the time that I disappeared and his plans for the future. He should have been here.

A sob escaped my throat without my permission. I tried to contain it but the horrible sensation spread from my heart to my head and left my limbs paralysed.

"Shhh, Amelia. It's okay. Everything's okay now," Max soothed, starting to rub my back. I sniffed and hid my face in the nook of his neck.

"He's gone though. Damien's gone. I may not remember him but he's my brother and he's gone. It's all my fault," I mumbled incoherently, hugging Max tighter and letting the tears fall.

"Listen Amelia, it's horrible what happened and I'm upset too. But Damien wouldn't want you to cry over him. His actions were heroic and out of love for you and our family. He did it so we could live," Max reasoned. I could hear his voice tighten but he continued. "It's not fair what happened to him, but if I learnt one thing from this mess is that bad things happen, it's part of living. You can grieve but let the memory of him, even if it's not much, thrive. He's still with us, okay?"

I nodded and tried to control the sniffles. I pulled away so I could wipe the tears from my eyes. "Sorry about your shirt," I mumbled.

Max gave me a half smile. "That's not the worst thing that's happened to this shirt. It's already in pieces." I nodded, realising it was true. During the fight I didn't take the time to notice but now I saw the tears revealing his abdomen.

"I think everyone needs a new outfit. I can't believe it's over." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where are Elijah and Mackenzie?" I turned around and saw the two holding onto each other and facing us, waiting for us for call them.

I gestured for them to come over and they raced towards us, nearly toppling us over. They caught me and Max in one big embrace and held onto us as if their life depended on it.

I held them tight, scared they were going to slip through my arms. Tears streamed out of my eyes again but for a completely different reason. I realised that despite whatever Max or I felt, this was where I belonged. He could stand by my side and make whatever is left of this work. I know he won't stop me from seeing them again.

"I can't believe it's over. I can't believe we're together," the twins repeated again and again, so much that I started with them. Max smiled softly and assured us all this is how it's going to be. I smiled, he's such a dad.

I pulled away so I could look at their faces and raised my hands so I could finally wipe away the tears. "How are you two feeling? Do you need anything? Are you hurt anywhere?" I questioned and started checking them over. I noticed the bags under their eyes and they seemed to shrink into themselves but they were smiling. They must've not eaten, slept or hunted ever since this time began but they were happy now. I loosened my clenched fist and reminded myself how things are going to get better now. Macy and Elijah will be back to normal soon.

I smiled back at them but a shooting pain pierced the side of my head. I had been too preoccupied to remember I had a headache. Elijah and Mackenzie shot me a concerned look and started to reach out towards me but I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Ash.

Within seconds my headache subsided. Not only that, the pains from my chest, legs and arms from fighting left me making me feel like I was reborn. I blinked and lowered my hand, I never had felt this renewed since the day I rose, making me wonder.

"It was you, wasn't it?" I asked him. "You're the reason I'm alive now."

Ash ducked his head, almost as if I embarrassed him. Everyone's attention was drawn to us and slowly they floated forward. I suppose after everything, my own being here needed an explanation now.

"Uh," he started, slowly his hand dropped off my shoulder.

"Ash has the ability to heal the injured and sick," Macy piped up, in an attempt to help him. However, he didn't raise his head.

I smiled softly, thinking that was how he did it. I wasn't familiar with my being or even the notion of powers when I woke. I just accepted it and moved on, living with Ash in his small abode and taking on a motherly figure that I knew nothing about. Now that I knew how, the next question was why? Why did Ash go through the trouble of reviving me?

