Chapter 26 ~ Captive

Chapter 26 ~ Captive

* Macy's POV *

Everything went from bad to worse, or even from worse to even more worse. I did not know if they had plenty experience in the kidnapping department because on their part they did a pretty good job. I had lost hope completely and honestly, I didn't even know if I wanted to be saved. What was the point? The Volturi had won whatever they were hoping to win. My family had no chance against them. The only good thing was that they stopped moving around so much and they left us be. We wouldn't even bother to escape anymore.

I wasn't even convinced that I was being looked after anymore. I had a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome so a small selfish part of me wouldn't mind staying here forever. Even though I was half in love with him before this began. He did pay me visits but never said anything or met my eye. Everything seemed so painful for him, if only he knew what I felt.

They still denied me of sleep somehow. I didn't even fall asleep in fear of seeing the tortuous images again. Also due to the lack of sleep my senses were slowly giving up on me. I could only hear if I tried extremely hard and I was too tired to open my eyes. It didn't help that I kept on getting visions of different places. But really I couldn't find that I cared. We were deep in a cabin, probably in the middle of nowhere so no one would stumble upon us on accident.

I wondered if Elijah was close to me. The thought was definitely enlightening.

 I looked at my hands and saw his instead. They were dirty like mine and weak, but he managed to flex his. I also heard a quiet whisper in my mind that was also part of the vision too. I think I'm missing him too much.

Come on Macy I know you’re there. It’s me Elijah, can’t you see at least part of me?

My eyebrows furrowed I was somewhat certain that his voice was deliberate, how could I make something up? If he could communicate with me couldn't I do the same?

* Elijah’s POV *

I was almost certain that we were in the same place because her surroundings and my own were identical. I knew that the constant stream of visions weren’t just my mind playing games on me. They were too real and they didn’t have any resemblance of Selestia’s horrors either. I thought maybe we were born with twin powers. The idea hadn’t really been explored before, especially as we’re the only set of hybrid twins but I couldn’t think of any other explanation.

The thought gave me some sort of ease. I knew that Macy was more or less in the same condition as I, which in its own ways weren’t too comfortable but at least she was still alive. I wanted to communicate with her, maybe we’ll be able to locate each other. However I guessed that the power was two sided.

I flexed my hands in front of me, concentrating on invading her vision. She sat still. I tried to send some kind of telepathic message asking her about her whereabouts. I could imagine her thinking that it was just her mind fooling her.

Come on Macy I know you’re there. It’s me Elijah, can’t you see at least part of me?

She was already still but now she was frozen. Had she heard me?


I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was right all along, I didn’t sound like a fool in my mind.

Macy where are you?!

I’m in a cabin… Elijah are you actually there? Or am I talking to myself?

I smiled. I had never wanted to hear her voice so much. My dearest sister.

I’m in a cabin too and I think we’re alone. We need to break out.

How? What if they find us?

It doesn’t matter the worst thing that could happen is confinement again. We have to try.

No. They’re going to find us! My heart clenched slightly, she was scared. I needed to get to her.

Macy, be brave. I’ll try to get you. Can you show me where you are?

Okay. She showed me pictures of her whereabouts, it was a lot clearer now that we both understood, to an extent, what was going on. With growing elation, I tried to stand myself up. I failed the first time and tripped over my own two feet. I used a piece of wood that jutted from the wall to hoist myself up. I knew that I was tired and I should just give up. But how could I when my sister is so close? Maybe the family haven’t been successful but that doesn’t mean I have to give up completely. We can try to save ourselves.

The miniscule room I was in was empty. I had a little bit of a shock when I stepped on broken glass. I cursed the holes in the soles of my shoes. I leaned against the door frame to lift my foot one by one to brush away the glass. As I was just about to straighten myself, the door frame collapsed. My eyes widened, I moved quickly so I didn’t fall on the glass but I dislodged and hit a wall which, in my opinion, seemed to randomly appear. I groaned and got myself back up. I dusted myself off and, more cautiously this time, moved along the abnormally long cabin. Most of it was unlit so I couldn’t see where I was going at all but I didn’t let stop me. I tried to call out to Macy but my voice couldn’t go louder than a whisper.

