Ron Returns

" So, back to your 7th year" Loki hovers over her stand.

" That's next on the list" Harry raises his eyebrows.

" Yep," Loki nods.

" It just seems you are really out of order" Harry says.

" Or not organized," Hermione adds.

" Well, I'm sorry that I have a long list and I try to fit what everybody wants" Loki loses her temper.

" Well, damn" Ginny whispers.

" Who is everybody?" Hermione quirks an eyebrow.

" Something, a very nice something" Loki looks away.

" Interesting, back to the video" Harry tries to convert the conversation.

" Of course"

* Hermione wakes up*

" Aww, Granger's Sleeping" Draco cooed.

" The heck was that for" Ron looks at him.

" Oh, someone's offended" Draco snickers.

" He gets offended over every little comment about his play thing" Pansy whisper yells.

" I AM NOT HIS PLAY THING" Hermione shouts.

" My ears" Luna winces.


" Better come back," Fred says.

" Is everything alright?" Hermione steps out.

" No, your boyfriend's back" George snickers.

" He's not my boyfriend," Hermione whispers and then glares at him.

" It's fine, actually more than fine. " Harry says

" It actually isn't" Lucius rolls his eyes.

" I thought he got his sense back together, I wished too much" Bellatrix sighs.

" Hey" Ron smiles and starts to fade.

* Loki starts to pass around Food cart*

" Did he just say Hey" Pansy scoffs.

" If somebody did some messed up shit at me, accused me of having an affair with Potter and said 'Hey' to me, Personally Granger I wouldn't take that" Draco grabs a green apple and bites.

" I don't think I'm gonna take it" Hermione sighs and folds her arms.

" You" Hermione grabs his bag.

" Oh she's pissed" Ginny chuckles a bit.

" I don't even feel bad," Hermione laughs.

" I do" Neville raises a hand.

" Complete, Ronald Weasley" Hermione throws leaves at him.

" Go off," Pansy shouts.

" Beat his ass," Draco shouts after.

" Violence won't happen," Narcissa tells them.

" She wouldn't do that to somebody she loves," Luna says.

" Wait-what" Hermione turns to a smiling Luna.

" Um-anyway" Ron whistles, turning to the screen.

" You show up here after weeks and you say hey" Hermione hits him with the backpack.

" Poor Ronald" Dumbledore frowns.

" It's your fault" McGonagall tells him.

" What did you say, Minerva?" Dumbledore faces her.

" I agree, you gave such small information to work on" Snape tells him.

" Well, it's the chosen one" Dumbledore tries to defend himself.

" The Chosen one is a 17 year old boy" Snape reminds him.

" He was born to do this," Dumbledore says.

" Lily would not agree" Snape whispers the last thing.

" Where's my wand, Harry?" Hermione turns.

" Oh" Draco says.

" Oh, she's gonna finish him," Pansy cackles.

" You better give it" Ginny laughs.

" I will not," Harry says.

" Oh please don't" Ron begs.

" She probably has a bunch of unforgivables on the tip of her tongue," Fred chuckles.

" Oh, Harry don't give it" George whispers.

" I don't know" Harry backs to the tree.

" So he's afraid of Hermione Granger but not the Dark Lord" Pansy tilts her head.

" That says a lot," Draco nods.

" When she's angry, she's scary" Harry says.

" Prime example your nose" Ron points.

" Still crocked till this day" Ginny taps her nose to mock him.

" Oh, That was a great hit," Fred laughs.

" Harry Potter you give me my wand" Hermione yells.

" I don't have it"

" As much as he did, he doesn't deserve any spells cast his way" Luna frowns.

" Nope, personally I would cast a lot" Pansy huffs.

" So number 1 don't get Hermione angry" Neville counts.

" Ye,s you better respect that rule" Ginny points a finger at him.

" Yes for sure" Neville nods.

" Or you shall face the wrath of Hermione Jean Granger," Ginny whispers.

* Neville nods again and gulps*

" GRANGER DANGER" Fred shouts.

" How come he's got your wand?" Ron asks.

* Draco snickers*

" I hope you're not thinking of something else, Draco" Lucius says in a chilling voice.

" Of course not , Father" Draco clears his throat.