"I met Mackenzie that day," he whispered so quietly I was glad to have enhanced hearing. "She told me that her mom buried here. She looked so sad and I could tell that she missed you terribly... I wanted to do something for her. I'd never really been given the chance to do something for anyone else. When she left, I made the decision to try it out. I knew it had been 17 years since Amelia's passing but I knew Macy was part vampire. I didn't know the full story behind the Cullens from my father but the name Amelia was familiar enough. The body should've been fully decomposed, I shouldn't be able to bring back the dead. I didn't need to dig up the coffin to know that Amelia was still intact. I suppose that's a perk of being part vampire, you don't really die by natural causes. When I did open Amelia's coffin I saw that I was right. She was dead to say the least, but she still had venom and blood in her body and that was enough to make my power work. Once she was revived... I - I didn't know what to do. I didn't know Macy or where she lived so I let Amelia stay with me. I thought that eventually Amelia would remember who she was and go back to her family and she did."

Without thinking, I pulled Ash into a hug and rubbed his back in an reassuring matter. I wanted him to feel my gratitude for what he had done. I didn't want him having guilt, he could easily think this entire thing was his fault. I know, without looking back, that it's no one's specific fault. Everyone had their part to play.

I looked over to Macy, seeing a fond smile present on her face as she looked at Ash. I grinned and winked at her causing her to blush and turn away. Max noticed our exchange and narrowed his eyes at Ash. I knew now that the love that Ash had spoken about a long time ago had been about Macy and it made my heart sing.

I let go of him, weary of Max and the rest of the family. "What made you change your mind about us?" Max asked, his tone hinting suspicion and curiosity.

"I joined him out of fear, after a while and especially seeing how strong this family is, I realised that I made a mistake. I hope you can forgive me and I will understand if you do not want me around."

Before I could reassure him, Esme spoke. "You're more than welcome to our family Ash. Thank you for your bravery."

Everybody cheered in response, making Ash blush furiously. As the noise died down, I felt someone pull my arm. I turned to see that it was Aubrey, Eva, Gabriel, Landon, Nahuel and Hilary, all forming a circle around me. I smiled when I saw the gap between Nahuel and Landon, just where Damien was meant to stand.

* Macy's POV *

"Let me help you."

I turned to see Ash as the family dispersed into groups. A few wandered around the clearing taking care of the deceased.

I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks, remembering his confession. "Thank you," I said, as he raised his hand and placed it on my shoulder. Instantly, I felt the cool waves of vitality whirl around my being, making me stand up straighter.

"I'm sorry about... well, everything," he apologised. His cheeks started to heat up again and his blue eyes flickered down, he dropped his hand too. A smile slipped onto my lips, he's such a cutie.

"I suppose..." I started, a cheeky tone entering my voice. "You could make it up to me." My eyes flickered away for a moment, just in time to see Avery and Elijah embracing, giving shy kisses to each other. Both were hoping that Grandpa wasn't watching.

I looked back at Ash, his cheeks were still highlighted. "I will. I promise I will. I hope we can be friends."

I rolled my eyes. I knew my own feelings and I knew his, in his dreams he said it often and he liked to whisper it against my hair. With a sudden burst of confidence, I stepped forward and pressed my lips to his cheek. From my peripheral vision, I saw my Dad shoot me a reproving look.

"I hope that we can be more."

Ash smiled, his blue eyes shining a little brighter for a moment. "You appear in my dreams don't you?"

This time, a furious blush invaded my cheeks causing me to I look away. I hadn't expected him to figure that one out just yet. "Y-yeah," I stammered and started to twiddle my thumbs nervously.

"It's your power, right?" He asked even though he knew the answer. I peeked at him and saw that his smile was smug but equally as boyish.

"Yeah," I answered, feeling my blush slowly dying down.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I'll never be able to put it into words, not just yet anyway. So for now, thank you. When I do find the words, I'll let you know."

My smiled softened. "You're welcome. Thank you as well, for bringing my Mom back. I know it caused some problems, but thank you anyway. I'm not sure what's happening between my parents but it's a way forward for all of us."

Ash nodded. I made a promise to myself, like I knew my Mom had, to immerse Ash into the family as fully as I could. There was no way that I would allow him to feel alone anymore.

"Hey Ash! I know you're enjoying your time with Macy there but we would really enjoy your assistance!" Jacob yelled out, coming back from the woods in his human form. There were a few bruises and cuts on his chest that Aunt Ness fussed over, but ultimately a healing power would be useful, even if he recovered quickly.

