Chapter 17 ~ Torment

Chapter 17 ~ Torment

* Macy's POV *

I don't think it could've been any worse. What I thought would have been an ambitious day turned into dangerous one. I had an unyielding grasp on my forearm and everything that went past me was blurry as if I was in a dream. I tried to struggle to free myself and I knew that Elijah was doing the same but we were no match.

I stopped resisting after a moment. I waited until we stopped because I knew they weren't going to run forever. It seemed to be a long time and it appeared that we were on a fickle path because we seemed to be going in and out forests. I knew that was all a ploy. It would make everything ten times harder for when the family tries to find us. But with family in mind, everything seemed to slow down and I was no longer attached to the word. The thought of family knocked the air out of me so when Narissa let us go, I crashed forward.

"Our guests," she sneered.

I never got to rub the part of my head that had hit the tree because I was whisked up. I tugged against the person but stopped. It was Elijah. We faced our captors, Elijah gave them a dangerous look and I just stared blankly. I noticed that there was another man and that he looked relatively similar to Narissa, just twice as dangerous.

What now?

Elijah seemed to know the answer to that because as soon as his head turned to me I read his mind. "I'm sorry," Elijah started. "But we have no intention to stay."

We sped off. We had an advantage; Elijah transformed them in humans so we couldn't be captured. And it helped that we didn't have a scent. I don't know where Elijah was taking us but it was taking an awfully long time and I was afraid that maybe our plans will be foiled.

We heard a bloodcurdling scream which halted us. We were in a place that looked like exactly where we had ran from. The winds were strong so when you looked up you could see the trees dancing and the leaves, they made a huge canopy above us so not even a glimmer of daylight escaped through.

I looked around, doubting that I had heard something screaming for their life. But I heard it against, it was louder and it was familiar. "Eli... is it only me who can...?"

Elijah shook his head. We heard the scream once more and then I realised who it was. "Mom?" I voiced. I took a step forward, Elijah tried to hold me back. It then came to view. Was it real? Was it fake?

"MOM!" I shrieked. I tried to run forward but Elijah didn't let me. Mom was in front of us lying, dying. Sweat covered her face, blood drenched her clothes, she fought so desperately for... us?

Before I could see the first baby leaving her womb, there was a jerk in her lower abdomen and it nearly killed her. It was Elijah's bite. I didn't understand what was going on, how could I see this? I wasn't there when it happened and neither is it happening now.

Elijah tugged on to me, we were about to go onto another run. We ran, we dodged the trees to find any means of daylight. But we stopped again, just before we were about to collide into Dad. He stood tall. His eyes were accusing and glared down at us. He spoke.

"You killed her," He spat. "Both of you. You killed your Mother."

I let go of Eli. I retreated back but hit a surface. I turned, expecting to see a tree but I saw Grandma instead. I stood motionless. "Grandma...?"

Her eyes were unforgiving. "You stole Amelia away from us. You killed her."

To overcome my fright, I lost my balance and fell down in a swoon. I looked back up and I saw that Grandpa had accompanied her. "If we can't have Amelia, we don't want you."

"You so selfishly wanted life when it wasn't yours to have. You killed your Mother." It was another voice, it was Ness. The three stared down at me, I became paralysed with guilt. I tried to tell myself that I was conceived and it was not my fault. That what they were saying made no sense.

Nothing made it hurt less. I looked down, I couldn't command my legs to get up and run. I covered my face with my hands and tried to block out the voices. But they started in my mind, I didn't have to hear them with my ears. They repeated themselves again and again and again. I was a murderer, I killed my Mom, I didn't deserve to be alive...

The whole family joined in and each torment only added more fire to my heart. "ENOUGH!" I screamed. The voices stopped.

It was all in my head, I told myself. Pull yourself together Macy.

"Mackenzie dear." I instantly looked up. It was Mom. She sat, crouched opposite me.

