Why Harry Potter is not in Ravenclaw

" So, This video is another clip of Things" Loki explains.

" Of Who?" Harry asks.

" You" Loki points.

" Oh Great" Draco sighed.

" I mean, he is the main character," Loki tells him.

" Of Course because it's Harry Potter," Draco scoffs.

" Maybe Voldemort should have killed your parents, Miraculously survived, get abused by your aunt's family, then soon figure out about magic and then proceed to meet a Blonde Prat who only cares nothing but himself" Loki scolds.

* The Slytherins gasp*

" Loki-" Lucius glares at her.

" Hey, I didn't wish Death on anybody" Loki protests.

" Sounded like it" Draco says Frustrated.

" You're still talking" Loki sighs as she plays the video.

* Harry Picks up Letters as Caption says reasons why Harry Potter is not in Raven claw*

" So we're insulting me now" Harry shakes his head.

" This will be quite the video" Hermione chuckles to herself.

" I Take that Back, I will enjoy the video" Draco shouts.

* Harry is trying to catch a letter from the sky*

* Caption says didn't just grab a letter of the floor*

" I Know I may be dumb at times.. but Harry" Ron turns to him" What was going on?"

" I found it Fun, I probably wasn't thinking straight" Harry shrugs.

" Priorities" Pansy scoffs.

" You could do better," Ginny says.

" We'll take the lot" Harry brings out some gold coins.

" Wow," Ron says.

" Never seen those Weaselbee, up close" Draco laughs.

" Mr. Malfoy," McGonagall says.

* Draco turns to him*

" Nobody wants to hear you speak," McGonagall says.

* Caption says wasted all his money on candy and didn't save any for the other kids*

" Rude," Narcissa says.

" No, Wonder I didn't get any" Neville says.

" Were you planning to get anything?" Luna asks.

" I actually don't think so," Neville recalls.

" Red Chocolate and Peppermint, and I Think so" Ron says.

" Do you think He's really asleep?" Harry asks.

" No, He's Dead" Pansy laughs.

" Shut up" Loki Growls.

" Seems To Be, Why?" Hermione replies.

* Caption says Tells His Friends extremely confidential information with a random professor sitting in the compartment*

" Now, That's stupid... I can't lie, " Ginny says.

" I appreciate your Honesty" Harry sighs, nodding.

" That is quite concerning behavior" Snape says.

" Imagine he mistakenly gives information to a Death Eater," McGonagall says.

" He won't," Dumbledore assured them.

" I have to tell you something" Harry closes the compartment.

" Turn This Water into rum" Seamus says.

" Is that even a spell?" George asks.

" Appreciate the fact he's trying to make rum," Fred says.

" You Know what I should" George looks back at the screen.

* Seamus tries an actual spell*

" Now That sounds like a spell" George points out.

" What is Seamus Trying to do with that Glass of Water" Harry asks.

" Didn't you- I knew Potter was a mental one. He can't stand a chance against the Dark Lord" Bellatrix cackles.

"Is This Bitch aware of the future?" Harry asks Hermione.

" No"

" Right"

" Turn into Rum" Ron responds.

" Wow, Ron is so smart" Hermione claps.

" I am a smart lad myself, I just don't boast about it" Ron smiles.

" That's It. Very Good and remember to speak very clearly" Molly warns him

" Diagon Alley" Harry says as the caption puts a bunch of letters.

" What The F- did he say" Draco asks making sure he didn't cuss.

" Diagon Alley" Luna replies.

" That's what He said?" Neville raises his eyebrows.

" Yes, At least that's what I heard" Luna nods.

* Harry gets Broom*

* Caption says received obviously Broomstick Shaped Package*

" These are From-" Hermione says.

" Shut up" Pansy yells.

" Nobody asked you Pug Face Parkinson" Hermione whispers.

" It's a Broomstick," Harry says.

" No Shit" Draco says.

" Draco" Narcissa and Lucius look at him.

" Disgracing The Malfoy's Family name round 4" Harry snickers.

" I am pretty sure it's more," Ginny adds.