"I'll talk to you later. I will make it up to you," Ash promised and waved goodbye. I smiled, dozens of family members around me. I wanted to be smothered by them all but I felt my gaze linger to my Mom, who was talking to her family and my Dad, who was looking over the scene with reflection in his eyes.

I walked towards my Mom first, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in her arms and lulled to sleep but I stopped. I looked at my Dad and my heart panged. This happened because of misunderstandings, old feelings and my insolence. If my Dad really saw me as a mistake, I don't think he would have risked so much for us. He knew that having us back with be the first goal, but having us back with our mother was something worth fighting for. He fought for all of us.

I steered towards him, picking up pace in my walking until it grew into a sprint. I outstretched my arms and wrapped them around him, uncontrollable sobs escaping my throat without me realising it.

He was startled at first, probably too absorbed in his thoughts to see me coming but then he wrapped his arms around me. He was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry Macy," he mumbled, rubbing my back gently. "I should've just let her stick around instead of casting her away. I'm not a good husband or Dad."

I laughed into his chest and then sniffed. "You're not a bad Dad or husband, you just keep hold of your emotions too much. Don't dwell on it anymore. You shouldn't be apologising anyway. It should be me. I should've been a better daughter. I should've understood you better. I suppose I'm like you, I hold my emotions too much. But everything's okay now, isn't it? Everything's going to get better, right?"

Dad didn't say anything at first. He continued to rub my back in a reassuring manner, so much so I could feel my eyelids drooping. "Everything's going to be okay. I promise. We're going to go home and everything will get better."

"What about you and Mom?" I whispered and leaned back so I could look at his face. His eyes were conflicted which meant that they hadn't resolved everything.

"We'll... sort it out somehow. Don't worry about us."

I thought over what 'sort out' could mean and hoped it wasn't weird custodial rights. I knew they still loved each other and that there was bad blood between them. Dad wouldn't look over it easily and Mom didn't even remember it.

Why couldn't they both forget what they were and become something new?

I looked at Dad's shirt, seeing that I had gotten my tears onto it. "Sorry about your shirt Dad."

He smiled, it was first small but it grew so it was wide and genuine. "First your Mother and now you," he commented with a chuckle.

I smiled back at him and pulled him into a hug again. "Thank you for being my Dad. I love you."

His hand rose so he could stroke my hair, just like he did when I was a child and woke up from nightmares. "I love you too Macy." I hugged him tighter, feeling all the broken pieces I had accumulated throughout my life slowly fit together. It would take time but I had enough time.

"Hey Macy, Dad! Do you want to go home?" I heard someone yell. I turned to see it was Elijah who yelled it. Mom, Avery and Max were by his side.

I looked back to Dad, who was already looking at me and nodded.

"Yes, I would absolutely love to go home. Home. The word never felt so perfect."


I am a disgusting human being. I know. I have a lot of nerve to show up after several months and post this up like it's a normal day. I'm sorry. I really am.

To give you an honest rundown of what happened in the last couple of months:

I watched an anime and got so utterly obsessed with it that I stopped my Wattpad writing and headed for

I started year 13, which is the final year of sixth form. September/October this year I shall be attending University (provided I get the grades) consequently, I had to work on my University application.

I turned 18 years old. I'm now a legal adult. I'm also taking driving lessons.

I had mock exams last week so I had to spend the Christmas holidays revising.

I also have just been a lazy shit (sorry about the language) I really just need to get up and pull my life together.

NEXT UPLOAD: Ha. Who knows. I WILL finish this story. I only have 4 chapters left. I just don't know when I will be posting them. Let's hope I don't get sucked back into another fandom.

Anyway, how have you been? Thank you for being patient by the way, you're all angels and I love you all for putting up with me. It means so much. I hope you liked this chapter!

Ciao ~ Ami xD

P.S. I really hate what Wattpad has become. That's probably another reason why I didn't update.