" Never mind. Why does he got my wand? What's that?" Hermione got closer to him.

" The Destroyed Locket" Bellatrix rolls her eyes.

" You Destroyed it" Hermione realizes.

" No shit, Sherlock" Draco takes another bite from his apple.

" Okay, enough with the vulgar language" Narcissa warns him.

" I actually thought you would let me with it" Draco frowns.

" I was just about to warn you too," McGonagall tells him.

" Oh great" Draco rolls his eyes.

" How is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?"

" It's a long story" Dumbledore says.

" It started with a random doe" Pansy starts the chain.

" He followed the doe" Neville says.

" The doe led him to a Lake" Luna says.

" Potter got naked," Draco says while stifling a laugh.

" Why did you single that one out and I wasn't naked" Harry turns to him.

" I am still keeping that line" Draco glares.

" There was the sword of Gryffindor in the lake" Ron says.

" Harry entered the lake and started to drown" Hermione says.

" Ron grabs his ass-"

" I did not grab his ass, Ginny," Ron glares at her.

" Fine" Ginny rolls her eyes while hiding a laugh " Ron SAVES his ass"

" And the locket opens and Potter and Granger are eating their faces off and Weasel-bee destroys it and the end" Draco smiles.

" You are very nice story tellers" Harry claps."Except you know the blonde wig."

" It's not a wig," Draco growls." Or Bleached"

" It's a long story" Harry says.

" I said that," Dumbledore smiles brightly.

" Don't think this changes anything" Hermione walks off.

" Walk off" Pansy shoos 'her' away.

"Queen except you're not a Queen" Draco laughs.

" Of course not, I only just destroyed a ruddy Horcrux. Why would that change anything? I wanted to come back as soon as I left and just didn't know how to find you" Ron explains.

" Wait then how did he find us?" Hermione raises her eyebrows thinking.

" We just seemed to ignore that possibility" George looks down at his nails.

" This, it doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it works but Christmas morning I was sleeping in a little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers and I heard it"

" It?" Harry asks.

" What is 'it'" Harry asks.

" We're gonna know soon" Neville whispers.

" A voice. Your voice Hermione coming out of here" Ron says.

" Well, he likes her voice doesn't he?" Bellatrix scoffs.

" Pathetic blood traitors" Lucius shakes his head in annoyance.

" He's a simp for her voice" Draco makes kissing noises.

" Your disgusting" Ron spats.

" What exactly did I say, may I ask?" Hermione asks.

" She has every right to know," McGonagall says.

" I do," Hermione smirks.

" Now, spill" Ginny says to on screen Ron.

"My name. Just my name like a whisper so I took it, clicked it, this tiny ball of light appeared I knew sure enough floated toward me. The ball of light and went right to my chest straight through me right here. I knew it was gonna take me where I needed to go so I separated it, came to this hillside it was dark I had no idea where it was, just hoped that...he would show yourself, he did" Ron speaks.

" Wow, I would cry but your talking about love to ugly Granger" Draco insults.

" That's you, your type is literal trash" Ron retorts.

" Oh, he just called your girlfriend trash. Panscake how do you feel" Ginny points her hand shaped like a microphone to Pansy.

" Oh shut up Weaslette" Pansy's facial expressions look angry.

" That was a powerful love speech," Luna says.

" My future self says thank you" Ron smiles.

" So your official?" Luna asks.

" WHAT" Hermione and Ron scream.

" I assumed-"

" No,No No" Ron and Hermione deny.

* Harry looks away*

" He's really thinking how beautiful that speech was," Neville says.

" Cause it was and I called my brother dumb.. he still is" Ginny wipes fake tears.

" It just takes love," Harry smiles fondly.

* Hermione and Ron Look at each other*

* Clip ends*

" They are endgame ,nobody tell me otherwise" Dumbledore crosses his arms and pulls away.

" Probably the reason why Dumbledore asked Harry if he liked Hermione," Luna says.

" Oh, That's a good though to it" Hermione nods.

" To know who to give it to" George realizes.

" He knew Weasley was gonna make a bat shit crazy scene" Draco burst out laughing.

" Language" Narcissa warns her son.

" Sorry Mum-"
