Tweets & Memes

" So this is one of my favorite segments. We will be reacting to tweets and memes" Loki squealed.

The theater were Giving weird Looks at the mention of Tweets and Memes.

" Wha-" Harry was cut off by Loki.

" Tweets are microblogging messages that is a form of social media that the public can read and a meme is a Funny picture or video created by people" Loki explained.

" Oh" Harry said as the Theater gave a bunch of nods.

" Now for our very first Tweet" Loki smiled. 

* The theater chuckles*

" I can't lie, Voldemort did Look good as a teen" Hermione laughed.

" I agree just because of some stupid Horcruxes he ruined his face" Loki rolled her eyes.

"Horcruxes?" Everybody practically yells except for the Professors who look eye to eye.

"You Don't need to know that anyway, Next Tweet" Loki says. 

* The Theater was speechless nobody made a sound except for Draco smirking obviously*

" I am confused on why somebody would like Malfoy," Ron says annoyed.

" Oh come on you're just jealous that none of the girls fancy you" Draco smiled.

" To answer your question Ron , Girls Love a Bad Boy and Emma Watson said it herself" Loki explained.

" How can you like a bully?" Hermione asks quite annoyed with this tweet.

" I said it bAd bOyS" Loki smirked. " I have had some experience especially where my name comes from you know you know, you don't you don't"

Harry nodded understanding, still confused on how anybody would like Draco.

" I won't hesitate to say that Draco has a lot of Fangirls" Loki added which gained an eye roll from Ron and a Huge smirk on Draco.

" Perhaps Bigger than Harry's," Loki added.

"What!?!"Ron and Harry scream.

" Anyway" Loki Hurriedly removed the tweet. 

" AHHH YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT ONE" Loki removes the Tweet " That's for later".

" It said Horcruxes again" Neville pointed out.

" Smart-ass" Loki whispers, still being heard in the theater " I will not explain until I show you some of your Movie Clips into the future to understand what 'Horcruxes ' are".

The Theater nodded, still not trusting her statement.

" Now This is what I call a meme" Loki explained pulling up the next photo

* Draco was mostly the one snickering while there was a bunch of Disgusted Faces*

" I didn't need to hear that one," Hermione said frustrated.

" That was pretty smooth," Draco commented.

" He Should have replied back at least the Girl would have felt accomplished." Ginny says.

" Oh My" McGonagall says to Dumbledore.

Snape was rolling his eyes annoyed at being here.

" I will from now on use that statement " Draco Laughed a little appreciating the meme.

" If This is what a meme is, I don't want to hear anymore. I'll stick with The tweets" Hermione says.

" No, I just chose a really naughty meme," Loki says, removing the meme. " Oh This tweet" Loki laughs as The Theater was scared on what she was going to show them. 

*Ron Slowly gets up and starts marching towards Draco as most of the audience's mouth opens with Shock*.

" Oh My Drama " Dumbledore smiles at McGonagall who was scared for Malfoy's life.

* Malfoy was pulling off a smirk trying to hide how scared he was before Loki stopped Ron*

" Ron I command you to sit down, I will explain some things " Loki stared at Ron who Looked at Ron and Back at her Ghostly Figure before sitting back down at a relieved Hermione.

" This Tweet user has my name" Snape noticed in a monotone voice.

" Yes we will see a lot of Tweets from Him because He is very funny at personating you" Loki Laughs as Snape keeps a straight face.

" Anyway I Just wanted to say like Emma had said before Tom sees Emma as a sister. These are their Actors not you. So Stop being an overprotective Boyfriend if your girlfriend wants to join The Dark Side Bad Boys" Loki Rolled her eyes.

* The Theater Laughed*

" He is not my Boyfriend not even Malfoy," Hermione says.

" Not Yet" Loki winks that was noticed Faintly as Hermione wondered who she was talking about. 

" Seriously Though" Ginny Laughs.

" We need to educate people that losing your nose is not worth genocide of muggle blood" Fred says as George agrees on.

" People have so much Hatred in their hearts" Harry sighs.

" Including one in this room" Ron Looks at Draco who scoffs.

"Anyway, Let's continue." Loki speaks up. 

" Pottah has gone rouge" Draco Laughs.

"Oh my He Looks like some Serial Killer" McGonagall says.

"Please Don't Tell me that's me in the future" Harry Looks down Disappointed.

" Oh Of course not" Loki Looks at his Direction " That's Just Daniel Radcliffe in another movie he was the one that really went rouge"

Harry sighed in relief.

" I would have started ending our friendship at the spot mate if that was your future" Ron says biting on a chicken as Hermione and Harry give him weird glances.

" Any who this is our Last Tweet & Meme before we react to more things" Loki smiles

*Theater laughs but especially Dumbledore as Snape and Draco rolls their eyes"

" That was truly unfair and was picking favorites" Draco Addresses.

" I agree with The Malfoy Boy" Snape says.

" Well it was well deserved to Harry Potter and His Friends" Dumbledore smiles.

" I agree They showed Bravery not Snitching" McGonagall looks at Draco who is purely annoyed.

" It was a nice moment," Neville smiles.

" Honestly" George and Fred laughed at the same time.

" That's our last Tweet & Meme" Loki says as The Theater is seen to be sad.

" Don't worry all is well we will have another Tweets & Meme's session" Loki tells them as they Brighten up " We have a video to react to" Loki moves back to her stand. 