It seemed to be forever before I finally reached some light. I actually amazed myself, I went a lot further than I thought was physically possible, especially as I was mindlessly flapping my arms around so I didn't bump into anything.

I saw a sheen of daylight, it was a stripe and it soared across the room. I looked ahead and saw that the narrow corridor had a several light rays equally distanced apart. I took a step forward, still anxious about the glass and eventually I heard a weak heartbeat. I tried to stop myself from smiling, I hadn't seen her yet and I didn't want to get ahead of myself. As quietly and quickly as possible, I lumbered down. She was in a cell like I was. I pressed my hand on the doorframe and cleared my throat. She looked up.

Her eyes were teary from exhaustion, her shoulders sagged from fatigue and her hair was messier than I had ever seen it but I was happy. "Mackenzie," I whispered excited. She gave me a small smile.


I walked over and offered her my hand so I could help her up. She was shaking a little and she took a little longer than me to balance herself but when she did she gave me a hug. I returned it and I could feel her weeping. I wanted to do the same thing but I chose not to. I wanted to be brave for her. "Shhh, Macy it's okay. I'm here now. We'll be fine." I rubbed her back to help reassure her. She looked up at me.

"I've missed you so much Eli. I'm not much without my twin you know, I had no one to laugh at my silly comments." I chuckled. I was so happy that all this hadn't ruined her.

"I've missed you. I was actually started to miss those comments as well, I never thought I'd say that." I let go of her and helped her wipe her tears away. I didn't realise that in the meanwhile tears had escaped my eyes too.

"You're such a genius for figuring out that weird vision thing you know," she said. "We have a twin power, that is beyond cool."

"Well I did inherit the brains, did I not?" Macy weakly punched my arm and rolled her eyes. She was still smiling though.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked. I gave her a look, I'm pretty sure it was evident what our plans were. She rolled her eyes again. "Okay, I get it we're leaving. How are we doing that genius?" My eyebrows knit together, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I walked out the cell and gazed around. There weren't any doors that weren't barricaded but there were windows.

I guided Macy down the corridor. The beams of light meant a way out, but the windows were narrow rectangles. On a normal day it would be effortless to create a big enough hole but today wasn't a normal day. If it was then surely we wouldn't have to do this?

"We're going to have to destroy the wall," Macy said. I turned to her, I didn't particularly want to do that but we didn't have a choice. Plus I wasn't convinced that time was on our side. I looked around for an object that could help us out and luckily, we came across a crowbar. Macy stood behind me as I striked the wall. The windows smashed and I managed to break through the wood but it wasn't enough. I needed to use my hands.  I rubbed my thumbs before clenching my fist. I bent my arm back and punched forward. I ended up travelling with the punch and tumbled out of the cabin and landed on the yellow grass. I took a deep breath of fresh air.

"You okay Eli?" Macy asked. I looked at my bloody, bruised hand and shrugged. It could have been worse.

"Yeah you can come on out. Be careful of the wood though." I got up and dusted myself off. I ripped a bit of my sleeve and used the material to wrap it around my hand. She hopped out. "You know, maybe you should've done the punching, you've done it before," I mumbled.

"I didn't want you to feel useless okay?" She teased. "Where are we going now?" My eyebrows knitted together again. Seriously, had I known earlier that we were going to break out I would have planned this a bit more.

"Our best bet is  to try communicate with someone. We've memorised the numbers, we just need money. It shouldn't be too hard to get, we look like homeless people." I jogged into the woods with Macy trailing behind. I knew that we didn't stand a chance if any of our captures came.

I don't know if it was fate or if we just had impeccable timing. Silence stretched in the field and as we, Macy and I, emerged from the trees and our family had just made their stance in front of the Volturi.


Haha I updated sooner than expected right? Yeah? Well please don't expect it again, it was just that I was in the mood so I thought I'd do it before a month goes. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I said that last chapter was the last filler kind of thing but I lied, I had forgotten about this chapter until I looked at the chapter plan powerpoint I made. Next chapter is when things happen.

NEXT UPLOAD: Erm...... I have no idea. Depends how free I am I guess!


I love you all you are such wonderful peoples.

Ciao ~ Ami xD