* Caption says Harry Pulls out wand in front of a bunch of muggles*

" I never heard about this" Hermione looks at Harry who looks down full of Guilt.

" Wow, trying to expose us" Draco looks at him.

" When did this Happen?" Dumbledore asks.

" This Summer" Loki says.

" Mr. Potter" Snape calls.

" Don't Talk to me Snape" Harry yells.

" See, This is how we teach our future generations to behave" Lucius looks at Dumbledore.

" What a Disgrace" Narcissa scoffs.

" Clearly Potter, Needs some mental Training" Pansy scoffs.

" Well This is Bad" Ginny finally says as Bellatrix's cackles lighten down.

*Caption says Backs into a Clearing while being chased by a Werewolf*

" That makes The Mudblood also not fit for Ravenclaw" Bellatrix remarks as a huge force hits her.

" Ohh That actually Hurts" Bellatrix touches her ribs.

" I mean we all make mistakes," Fred says.

" and one of them was Backing into that clearing" Luna adds.

" Savage Luna," Ron says.

" Well said," Ginny smiles.

" Do you really think there is going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asks.

" Ewww" Bellatrix yells.

" Aww Sirius Alive" George frowns.

" Were going to ignore Harry being a dumb Fuck and focus on Sirius ok" Draco nods.

" Yes," McGonagall stares at him.

" That's a Wise Thought" Neville whispers to Himself.

* Zooms Into Sirius Speechless*

" What is the whole point of Voldemort?" Hermione turns to Harry.

" To Kill me" Harry says.

" and" Hermione urges him to speak.

" For Pureblood supremacy" Harry adds.

" So why do you think he's killing people?" Hermione now asks.

"... For Fun" Harry raises his eyebrows.

" Your joking," Hermione tells him.

" Is That your savior?" Lucius chuckles.

* Caption Reads Daily Prophet in public*

" You have to be shitting me" Pansy sighs.

" Can he get any more stupid" Snape says.

" I can," Harry responds.

" Who's Harry Potter?" Waitress asks.

" That Motherfucker actually" Draco points.

" If I hear you say another word, I will Beat the living hell out of you" Lucius says sternly as Draco gulps.

" Draco's going mute yay" Loki cheers.

" No One" Harry replies.

" No one Indeed" Pansy smiles.

* Opens Book of Half Blood Prince*

* Caption says Doesn't recognize handwriting of teacher for the last 6 years*

" How did you not notice Snape's writing?" George asks.

" I don't know," Harry responds.

" Because he's a Dumbass" Pansy shouts.

" You watch your language too" Narcissa points at her

*Caption says Opens The door when there's a 50% chance it could be a Death eater to kill him*

" It would be me," Bellatrix smiles.

" Or me" Lucius points.

" I would cry," Neville says.

" I think any sane person would, Mate" Ron replies to him.

* Captions Says use a random spell for the first time with no idea what it does*

" The Biggest Fuck up in History" Ginny notes.

" Do I need to warn you about your Language?" Narcissa scolds her.

" No, My Brothers do enough of that" Ginny offers a smile.

" We actually don't" George and Fred Fist Bump each other.

" Wasn't That Draco" Lucius points.

" It was me," Draco whispers.

" You Tried To Kill My Nephew, you filthy half blood" Bellatrix yells.

" We will discuss this major Fuck up,Later" Loki ends the conversation.

" Unsulfured it" Hermione says.

" Hermione, His arm" Harry says.

" We get it," Dumbledore says.

" He's not supposed to be In Ravenclaw" McGonagall says.

" He doesn't belong there, but he would have been great," Luna smiles.

" I know just do it," Hermione says.

* Caption says Thanks for the observation Harry*

" Your welcome" Harry smiles, then rolls his eyes.

" So Harry is obviously not in Ravenclaw"

" We Knew that for a while" Neville says.

" But guess what. I am"

" Congrats" Luna smiles.

" I guess" Hermione claps slightly.

*Clip ends*

" That was a nice Loot," Luna smiles.

" Indeed, I'm jealous," Ginny huffs.
