Chapter 15 ~ Alliance

Chapter 15 ~ Alliance

* Amelia's POV *

The air was still. I blinked and then I did again and again. They were here and now they were gone. How? My gut instinct told me to sprint after them but I didn't know which way they had gone. It was almost like my tracking sense was taken away from me.

Everyone seemed to look stupidly at the space in front of Max almost as if they were going to reappear.

"Mackenzie! Elijah!" Max yelled. I could nearly hear the agony in his voice. Nearly.

Like Max and I, everyone wanted to run but it was like everyone had frozen. "Why can we not smell their scent?" Emmett asked confused.

"The kids are un-trackable on their own. We need Narissa's or Aro's scent," Max replied quietly.

"They're... un-trackable...? Then how did I come here?" I asked. Max looked at me, his eyes were accusing. "I used my power."

"Then use it now then," He seethed.

"I  can't. It's like it's vanished," I told him bluntly. He looked like he wanted to punch through a tree and something told me that he would, but later, when I am not around.

"How pathetic," he grumbled bitterly. I glowered at me. I knew he didn't believe what I was saying, but what hurt was that he thought that I would lie to him.

"She's telling the truth Max," Edward intervened. There was silence. I took this time to really pay attention of the 7 new arrivals. I was guessing that they were my biological family and my friends. The women tipped up their lips. A shorter, more stylish one waved sheepishly. My eyebrows furrowed and I tried to remember who she was. But all I had was Max's memories and I hadn't searched through those yet. I thought for a moment and tried to recall why she was so important. She must be my best friend. I gave a little wave back. She beamed.

I glanced at the group as a whole and it irked me that everyone before me looked as old as I did.

"So why are they un-trackable?" I inquired. I looked at Rosalie to answer me this. I knew with Max I would get nowhere.

"They were born with no scent to follow when lost," she replied. gave her a grateful look. She smiled back. "I suppose it's an alternation to your tracking power, eh? You can track anyone but they are un-trackable." I appreciated this. I felt like I was talking to Rosalie as if I had never left. Even though I called her Rosalie, not Mother in law.

"Narissa has the power to steal powers," I randomly blurted out. I wasn't aware that I had spoke until I had finished speaking. Max groaned loudly. He took a step towards me and gave me a look that made me think that I had died and I was currently in hell.

"This, is all your fault!" he accused harshly. My eyebrows rose alarmingly. Was he really going there?

"Enlighten me," I spat. "Did they run away again? Is this why they were here?" I glared back at him challengingly.

"They left to find you," he said. I ignored the way his venomous words tried to pierce my cold heart. I didn't feel a thing.

"Well maybe, if you let me stay a little longer, that wouldn't have happened." My voice was edging into dark sarcasm. His irises grew darker and he became incredibly tense. I wanted to smirk. I wanted to smirk to show how even if he didn't love me I still had power over him. Even if it was just royally pissing him off.

But it made me feel sad.

"You know nothing," he stated.

"I didn't only gain Aro's powers when I shook his hand Max," I said. Max grimaced at first but I could tell he was confused. I could almost hear the cogs working in his head. His eyes widened and he looked extremely vulnerable.

He looked cute.

He ran his hands over his face in defeat and almost as if he had betrayed himself. I just stared at him, unsure on what to say and unsure on what to do. "We need to find them," he said quietly. I exhaled slowly and took a cautious step forward.

"I'm coming with," I said firmly. The temporary, soft looking Max had evaporated. He glowered at me.

"You're sure as hell not," he refused. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You can't stop me Max. Either I go with you or we try and find them separately," I said solemnly. I gave him a challenging look and show that there was no way that I was going to back down. Yes, maybe he knew the children much more than I did, but I am still their Mother.

"Still so goddamn stubborn," he mumbled inaudibly. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Emmett stepped forward and placed his hand on his son's shoulder. He was smiling, like he was more than happy to say the words. "You'll have to make an alliance."


"I guess she took your power then," I stated softly. My gaze unfocussed momentarily. I looked away from my Mother and looked at Aubrey. She was still smiling even after I told her I didn't know who she was.

"Then how is anything possible? We don't know where we are going," Mother said. ,

"Well, according to Aro, Narissa can only steal someone's power in a region which is about 300 miles. So she'll either stay in that region or not," I said. "How exactly does your power work?"

"I have to hold onto someone to keep them hidden."

"At least we have something," I mused.

"It's a start," Aubrey agreed. It bothered me how she could still have that soft smile playing on her lips. Does nothing affect her negatively, is she an optimist?

Another thing I hated was how everybody spoke. Everyone's personality leaked with their voice. It gave them character. All I had was a monotone voice which, I suppose, mirrored everything about me. I was nothing. Even small characters in a short story had more meat than I did. It frustrated me.

But it made me like Max. I knew he wasn't an angry person but everything about him portrayed that. We both let ourselves go.

"Should we spilt?" Emmett asked. He was casually leaking against a tree, like nothing had happened. I tried to mimic his stance, I leaned back against some bark. I quickly jerked forward at the contact.

Max watched me curiously. "I think we should," he replied. I wanted to roll my eyes; he seemed to be acting like a big kid.

I ignored him. "Alice, how are the visions going?" I asked. I skirted past the pair in front of me and stood in front of Alice. Even though she stared at me dead in the eye I knew she wasn't really looking at me.

"Nothing," she whispered. You can tell she came out of her daze because her eyes softened. "There's too many blind spots, in our future and theirs." I scrunched up my lips but thanked her anyway. There was nothing that we could actually do.

Maybe we would have to split up. Even if we didn't know where we were going or what we were doing.