I wished with all my heart that it really was her. Tears fell from my eyes like rivulets. I reached my hand out to confirm my suspicious. Mom was only a vision. But she was here, so it could mean something.

"I loved you Mackenzie," she whispered.

"I love you too Mom." I then realised what she had said, she loved me. I waited for what she had to say.

"Why did you kill me?" My breath hitched, a chill ran down my spine. That did it. I screamed, wanting nothing more than to escape this nightmare. I watched Mom disintegrate in the air and heard the voices come back.

"Stop, please," I whimpered. I remembered Elijah and looked to the side. He wasn't there. I stumbled up, my legs seemed to weigh the world. I looked around. "Eli? Where are you? Don't leave me."

He wasn't around. I wished he didn't get the same treatment as I did but I just knew that he did. And things will only be worse for him. I leaned against a tree and clutched my head in despair.

"That'll teach you not to run away." My head whipped up. Narissa confronted me, with the additional man from before who held onto Elijah and there was a girl. She was young, no older than 14, she had sun kissed skin and unruly blonde hair. Her eyes were blazing red.

There was no sign of Aro.

"Due to your stupid decision I have no choice but to split the two of you up," Narissa announced. Her voice was nasally and I could tell, by the mechanical way she spoke, that English was not her first language. "But now is the time for introductions." She pointed at the man.

"This is my good brother Nolan. He has the power to undo powers so if any of get any reckless ideas..." Her eyes gave me the warning. I nodded. "Good."

She paced around leisurely. She stood behind the short female and pressed her hands into her shoulder blades. "And this is Selestia. She has the power to haunt, that explains your visions. So if you think about misbehaving, at least you know your punishment."

I supposed I was glad that I was given an explanation. It made it easier to tell myself that what the visions said were false. Narissa sauntered towards me, she placed her hand on my forearm. "We ask you two to cooperate. That way you will not get hurt. Aro will be coming soon and then you will get the answers you desire. For now, Elijah will stay with Nolan and Mackenzie, you will stay with Selestia. Now get a move on, your accommodation awaits."

* Elijah's POV *

It all seemed to be too well planned. They had accommodation for us. They were expecting us. But how could that go unseen with the rest of the family. My stomach sank. I knew that the family with try their hardest to find us but I knew I couldn't solely depend on their actions for Macy's and I's freedom.

I cursed myself for that first moment of weakness. For our first escape we were never going to get far and that is only myself to blame. Macy got tortured because of me. And now there is nothing I could to do help her. Or even assure her that we can escape this. I knew that Macy is a lot stronger than I think, but she is my sister and it's my duty.

Right now I am stuck in a hotel room. I didn't really understand why they would bother. We are a factor of revenge that the Volturi wants to bestow on the Cullens. And they were winning.

I sat on the bed, staring at the dull wallpaper and trying to make a pattern out of the dots. I saw nothing. I threw myself back so I was lying on the bed. It was stuffy in the room but Nolan personally barred the window so I didn't get any ideas. He, at the moment, was in the room next to me. Giving me privacy. I doubted that though, I knew my every breath was being monitored. So I sighed in despair and thought of how to get out of this predicament.

But my thoughts took me to Avery. A soft smile sat comfortably on my lips. I missed simply looking at her and thought that maybe falling in love was a curse. It feels like heaven but hurts like hell.

I miss her and there's nothing else I could say. I just miss her. If I could just have one thing in the world right now it would be her next to me. We'll be talking and we'll be smiling. And then, even being in this room would be a heaven.


I'm so sorry. I really wanted this chapter to be longer but I have nothing else to add. I added Elijah's point of view to make things even longer. Forgive me. I have failed you guys again.

How's my writing style? Something tells me it's changed....

NEXT UPLOAD: I update when I update!

Dedication goes to ladeedawith34 a while ago she made a video in tribute to Amelia. It's on the side if you want to watch it!

Comment... your age. I'm curious about the age audience this story has attracted? I'm 16 :)

Ciao! ~ Ami xD
