Chapter 13 ~ Implement

Chapter 13 ~ Implement

* Max's POV *

"She won't talk to me," Dad announced. I ignored this. He looked pointedly at me a glowered. "All it's all your fault."

"Enlighten me," I said bitterly.

"I'm not the one who grounded her Max, she should be ignoring you and you only," he pointed out. I rolled my eyes at him. He was such a kid.

"She is ignoring me," I told him. "Both of them are."

"Tell me something new. When aren't they ignoring you? Now, that's the question. You really like screwing up don't you?"

"Shut up."

"Hey, I'm your Dad you're not allowed to say that."

"Don't you have anyone else to bother?" I grumbled.

"Like I said Macy is ignoring me. She practically told me to sod off by just sitting there and glaring. Reminds me of you." I rolled my eyes again. "By the way, I was talking to your sonny, he and Avery want to go out on a date."

"Why didn't he tell me that himself?"

"He's ignoring you remember! Plus you're being antisocial, who would want to talk to you?"

"Can you leave me alone then?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm going to be stubborn like you, Macy and everyone else. I'm going to bother you too."

"Go away."

"No, I will not go away."

"Fine then I will."

"No can do sonny. We're talking." I gave him a long hard look. I saw that he was serious. I sighed.


"What's the big deal about Amelia? You mourn for 17 years and when she comes back Mr Jerk-face comes out."

I groaned. Not this. Please not this. "Can we leave this? I don't want to talk about it."

"I've left it for a week and Max I don't know if you haven't noticed but you're no longer a little boy. Heck, you haven't been one in a very long time! So stop acting like one! Get some balls and deal with things like a man. Get your act into gear - and as much as your Mother doesn't want me to say this you're a lousy Dad. Honestly, you would win the lousy Dad award without a moment's hesitance. You're that bad."

"Gee thanks."

"Gee I wasn't complimenting you. I'm no motivational speaker but honestly you've lost it. You've lost Amelia, you've lost your touch - everything. You're barely living and I know you know this. You're alright with it too and that's unacceptable. I know the last 17 years haven't been easy at all for you. I know I shouldn't say anything because it wasn't me whose wife died. But Max she isn't dead anymore."

"She doesn't know who I am."

I wanted to ignore him. Especially as he was talking the truth.

"She might have lost her memory but her heart hasn't forgotten you. She can fall for you once again Max."

"I don't want her to."

"Why's that?"

"Because it'd only be a matter of time that something happens again." With that I got up and walked out the room.

* Amelia's POV *

Everything slipped back into normality too easily. Like I hadn't left to see the family that I had forgotten. Or had a heart-wrenching goodbye with the two children that I couldn't remember. Or even fulfilling the desire of my 'husband' and never show my face again.

A part of me felt extremely unpleasant about, well, everything. I felt out of control of my life, but how could I say it's mine when it belonged to others?

I didn't even know what to do with myself. I had far too much spare time on my hands and it was enough to drive me insane.

I shifted my position for the umpteenth time and stared at the silently ticking, round, modern clock. I watched as the second hand hovered over the numbers, the minute hand even slower and the hour hand was at snail's pace.

Time was a funny thing. To humans it was everything, but for vampires it meant nothing. Forever doesn't end - so does that mean I would have to wait for eternity to end before I start to live again?

How did I die anyway?

* Macy's POV *

I bit my lip gently and enclosed the tacky paper into the envelope. I contemplated over to whom I should address it to. Hesitantly, I scribbled down 'Max'. I placed it on my freshly made bed and slipped on my jacket. Wanting nothing more than to have the power of Hilary, I carefully opened my window.

Using my cupboard for support, I placed my left foot on the plastic ledge of the window and steadied myself so my other foot could join. I moved from the window frame and clutched onto the stable looking pipes. I closed the window and skillfully maneuvered down until I reached the hard rubble. With a sigh of relief, I quickly sprinted into the thin forest aware that any second now someone would be hot on my heels.

My heart heaved when I came to a halt. I wasn't too far but neither was I close to my house. Walking down the thin sidewalk, I slipped my cool hands into my jean pockets as I watched my legs quickly eat up the ground.

A part of me felt bad for running away again but another part of me felt as if my Father same this coming. And it can't really be called 'running away' if I'm finding my Mother - she has half the custody over me.

My phone buzzed; I cringed. I slipped it out of my pocket and peered at the caller ID cautiously. I sighed in relief when I saw Elijah's name. I accepted the call. "Hey Eli," I greeted.

"I see you made it out alive," Elijah teased lightheartedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I did, but I'm not sure how long for - where are you exactly?"

"We're at the train station, you do have money for a cab don't you?"

"Yes, I do. I'm beginning to think you don't have a lot of faith in me."

"Just checking," - I could hear the smile in his voice. "So how exactly are we doing this?"

"Oh that's easy, we are going to track," I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You do know that tracking is easier said than done right?" He pointed out.

Buzz kill.

"Well she's our Mom, we should have some sort of intuition towards her."

"Well I hope you are right Macy," he said.

"The worst thing that could happen is being grounded again anyway," I pointed out.


"Where about are you again?" I slipped my other hand into my pocket casually and looked up. It was twilight time and there was only a few people scattered on the street.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shower. The fight or flight instinct kicked in but I remained routed on the spot. I closed my eyes and just hoped someone had mistaken me for someone else. I ignored Elijah and turned. I breathed out a sigh in relief when I didn't see a family member. It was that dreamy, blue eyed guy.

My lips curled up into a quick smile and I was positive my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to say hello but I knew Elijah would question me.

I blinked a few times as I remembered Elijah. He was practically yelling my name. "Yes I'm alive Eli," I replied to him. The boy cracked a smile at my sheepish tone. "I know where you are I'll meet you there in 5? Bye." I quickly disconnected the call and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

"Hi," I greeted shyly. Why does he look more shy than I felt?

"Hey," he replied.

I bit my lip to stop myself from blurting out but I couldn't help it. "What's your name? I don't think I want to continue calling you 'that boy' in my head."

He ran his fingers through his floppy black locks, it reminded me of when his brushed hair away from my eyes. His touch was so soft. "My name is Ash, what's yours?"

"Mackenzie but you can call me Macy though," I told him.

"Macy," he said as if he was trying out the name for himself. Why does it sound like words were made for his mouth? "That's a beautiful name."

My cheeks heated. I looked at the ground so I didn't embarrass myself but I knew he could hear my heartbeat. "Thanks. So... um I need to go. My brother is expecting me. It was nice talking to you... Ash."


"So how was your date?" I asked as I approached the couple. Avery turned around first.

"It was fun," she commented. There was a cheeky glint in her eyes, she glanced at Elijah. I arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah it was great," Elijah agreed. They paid no admission to my eyebrow. I rolled my eyes instead.

"Should we get cracking?" I offered.

"Sure but where will we go?" Elijah asked. I bit my lip. You thought of a pretty decent plan Mackenzie but it wasn't that thought out was it?

Before I could reply the atmosphere felt unusually eery. I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath.

Not again.


Yes, I am fully aware that it has been 3 weeks. I just, I don't know, I haven't really been feeling this story lately and my little obsession with a certain celebrity isn't helping either?

Does anyone know the cure of getting over a celebrity? Please tell me. PLEEEEEEAAASEEEEEE!!!!!!

NEXT UPLOAD: I'm going to be honest and say next year! XD Good thing that's only next week right? Hahaha...



Love ya all, thank you for putting up with me :)

~ Ami xD