"How should we split?" I asked.

"I think in pairs," Rosalie piped up. "Though means of communication to one another will slim if there is trouble."

"Threes then? I think it would work. We can head in every direction," Edward added. Everyone nodded. I scanned the area and just wondered who I would be with.

"Max and Amelia are definitely going together and I really don't think they need a third person with them," Ness said. I wasn't even looking at her but I could hear a smile in her voice. A part of me was confused to what she hinted and another wanted squirm. Somewhere deep in my mind itched. I raised my hand to scratch my head but it didn't go. It was then I realised that it was another trigger.

I looked down and blocked out the world.

"What do you think?" He asked and then placed tender kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes and let myself feel them. I was melting even more, wherever he kissed lay a trail of sensation making me want more. I totally forgot about Cyan until she got off my lap and went elsewhere. I didn't stop the very quiet moan that escaped my mouth. I turned till I was leaning on him and then he leant back with me hovering over him again. His lips finally reached mine, we kissed passionately. I had a burning desire within me. I didn't want the feeling to leave.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I really didn't know what to think of the memory. I was evidently very young and having a gander at those feelings for the first time. I suppose that relates to right now. Especially as Ness was a part of that very memory.

I looked up and first saw Max. I felt disconnected with the world until my senses rekindled themselves. I heard him speak. "I am not going anywhere with her," he growled. I blinked a few more times. Even after the memory his words had no power over my emotions. I didn't care if I was with Max or not.

"What about your alliance?" she questioned challengingly. I liked Ness. She didn't put up with Max's rage and she was calm and didn't care.

"We don't even need her," he mumbled. Rosalie sighed. She placed her hand onto his shoulder. He shrugged her off. "She's no help to us; she's useless."

Even though I knew he was more convincing himself, I became exasperated. "Are you seriously starting this again? It's only been, say, ten minutes since we've made the alliance," I reminded vehemently. "Back off."

"Maybe it is a hint that you should leave then," he snarled. I looked at him straight in the eye. I don't know what kind of emotions were possessing him but it was goddamn annoying.

"I am not leaving. Do you want me to spell it out to you?" I spat. I flung my arms up and then placed them on my hips. I was proud of myself, it made me feel like I had more character. But Max stood as straight as a soldier, like he was ready for a battle that was only, really, against himself.

"Then stay out of my way," he demanded. I rubbed my temples. The moisture in the air and his consistent hatred was causing my head to pound.

"They're like an old married couple," Gabriel chided. My head shot to him. Eva had his arm linked and he stood there with a smirk. Something told me that even after all these years he looked the same. "Oh right, they are one." My eyebrows rose. I wanted to crack a smile because I knew Gabe's intentions. He wanted to irritate Max and maybe even remind him of the man he once was. I suppose everyone had a similar intention.

"No we're not," he denied. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, if you think you're such a big shot why don't you send them a telepathic message. Assure them that their father is looking for them. Or maybe ask them to leave us a hint or something so you can find them," I blurted out to him. I froze when I realised that it was actually a good idea. But I reconsidered that after the silence. Everyone stared at him.

Max had his eyebrows furrowed, he looked at nothing in particular and his jaw was set. A complete look of concentration. "I can't."

"She stole your power too," I stated. I glanced at everyone slowly. "Anyone else feeling power-less?"

There was a pause, almost everyone tried out their power - if they had one. I looked at Avery, I was first really acknowledging her since the departure of the twins. She looked torn, angry and confused. But she was silent and I knew that in the inside she was hurting the most. She looked up and met my gaze. I gave a small but assuring smile. She tried to smile back but it came out a grimace.

Everyone shook their head. I sighed in relief. "So they took the power which communicates to them, stops us from tracking them and the power that actually takes them away. Clever bastards," Emmett commented. Rosalie punched his arm softly at his choice of language. I liked their banter - now that was what you called an old married couple.

Suddenly I heard a rustle. Everyone then heard footsteps and we noticed that it was an a non human. The person turned around the corner of the derelict building to face us. Everyone slipped into a defensive stance, I quickly escaped it when I realised it was Ash. "It's only you Ash," I breathed out.

Everybody relaxed. "Am I intruding something?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, you are," Max snapped rudely. "Now leave." I whipped my head back to Max and gave him the deadliest look I could muster. He flinched.

"Sorry about him, he's a little out of sorts... everything okay Ash?" I said, still looking at Max. I looked back at him and tried to soften my look.

"Your children are missing aren't they?" He asked quietly. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, do you know where they are?" I asked urgently.

He paused. "I saw them by the coastline but they were moving fast," He said. I raked my brain for any possible link to a coastline, but I had nothing. Not even Max's or Aro's memories helped.

"Let's get going then," I spoke. I looked back at everyone. They looked almost as ready to leave as I did. "Shouldn't some stay here in case they come back?"

"We'll stay," Esme said gesturing to herself, Carlisle, Jacob and Ness. "Now go." She gave me a warm small. I smiled back and stepped back for someone to lead.  Max stepped forward.

"Let's go," he said and we went.


2300 and something words. Not bad for being a complete month and a two days overdue.... on the bright side, happy Valentine's day!

I'm super sorry for being the most horribliest (even though that is not a word) writer ever. I just... haven't been that motivated for writing at all lately so I'm just trying to rekindle it and honestly my cousins came down for two weeks (that's six extra people living in me house) and it was just hectic.

Whatcha guys think of Ash?

NEXT UPLOAD: I update when I update.....?

I love you guys, thanks for bearing with me.

Dedication goes to the one who figures out which chapter of Apocalypse I got the little extract from?


Ciao ~ Ami xD
